Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Nov 16, 2019 at 4:49 PM Post #53,551 of 155,095
I know this thing. Humms like hell.
I am not exactly leaving it stock, or with Chinese tubes in it. So far hum has not been an issue but I know a couple areas I want to address. :smile_phones:
Nov 16, 2019 at 4:50 PM Post #53,552 of 155,095
Nov 16, 2019 at 5:05 PM Post #53,553 of 155,095
'Cause it doesn't know the words... in English (it's from China). :laughing:

I am hoping the tubes you send will clean up the upper end a bit. I will check ESR on electrolytics soon and most likely do a mass swap regardless. From what I have read they can have heat issues as well but so far this one is fine.

Meanwhile a headphone cable is being cooked and I am prepared to be astounded by the difference.:ksc75smile:
Nov 16, 2019 at 5:28 PM Post #53,554 of 155,095
Meanwhile a headphone cable is being cooked and I am prepared to be astounded by the difference.:ksc75smile:

Let me know when it's done. I'll be there ready to assist. :sweat_smile:

Max 1.jpg

This was my wife the first time she heard a cooked cable:

Max 2.jpg

Never can be too careful you know. :stuck_out_tongue:
Nov 16, 2019 at 5:38 PM Post #53,556 of 155,095
Have displays ever been considered?
Yes, for the transport.

Every time the transport is mentioned I get this warm feeling of delayed gratification. I generally don't have upgradeitus and try to enjoy and appreciate what I have. My desktop Amp is a Peachtree Audio MusicBox which is at least 8 years old that I bought at it's end of life closeout. It had an old style ipod dock that Peachtree licensed from Apple for direct digital out, bypassing the internal amp. I bought a lightning converter and still use it when editing video and can't afford the Roon server overhead slowing my iMac down. I updated the Peachtree by adding the Modi Multibit and EITR. My desktop speakers are Axiom Audio M3ti's that are 15 years old and used to be my L/R home theater speakers. Axiom sold me NOS tweeter replacements to keep them humming along. They sound great and don't have a picky sweet spot. Great soundstaging in nearfield on the desktop and across the room in my reading/listening chair. My very expensive Marantz UD player crapped out so I dusted off my Oppo 970 DVD/SACD player and sold my BluRay audio discs and a lot of my SACD titles. CDs sound so great with multibit that I quit collecting expensive high resolution discs and started shopping the used CD bins filling out the holes in my collection in anticipation of a Schiit CD transport. I'm a patient guy. When CD players fist hit the streets in 1983 they cost over a grand but I was tired of replacing worn out cassette tapes and scratched records so I started replacing them with CD's. I knew one day I would get a CD player and when I did, I'd have a music collection from day one. After a year of collecting CDs I was finally able to buy an affordable player. My patience paid off. I feel like history is repeating itself as my used CD collection grows, knowing I'll get an affordable, best in class transport sometime in the near future.
Nov 16, 2019 at 5:41 PM Post #53,557 of 155,095
for $10 definitely worth it for tweaking / re-design.

eye candy, but not ear candy :wink:

If anybody can teach it the words, it'd be Tom. And if it still ends up being a sonic disaster he can use it as a $10 Cable Cooker. LOL!
Nov 16, 2019 at 6:49 PM Post #53,560 of 155,095
I read Winning Mars as well and I have read many series when I wanted some light reading. Alex Cross, Jack Reacher, etc, my favorite is the Pendergast series by Preston and Child. Most of the modern sci-fi I read is by Neal Stephenson, China Mieville or Nick Harkaway, but I did read most all of the classics of that genre.
Mieville’s King Rat still my fave of his (though Perdido Street Station is a close second). Try Steph Swainston too (though she’s sadly gone back to working for a living), and DON’T MISS either Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book or A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness.
Nov 16, 2019 at 7:03 PM Post #53,562 of 155,095
Nov 16, 2019 at 7:05 PM Post #53,563 of 155,095

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