Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Aug 30, 2022 at 8:20 PM Post #98,792 of 154,248
Even my car does that. And that project was led by a fantastic engineer, Tadge Juechter [], who mostly got things right. "No we won't do cruise control pacing, it's a sports car".
It seems that a strong lead with both self-knowledge and customer understanding is essential here. In the C8, most switches have a different tactile experience from the gear selector, to the HVAC controls. And it works well, at least IMO. It's very much a 'eyes out' car, especially with the Heads Up Display. I find it ironic that many cars are introducing HUD along with other automation that invites, nay almost enforces, a lack of attention on the road ahead!!
I know the newest Golfs (and I am sure spreading through the rest of the VAG family soon) go the opposite method - all touch sensitive areas on the wheel and console avoiding buttons - menu to get to HVAC, menu to audio, etc. All while studies keep showing buttons over screens.
As if drivers need more distractions...
There aren't enough electronic nannies to compensate for lack of attention. I'd be surprised if a cellphone wasn't somehow involved in this -
I need to show this to a coworker and ask if this is why his C8 in a similar color has under 500 miles on it and its not because it only goes to church when it does not look like rain.
Aug 30, 2022 at 9:31 PM Post #98,793 of 154,248
Correct me if I am wrong (again!) but can one not just use any CD player with a digital (coax or Toslink) out to make said player work as a transport? I have two Integra DPS-5.5 players that I feed to digital inputs on my Emotiva XDA-2 and a Denon AVR-S960. I never thought about that making both players just transports.

I am probably incorrect-o-mundo but thought it best to ask! Thank you!

Oh! And the Lyr+ is rather fetching in either colour but I favour the black with the silver shield when the tube is out. I doubt it would ever be out with me as I like the glow. :ksc75smile:

Yup, you can and that’s what I’m going to do. I figured I’d get the Urd for the looks, high likelihood of quality and a decent warranty, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t exist yet as a commercial product so….
Aug 30, 2022 at 10:25 PM Post #98,794 of 154,248
Aug 30, 2022 at 10:34 PM Post #98,795 of 154,248
I recently broke out my 20+ year Rega Planet CD player and ran a coax to Yggy. It sounded like it was out of focus compared to my Oppo UDP-203. I would’ve thought the unique transport of the Rega might’ve done better. It sounded great back when I bought it. But the Oppo just smoked it.
Aug 30, 2022 at 10:35 PM Post #98,796 of 154,248
if you are completely bonkers and want to use a tube that costs more than the amp itself.

At what tube price point do you consider it bonkers to continue to use the Vali 2? $149+? Does the amp always have to cost more to match the tube cost? Thanks in advance.
Aug 30, 2022 at 10:58 PM Post #98,797 of 154,248
But your counter argument actually supports my case!!
In that instance the pilots did not realize that auto throttle was not engaged early on the approach and spend so much attention on attempting diagnosis as to why the aircraft went below the glide path that the didn't fly the plane.
I agree that Europe has much stronger training and testing environment(s) than the US. After nearly killing myself my first year of commercial driving (I was 18) I spent a long time training with police class 1 drivers in England leading to passing the Institute of Advanced Motorists driving exam and then becoming an instructor.

My CA driving test got a fail. Why? Because after demonstrating that I could reverse along the kerb in the DMV car park, I didn't use my indicator (turn signal to my US readers) to pull away from a kerb in a deserted car park. Part of the advanced driving ethos is providing signals when useful to other road users (yes, including pedestrians) and I usually still abide by that 50 year old training. When I lapse and signal when we are the only road user and Ms Jody is in the car, she will tease me with "Ah, becoming an American huh?" or some such similar jibe. She also comments if I use someones drive entrance to turn around (in the UK, were guns allowed, such an offense would result in an instant response.)
So, if all automation is turned off, how CAN I reverse my car? It isn't a mirror, it's a camera. And if you suggest using mirrors to reverse, when I do that - routinely I might add - Americans react as though Yoda has given me some of his powers!!!

There is an adage that we can borrow from aviation - the need to FIRST fly the plane! In a car - so far - it's easy. Hitting the brake disconnects all (at least as far as my experience goes) automation and you DRIVE THE CAR.

Back to Asiana, the pilots didn't throttle up until too late in the approach, yet that option, manual throttle control (fly the plane), existed all the way down the approach.
Iirc, wasn’t part of the Asiana landing a crew input (cultural) fail? coming from an ICBM background, the crew aspect is vital in command and control situations is vital, and the ability/willingness for the deputy/copilot to speak up in a mandate. Didn’t happen there, though the copilot may have understood and recognised the problem. Or am I remembering wrongly?
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Aug 30, 2022 at 11:17 PM Post #98,798 of 154,248
At what tube price point do you consider it bonkers to continue to use the Vali 2? $149+? Does the amp always have to cost more to match the tube cost? Thanks in advance.
I think it is up to individualized madness. Go wild.
The Vali 2 (and iterations) is such a small, simple device. It is almost like the baby Folkvangr.

