Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Feb 24, 2019 at 6:59 PM Post #44,341 of 165,189
I think you may be confusing a number of protocols here: SSH is Secure SHell (OpenSSH is one implementation) and enables command line (shell) access to the client to which you are connecting. SFTP (Secure File Transport Protocol) can stream files but there are better ways to connect to a server. For example, most all Linux implementations have a network facility that enables connection to file servers, windows, com sputters, etc. The files are then accessible (permanently) to the player you use on your Pi.

What is a com sputter?
Feb 24, 2019 at 8:55 PM Post #44,344 of 165,189
For me anyways JggyB just rolls off the tongue, whereas Yggy-A2, and any and all manner of variations, simply don't.
And since it's my amp I can name it whatever I like, which from a marketing perspective is gold.
Meaning, if I (as a consumer) personalize an object, it becomes more 'mine,' and if taken to the point of identifying with it by using a unique name, that just cements it's uniqueness all the more, and thus my identity is now more closely associated with the object.

Like naming your boat, car, etc, it becomes more of a personal expression rather than a commodity (here's mine vs one just like everybody else's).

Beside you all know what is meant by all these manner of variations of names.
Which is what language does as it is being used, it adapts.

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Feb 24, 2019 at 9:11 PM Post #44,345 of 165,189
You can invent all the words they want....but no one will know, or care, what you are saying.
Feb 24, 2019 at 9:20 PM Post #44,346 of 165,189
You can invent all the words they want....but no one will know, or care, what you are saying.

I care! The world only goes around if enough people care about each other. I think just barely enough do, that we somehow haven't killed our race off just quite yet... And he's right, even if pedantic. The language is not defined by webster, it is defined by the people who continue to make a mix-mash of many other languages and made up stuff.

I remember growing up, my mom not letting me say "yeah" because it's not in the dictionary. Let me guess, you don't care? Very original, but anyway, turns out it is now. Jokes on you mom jklolim12
Feb 24, 2019 at 10:48 PM Post #44,350 of 165,189
I did a bit of a double take when I saw this and it made me ponder. DLNA is long dead (though I find the discovery protocol can be useful), and doesn't support many newer formats (for example flac!).

Well, in fairness, he was talking about Win7...
Feb 24, 2019 at 10:59 PM Post #44,351 of 165,189
So I want a Yggy also!!!! I have a moderately expensive DAC (a little more than the Gumby) that I know now I haven't been using very well. I ONLY had it on my stereo system as a "sound card" for the computer and had nothing else going to any of the other inputs. After reading all of Mike's writings in his thread and all of Jason's chapters here I've certainly got more ideas of what to do!!

But I digress from my problem, which is digitizing records. I've done plenty in my office before I retired with the school's receiver with phono inputs. Don't have that now. What I intend to do is get a Mani and use it with the same computer I used there. Between the Mani and the computer is where my question is. I've got two choices that I easily see

I. Get another piece of Schiit, a Jil and use the USB from that to the USB to the computer. I'm sure that's a great ADC!! Disadvantage? I've read all Mike said about USB and USB problems I didn't know exited.
2. The computer has a M-Audio Delta Audiophile 24/96 which has analog RCA inputs so it can take the signal directly from the Mani. No USB involved. Disadvantage? The more Schiit I get the more I appreciate the quality. I suspect the Jil would be a far better ADC than what's on the M-Audio card, but with the Jil I'm back to USB.

OR For just a little bit more I could get a Eitr and run the Jil to the Eitr and then to the optical input on the Audiocard.
OR easiest is to just give away the records and listen to all the CDs (I'm a CD-aholic and have way too many already.

So, any suggestions about 1. or 2.? (and in the current discussion of what computer OS is best, I KNOW this one (Vista!!) doesn't rate in the top 10 (or top 100?) but this would be a stand alone machine with no internet connection with the ONLY thing being done is the recording. The editing, removing clicks, etc. goes to another newer machine)
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Feb 25, 2019 at 2:25 AM Post #44,352 of 165,189
I care! The world only goes around if enough people care about each other. I think just barely enough do, that we somehow haven't killed our race off just quite yet... And he's right, even if pedantic. The language is not defined by webster, it is defined by the people who continue to make a mix-mash of many other languages and made up stuff.

This got really existential in a hurry.
Feb 25, 2019 at 2:59 AM Post #44,353 of 165,189
Well we are talking about the JggyB which does have, right on the front, an 'invert' button.

What does it REALLY mean to invert music, anyway?



JJ :ksc75smile:
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Feb 25, 2019 at 3:26 AM Post #44,354 of 165,189
What does it REALLY mean to invert music, anyway?

Obviously you'll hear messages from the antichrist:

Feb 25, 2019 at 3:59 AM Post #44,355 of 165,189
No, the total power going to your speakers is dependent on your volume. The basic way it works is that a doubling of power gives you 3db more. So for your speakers:


Now the power output jumps up and down as the song gets louder or quieter, but 107 db extremely loud. About as loud as having your head 3 feet away from a car horn.
That is 1 meter on axis. But the SPL also reduces 3 dB with every extra meter you move away from the speaker(s). So calculate again for the extra meters of distance you are away from the speakers.

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