Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Aug 23, 2022 at 8:40 PM Post #98,297 of 154,084
Hey all,

Just a quick update or two, as I get ready to head back to Corpus Christi:

1. Lyr+ is getting close! As soon as we get the tube covers, we'll start shipping. That's most likely next week. They'll be available in black and silver. Black is $599. Silver costs $30 more, and a new-production Tung Sol tube adds $60. Yes, tubes are expensive these days. Them's the breaks. Or you can use the tube cover, which covers up the big hole in the chassis, and forget about using a tube for a while. Or forever. See photo taken shortly after finishing up production testing on the APx.

2. You'll soon be able to buy the dumbest-named product from us, ever. As in, Vali 2++. Yes, Vali 2 Plus Plus. Yes, I know it's stupid. We were gonna go to just Vali Plus, but the chassis still have Vali 2 screened on the front and back. So Vali 2++. Why are we stupid like this? Because we need to switch tube types. It looks like we've literally used up every 6BZ7 on the planet. So, while Vali 2 and Vali 2+ used 6BZ7 (or 6922/ECC88/6DJ8, etc), Vali 2++ uses 6N3P (or 5670/2C51/396A). These tubes have a different pinout, but they're otherwise quite comparable to the 6BZ7 family. If you already have a Vali 2+, there's no need to sidegrade, unless you have a bunch of 5670/2C51/6N3P tubes, or if you want to go full boat crazy and get a WE 396A, which costs more than Vali 2++. Vali 2++ stays at $149. Expect to see it in a week or two.

3. Don't be surprised to see an email or two from us. As we've ramped up production, we can start reminding people that we exist, instead of hiding under the bridge like trolls, hoping nobody finds out how deep in backorder we are. Don't worry, it won't be like just-got-6-emails-the-same-day-after-I-bought-something-and-before-I-received-it insanity. Maybe once a month. Maybe. Depends on parts. Backorders aren't vanquished. Nor are parts shortages. The inexpensive True Multibit products (Modi Multibit 2 and the True Multibit Unison card) are now held up officially to June/July. That's when we're supposed to get the DSPs now. Except now our purchasing partner is making hopeful noises about moving things up, so we'll see. In the meantime, don't be surprised if Bifrost, Gungnir, and Yggdrasil move to TI DSPs. If you want to argue about how the same algorithm run by two different DSPs sound, I suggest you come to a show and talk to Dave. I'll just shake my head and walk away.

And that's about it! I'll probably do a really short and stupid chapter on Vali 2 +Plus+Plus++ when it hits, and, if all goes well, we'll have something bigger in about a month, then a couple of really interesting things, and one completely bonkers idea. Then it's 2023.

All the best,

The Lyr+ sure is a sweet-looking amp!
Aug 23, 2022 at 9:31 PM Post #98,298 of 154,084
Yessssss!!!! This is exactly what I've always wanted! A Vali amp that can use those cute wittle 5670/2C51/396A tubes! Sonically I'm sure it will still sound great, but aesthetically, I think the Vali 2++ will look soooo much better with a smaller tube. It may have a stupid as Schiit name (seriously? that's what you're calling it?), but it's a Day One purchase for me for sure! :grin:
I just Googled those tubes, they are cute! But I like Vali 2’s with huge “trees” of adapters, I have a 6SN7 on a tube saver and an adapter on my Vali. I envy the guys with two single triodes.
Aug 23, 2022 at 9:36 PM Post #98,299 of 154,084
I just Googled those tubes, they are cute! But I like Vali 2’s with huge “trees” of adapters, I have a 6SN7 on a tube saver and an adapter on my Vali. I envy the guys with two single triodes.
Single triodes are easy, plenty of adapters out there and the tubes are reasonable in price.
Aug 23, 2022 at 10:18 PM Post #98,300 of 154,084
Hey all,

Just a quick update or two, as I get ready to head back to Corpus Christi:

1. Lyr+ is getting close! As soon as we get the tube covers, we'll start shipping. That's most likely next week. They'll be available in black and silver. Black is $599. Silver costs $30 more, and a new-production Tung Sol tube adds $60. Yes, tubes are expensive these days. Them's the breaks. Or you can use the tube cover, which covers up the big hole in the chassis, and forget about using a tube for a while. Or forever. See photo taken shortly after finishing up production testing on the APx.

2. You'll soon be able to buy the dumbest-named product from us, ever. As in, Vali 2++. Yes, Vali 2 Plus Plus. Yes, I know it's stupid. We were gonna go to just Vali Plus, but the chassis still have Vali 2 screened on the front and back. So Vali 2++. Why are we stupid like this? Because we need to switch tube types. It looks like we've literally used up every 6BZ7 on the planet. So, while Vali 2 and Vali 2+ used 6BZ7 (or 6922/ECC88/6DJ8, etc), Vali 2++ uses 6N3P (or 5670/2C51/396A). These tubes have a different pinout, but they're otherwise quite comparable to the 6BZ7 family. If you already have a Vali 2+, there's no need to sidegrade, unless you have a bunch of 5670/2C51/6N3P tubes, or if you want to go full boat crazy and get a WE 396A, which costs more than Vali 2++. Vali 2++ stays at $149. Expect to see it in a week or two.