Today I ordered a Ragnorak v2 (I have a v1), Lyr+, and Bifrost 2/64. Don't listen to me.
(Folkvangr already ordered)
Aug 30, 2022 at 11:59 PM Post #98,799 of 154,248
Question for everyone: I have an acquaintance in Richmond (VA) who has some pretty high end gear and cans, and he’s always been scared of Schiit as it’s priced too low to be any good. Anyone in the area willing to let him have a listen? Seems a good guy, but needs a Bit of education. Obv I really am asking for a friend!
Aug 31, 2022 at 12:09 AM Post #98,800 of 154,248
I see the new line of Schiit products from Tyr to Loki Max to Lyr to Lisst and I must say that the design of Schiit is timeless. Never goes old.
Very nice!
Aug 31, 2022 at 12:18 AM Post #98,801 of 154,248
At what tube price point do you consider it bonkers to continue to use the Vali 2? $149+? Does the amp always have to cost more to match the tube cost? Thanks in advance.
I can honestly say, I’ve spent at least 4x the price of the Vali 2+ on different tubes and adapters. This piece of gear is amazing. I’ve not spent more than $50 for a single tube, but I’ve get quite a collection of 6922s, 5670s, 6ns7s, 6cg7s, and 12au7s and all their variants. The difference may not be extreme, but the sonic property of each family can be very distinct. i change them around often depending on mood, music I’m listening too, and headphones.

as tempting as the lyr3+ is right now, until I finish my “man cave” I’m going to have to hold off till I have the room lol. I was hoping the Vali ++ might have something new to satiate my upgraditis. Lol.
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Aug 31, 2022 at 12:44 AM Post #98,802 of 154,248
I decided to try out an old fashioned CD the other day. You know what? They sound better than streaming. Not by a lot, but in all the important ways.

And the only CD player I have in the house is an Xbox! But through the Gumby it sounds fantastic!
Yes, they do IMHO also. Hard to explain. My 20-year-old (yet built like a 45 lb tank) Musical Fidelity A308CR CD player, coax digital out to my OG Yggy Analog 2... timing is impeccable; the whole "PRAT" thing is perfectly demonstrable with this setup. Like any other recordings, some CDs contain schittily-produced music, and others are simply spectacular.

Listening to "Monuments and Melodies" by Incubus. I'm way off-axis, far-field (upstairs) and the sound - while mono - is tall and wide and just simply spot on. It's a good production and an even better recording.

Really can't wait to get my hands on an Urd. I will be one of the first to order one. Hope that Jason has a good call with the transport supplier this week... ohpleaseohpleaseohplease.
Aug 31, 2022 at 12:55 AM Post #98,803 of 154,248
Iirc, wasn’t part of the Asiana landing a crew input (cultural) fail? coming from an ICBM background, the crew aspect is vital in command and control situations is vital, and the ability/willingness for the deputy/copilot to speak up in a mandate. Didn’t happen there, though the copilot may have understood and recognised the problem. Or am I remembering wrongly?

"The flight crew’s insufficient monitoring of airspeed indications during the approach resulted from expectancy, increased workload, fatigue, and automation reliance."

"In a post-accident interview, the PF stated that at 500 ft AFE, the airplane should be stabilized, and for a visual approach, the airplane should be stabilized by 300 ft AFE. For an unstable condition, he said a go-around should be performed. The PF stated that only the PIC, in NTSB Aircraft Accident Report 65 this case the PM, had the authority to decide to go around. He said this was company policy resulting from a tailstrike event that had occurred when an FO had initiated a go around."

When the FO can't overrule the PIC based on situation / fact, something is severely broken.
Aug 31, 2022 at 1:05 AM Post #98,804 of 154,248
So since I will have two vali 2's, can I run headphones in balanced mode? There must be some kind of box on Amazon to create balanced runs this way. I just don't ever see the need, sadly.

Question for everyone: I have an acquaintance in Richmond (VA) who has some pretty high end gear and cans, and he’s always been scared of Schiit as it’s priced too low to be any good. Anyone in the area willing to let him have a listen? Seems a good guy, but needs a Bit of education. Obv I really am asking for a friend!
My idea is, find out what he likes or, better yet, read about and thinks is real good, put a Mimby in there, hook the man up! Pocket a healthy profit!
Aug 31, 2022 at 1:18 AM Post #98,805 of 154,248
I enjoy my Bluesound Node 2i but CDs played on my Oppo DBP93 thru the same DAC sound better. Not a huge difference but certainly noticeable.
He's continuing to grind my gears a bit but Darko recently did a video about this topic.

I don't use the Bluesound Node's DAC/Audio-Out, but via optical to an external DAC (in my case, specifically the Chord Qutest) it does represent an excellent front-end.

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