Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Aug 13, 2022 at 6:34 PM Post #97,981 of 154,084
Over the years I've had a few knock-my-socks-off upgrades from Schiit, including moving from Modi to Modi Multibit in my work setup, Jotunheim 1 to 2 in my main headphone setup at home, and the Unison USB upgrade to my Yggy. All three delighted me. However, the most significant of them all (to my ears) and the one which provided the greatest surprise was the Mani to Mani 2 upgrade in my two-channel system. I'm really impressed with the improvements in depth of soundstage, clarity, and noise floor with the new Mani. (Seriously, if you're still using OG Mani, save your pennies and get the new one.)

Very curious to try the new Bifrost 2/64 board, but I'm going to wait until the backorder resolves.
Me too, but then I hear people get 'em in a few days after ordering?

Anyone out there compare the phono card to the new Mani? Jason said comments from quality control asking why the phono card sounded better for less than mani led to mani 2 .... so ... do we know how they compare?
Aug 13, 2022 at 6:45 PM Post #97,982 of 154,084
I usually listen to the James Bond Themes once I am recovered from a sinus infection. Yupper! I reeeally like those songs. Well...Most of them. Ummm...Except maybe the ones by Billie Eyelash, Emo Wunderkid and that hideous creature Madonna. Ugh...Hey! It is no secret that they both sing better than me but so does a Trombone mated with a chainsaw.

Did you ever catch any of the Shirley Bassey specials? Wonderful!
Aug 13, 2022 at 7:03 PM Post #97,983 of 154,084
I'm running Tyrs with Encores. Highly recommended pairing. I'd imagine DIs would also sound fantastic with the Tyrs.
Thanks for that!
I'm resisting for now, they would have to be silver or get a different Freya+ too. That gets to be serious money..........
Aug 13, 2022 at 7:07 PM Post #97,984 of 154,084
I'm holding out for a Schiit AM/FM tuner.... 😉😉
Ugh, in my city, surprisingly a wasteland for radio, such an offering would be a complete waste. Too bad for me.

... available only in Europe.
That's just mean: the poor Europeans can't have any Schiit in stock and you're saying when they get some it'll be that?

"Pink Panther" is the benchmark for cool music, in my opinion. My kids love the original movie, too: one of the first things I introduced them to when I embarked on their classical education. I was so disappointed by the Steve Martin remake. First that Steve Martin was involved in a remake of any kind, and second that it was so badly done. Viva Peter Sellers! Yes, I know Peter Sellers vivas no more.
Aug 13, 2022 at 7:13 PM Post #97,985 of 154,084
Are those the tubes to collect the maple sap?
No, they're for the sound of course. If a tree falls and makes no sound, was there anyone around to not hear it?
Aug 13, 2022 at 7:32 PM Post #97,986 of 154,084
I'm running Tyrs with Encores. Highly recommended pairing. I'd imagine DIs would also sound fantastic with the Tyrs.
I have dual Aegirs running Electron SEs. Tempted by Tyrs but I'm quite happy with my current setup too. It's a smaller room and I don't listen at high volumes. Besides I've earmarked some ZMF headphones first. Tyrs would have to wait until next year at the earliest... @golfbravobravo - If you do decide to pair Tyrs with your Double Impacts let us know ...
Aug 13, 2022 at 11:24 PM Post #97,992 of 154,084
So I'm watching the Texas Audio Roundup Redux on YouTube () and loved one of the ideas Jason posed at the 14:40ish mark: a "real Class A" Mjolnir-tribute with 2W single-ended/8W balanced.

@Jason Stoddard I would buy a "Mjolnir A" in a heartbeat to have on my desk. I'm one of the crazies you mentioned. Heck, I use dual Aegir fed by Freya+ just to try to kinda emulate that for my 1266TC, but its ~250w combined power consumption is a bit much in the summer so I don't run it nearly as much as amps that consume 40-120w despite being my favorite pairing with the 1266TC.
Aug 14, 2022 at 12:38 AM Post #97,993 of 154,084
Ugh, in my city, surprisingly a wasteland for radio, such an offering would be a complete waste. Too bad for me.

That's just mean: the poor Europeans can't have any Schiit in stock and you're saying when they get some it'll be that?

"Pink Panther" is the benchmark for cool music, in my opinion. My kids love the original movie, too: one of the first things I introduced them to when I embarked on their classical education. I was so disappointed by the Steve Martin remake. First that Steve Martin was involved in a remake of any kind, and second that it was so badly done. Viva Peter Sellers! Yes, I know Peter Sellers vivas no more.
Check out earlier PS in the Goon Show. Radio at its best.........
Aug 14, 2022 at 1:23 AM Post #97,995 of 154,084
Thanks for the correction!

It may actually be worse that he created a consumer audio product and it failed in the market. This is the guy his acolytes turn to for advice?
You're probably thinking of a Windows Media format.. he was the DRM guy. Not at a technical level though... more trying to convince hardware manufacturers to support WMA. You might have seen the option to enable it on a Playstation 3, for example.

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