3. Don't be surprised to see an email or two from us. As we've ramped up production, we can start reminding people that we exist, instead of hiding under the bridge like trolls, hoping nobody finds out how deep in backorder we are. Don't worry, it won't be like just-got-6-emails-the-same-day-after-I-bought-something-and-before-I-received-it insanity. Maybe once a month. Maybe. Depends on parts. Backorders aren't vanquished. Nor are parts shortages. The inexpensive True Multibit products (Modi Multibit 2 and the True Multibit Unison card) are now held up officially to June/July. That's when we're supposed to get the DSPs now. Except now our purchasing partner is making hopeful noises about moving things up, so we'll see. In the meantime, don't be surprised if Bifrost, Gungnir, and Yggdrasil move to TI DSPs. If you want to argue about how the same algorithm run by two different DSPs sound, I suggest you come to a show and talk to Dave. I'll just shake my head and walk away.

And that's about it! I'll probably do a really short and stupid chapter on Vali 2 +Plus+Plus++ when it hits, and, if all goes well, we'll have something bigger in about a month, then a couple of really interesting things, and one completely bonkers idea. Then it's 2023.

All the best,

Jeez, I just bought a Vali 2+. :sweat_smile:
Aug 23, 2022 at 11:12 PM Post #98,301 of 154,084
Jeez, I just bought a Vali 2+. :sweat_smile:
As Jason said, it’s a side grade. But… If you order the 5670 and adapter from tubedepot, you’ll have the same tube as the ++. I don’t think you need to have any fomo…
Aug 23, 2022 at 11:43 PM Post #98,302 of 154,084
As Jason said, it’s a side grade. But… If you order the 5670 and adapter from tubedepot, you’ll have the same tube as the ++. I don’t think you need to have any fomo…
I have an EH 6CG7 and two spares (plus some other tubes), so I'm set for the next 6 years at least.
Aug 24, 2022 at 12:15 AM Post #98,303 of 154,084
The WE396A with adapter on a Lyr 3 ain't too shabby. :wink:
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Aug 24, 2022 at 12:48 AM Post #98,305 of 154,084
The question: is Yggy happiest with an up-sampled signal from the AURALiC (e.g. 44.1khz to 176.4khz, 48khz to 192khz), or should I just skip the up-sampling and pass the source rate signal to Yggy?

I have tried no up-sampling, 2X up-sampling and 4X up-sampling. Honestly, 4X up-sampling sounds better to me, but I know that in theory it shouldn't make any difference.

Opinions welcomed, as I know that there are a lot of them here. :)

p.s. - I find that the AURALiC's filter profiles - precise, dynamic, balanced and smooth - make more difference than bitrate changes. But I could be fooling myself. <g>
The Yggy has it own proprietary 8x upsampling filter, so by upsampling 4x in the Auralic you are still getting 2x within the Yggy. The Yggy upsampler is specifically designed for the Yggy, while external upsamplers are relatively generic so it won't be easy for them to get the best from the Yggy. I have high-powered external upsamplers (HQPlayer on beefy servers -- a lot more powerful than any streamer) but I only use them with my NOS DACs. I leave the Yggy to do its own upsampling.
Aug 24, 2022 at 8:47 AM Post #98,306 of 154,084
How about eight singles on a freya with custom adapters (45 /135/ 225 / 315 offsets) ? Whats the heater current for singles vs 6sn7?
.3 amp compared to .6 and of course current is additive in parallel so it works out to be the same.

Several of us asked about using 6sn7's in the Vali 2 and the amp can handle it. I have used them in other amps as well like this highly modified BH Crack.

7a4's in Crack.jpg
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Aug 24, 2022 at 9:16 AM Post #98,308 of 154,084
That's how I run my Saga OG. No issues. :heart_eyes:
I have less time to work with 6J5's and 7A4's and the like. I did try most any type I could get my hands on for a while but I will be working with other tubes more in the future. I got immersed in building tiny radial speakers for a while thanks to someone here suggesting them. That led into working on a 10 Watt per channel SET amp, and of all things a custom hatchet handle. Retirement has not exactly been boring for me thus far. :ksc75smile: Next month I will be getting my dream audio system and building another audio rack in solid cherry. And so it goes.
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Aug 24, 2022 at 9:36 AM Post #98,309 of 154,084
Since I bought a Vali 2+ I have been listening with it with a variety of dacs and tubes....its getting more air time over my other mega bucks amps! I went thru 10 6BZ7 tubes of differing manufacturers and 8 out of the 10 were really decent, 2 were slightly micro-phonic, so IMO thats a good ratio ! Lol ...

I am set with the Vali2+ for years here....plenty of 6BZ7's around if you look..

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Aug 24, 2022 at 10:43 AM Post #98,310 of 154,084
Since I bought a Vali 2+ I have been listening with it with a variety of dacs and tubes....its getting more air time over my other mega bucks amps! I went thru 10 6BZ7 tubes of differing manufacturers and 8 out of the 10 were really decent, 2 were slightly micro-phonic, so IMO thats a good ratio ! Lol ...

I am set with the Vali2+ for years here....plenty of 6BZ7's around if you look..


I see how you cropped the image to avoid showing most of the GE tubes; assuming that was for the benefit of @bcowen :wink:

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