Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Jan 15, 2020 at 1:46 PM Post #55,696 of 165,189
Unfortunately higher price DACS finished toward the top but a Topping came in at number 6 at $500. We excluded some that were in the $10k range so as not to upset the owners in the event they did not finish well. I let them use my Gungnir.

Test purpose was not brought up, people could draw their own conclusions about why it was done and most would be wrong.

May I ask which were the top 5? If you don't want to publish the info here, maybe you could PM me?

Thanks a lot, and your sacrifice is genuinely appreciated :)
Jan 15, 2020 at 1:54 PM Post #55,697 of 165,189
May I ask which were the top 5? If you don't want to publish the info here, maybe you could PM me?

Thanks a lot, and your sacrifice is genuinely appreciated :)
I will PM you when time allows.
Jan 15, 2020 at 2:06 PM Post #55,700 of 165,189
No, no, that wouldn't be a proper placibo group. What you'd need is a group of patients who had surgery, but nothing done once the incision was made. :) (if only there was an emoji with a surgical mask here...)
Jan 15, 2020 at 2:11 PM Post #55,701 of 165,189
No, no, that wouldn't be a proper placibo group. What you'd need is a group of patients who had surgery, but nothing done once the incision was made. :) (if only there was an emoji with a surgical mask here...)

What I'm asking for is similar standards. Sham surgery is appropriate in medicine, and that makes the test scientific.

However, A/B blinding is not enough in audiophile testing, because people are aware that something has taken place/changed/etc.

How is that not double standards?
Jan 15, 2020 at 2:22 PM Post #55,702 of 165,189
Ok, can you describe how you make the patient/subject unaware that a surgery has even taken place?
This is not the place for a discussion like this apart from the flaw in your thinking and question formulation.
You can join me on the scientific forums if you're a registered scientist.

Here it is all about music and Constanza becoming 21 first day next month.
Jan 15, 2020 at 2:28 PM Post #55,703 of 165,189
This is not the place for a discussion like this apart from the flaw in your thinking and question formulation.
You can join me on the scientific forums if you're a registered scientist.

Here it is all about music and Constanza becoming 21 first day next month.

No, thank you, I won't join you anywhere if that's your approach.

And yes, I've done research (published papers, etc).
Jan 15, 2020 at 2:58 PM Post #55,704 of 165,189
This is not the place for a discussion like this apart from the flaw in your thinking and question formulation.
You can join me on the scientific forums if you're a registered scientist.

Here it is all about music and Constanza becoming 21 first day next month.

Happy B-Day, Constanza!

And, yes...most importantly

A tad cranky, maybe... :wink:
Jan 15, 2020 at 3:31 PM Post #55,705 of 165,189
If we have to change the motor, we have to change the pod. Which means we have to change the motor board. Which means we have to change the sorbothane isolator for the new pod. And the motor will be a lot more expensive. Also, a new custom motor is like 20 weeks lead time, plus lead time for the pod. Plus the cost for all this. So, if we have to change the motor, Sol won't be coming back.
Beats me why Schiit just doesn't add a PLL controlled power supply instead of messing around with the motor.
And have the benefit of adjustability too....
Jan 15, 2020 at 3:43 PM Post #55,707 of 165,189
I have a couple of questions for the Schiit experts

1) I own the Jotunheim and Bifrost 2. My headphones are HIFIMAN 400-Is and I have both se and balanced headphone cables. Should there be a difference in quality with the balanced ables? Of course the volume level has to be adjusted for a comparison but I'm just wondering if from a technical perspective there is really a difference. My understanding is that the balanced connector has separate ground for left and right. Is the rail that amplifies the sound different in quality between se and balanced outs?

2) I use Qobuz for streaming to my Bifrost 2. I have selected the correct device in Qubuz and I can see in MacOS that the correct source format is selected for the device (24-bit 48 kHz). What's confusing to me is that I can adjust the volume in Qobuz if that makes sense. It would seem to me that if I'm using an external DAC that Qobuz wouldn't have anything to do with volume control and that I would only be able to control it on my Jotunheim HA. What is really happening to the digital signal at the Bifrost when I adjust the volume in Qobuz?

Thanks for any pointers here.

This is a great forum to keep up on.
Jan 15, 2020 at 4:12 PM Post #55,710 of 165,189

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