Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Sep 16, 2018 at 6:53 PM Post #38,102 of 154,313
Any Jack White fans here, he is certainly fostering some awesome music, as well as being awesome.
Lillie Mae's label as well

Sep 16, 2018 at 7:12 PM Post #38,103 of 154,313
It's VERY wet and we just had another flash flood warning. So far OK though.

Florence's changes in direction have made life easier for us as it tracked S and W it eased the rain burden on us. Friends closer to the coast have it much tougher. One sent a picture of a huge boat on his front lawn.


Cheers, indeed!
Be safe! :)
Sep 16, 2018 at 7:44 PM Post #38,104 of 154,313
I was 9 years old when that album came out. My mum & dad were freebasing honky-tonk (ex., Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline & Al Martino) at the time. I thank video games like Fallout 3 & NV for reintroducing me to my elders (I had to learn myself that Cash was no lily-white performer [dad never told me about Cash's life]).

When I rip with Foobar, it indeed uses AccurateRip. I can't tell the difference (it must be doing SOMETHING... good enough for me). Hmm, I assumed that dbase was free for personal use. I'm too old to be a chintzy-person, I'll check out the website's fine-print. @winders ... Thanks for the info, eh.

Another vote for dBpoweramp, eh. I'm still in the iTunes ecosystem; however, as I get older, I want to learn about other options (especially if ALAC ever somehow reverted back to a proprietary model). @astromo ... I'll check dBpoweramp out. Thanks.

Christ on a cracker. Why is it as I reach 49-50, new schiit & hobbies crop up?! Damn... thanks for posting @Paladin79 (it wasn't aimed at me... still appreciate your musings).


@jimmers . I appreciate your 2-cents too, eh. Once I replace my corrupted and disorganized media directories, I'll give EAC another go (it was covered in a 2017 How To Geek Article).

Thanks for the article, @RCBinTN ... I need to educate myself about changing digital AV-formats. And the consequences of proprietary technology.

Linux -> abcde
Sep 16, 2018 at 7:53 PM Post #38,105 of 154,313
I hope @ItsAllInMyHead is doing OK, looks like they had it rough there too. I was explaining to Ms Jody (she asked me if I had ever been near a Hurricane before) that I hadn't, but had ridden out the tail end of a typhoon in the South China Sea....

Hope all is well with you and yours......

Thank you for the kind wishes. My wife and I were never in any danger, and we're none the worse for wear. Our major drama was a very mild window leak in a bathroom. Yesterday was a bit of a Schiit show around here though. Our office building's exterior sustained some damage. A few windows were blown out completely, and we lost exterior panes from quite a number.

That, of course, led me to wonder how much lateral pressure 140 kph winds present. That led down a rabbit hole... BTW, it seems to be ~19+ psf, which was lower than I expected given damage etc.. so that led to more reading... and less understanding. Essentially a 9ft x 5ft window is taking the brunt of ~800+ pounds of pressure, but anyway...

Much more productive work was done determining which closed-back will isolate against the sounds of howling wind. :wink: I also got a full day of (mostly) relaxation and music, which is a rare blessing. The videos I shot were essentially useless. Visibility was too low.

tl;dr All has calmed. They "lowered the flag" from T8 to T3 just a bit ago.

Below is a link to a decent summary.

All of my family and friends in the eastern US seemed to have escaped Florence's wrath relatively unscathed. My thoughts are with those less fortunate.

Warm regards to you and all the other Schiit-heads,
Sep 16, 2018 at 8:21 PM Post #38,106 of 154,313
Update on the tubes saga:

Schiit responded before 10 pacific time this morning asking me for more info. By lunctime, CA, I had a label to ship the dodgy tubes back to them.

Thanks Schiit team and @Jason Stoddard - perhaps you could train my ISP how to deal with customer serveice emails :))


I'll second that, re: the ISP customer service!
Sep 16, 2018 at 8:44 PM Post #38,108 of 154,313
perhaps you could train my ISP how to deal with customer serveice emails

I had a happy experience with my ISP today, though not through e-mails. My Internet has been dropping out every couple of weeks and not coming back up (and, I should mention, temporary outages every couple of days that it recovered from). Today, it went down and and the standard "reset, power cycle with the back-up battery removed" bit didn't work. They said they could see it trying to come up from their end, and then it was gone. Tech showed up 20 minutes later(!). He replaced a splitter (I've got way too many, with their subsequent dB losses), and still the numbers on his analyzer weren't up to snuff. He went out to the pole and and found that the main feed cable had chewed mostly in half by a squirrel, and had finally failed. Now, my FEC (forward error correction) errors are much lower, and upstream speed has increased by 10-15 percent. All in all, a good day. :L3000:
Sep 16, 2018 at 8:52 PM Post #38,109 of 154,313
Me as well. It's not particularly user friendly, though, but it will do exactly what you want. (Some wag decided that "abcde" stood for "A better CD encoder.")
quodlibit -> alsasink device=hw:CARD=Multibit,DEV=0 (lyr3)
exfalso / quodlibit to edit tags
encoder: 'flac'
Sep 16, 2018 at 8:54 PM Post #38,110 of 154,313
I liked Media Monkey, but was offended by its native APE files. :wink:

OK, seriously -- It's a fine ripper/converter, but FLAC files are just more widely supported and I'm an EAC man -- Educated Audio Connoisseur. :D
the program i tend to always go back to is ez cd da extractor i bought the lifetime lic many many years ago and its still valid and i get updates all these years later.
Sep 16, 2018 at 8:55 PM Post #38,111 of 154,313
Update on the tubes saga:

Schiit responded before 10 pacific time this morning asking me for more info. By lunctime, CA, I had a label to ship the dodgy tubes back to them.

Thanks Schiit team and @Jason Stoddard - perhaps you could train my ISP how to deal with customer serveice emails :))

nice. they are great to work with. jason went way out of his way to help me with something and its much appreciated!
Sep 16, 2018 at 8:57 PM Post #38,112 of 154,313
the main feed cable had chewed mostly in half by a squirrel

Sep 16, 2018 at 8:59 PM Post #38,113 of 154,313
Any Jack White fans here, he is certainly fostering some awesome music, as well as being awesome.
Lillie Mae's label as well

after being able to see him live now 3 times he is honestly a WAY better musician then many give him credit for and he is amazing to see live. i saw him as the white stripes the first time when icky thump had come out. and while very basic at the drums meg was great to see live also
Sep 16, 2018 at 9:01 PM Post #38,114 of 154,313
...That, of course, led me to wonder how much lateral pressure 140 kph winds present. That led down a rabbit hole... BTW, it seems to be ~19+ psf, which was lower than I expected given damage etc.. so that led to more reading...
So a Tesla S would use about 26 bhp to combat drag at that speed, that seems reasonable :nerd: .
...Much more productive work was done determining which closed-back will isolate against the sounds of howling wind. :wink: ...
And the answer is ... ?

happy you are safe

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