Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
May 27, 2015 at 11:09 PM Post #6,556 of 153,972
Either of you two cats on Gearslutz? Sarvasaha, I noticed you referenced the site.

Not on Gearslutz!
  I think there are external sound cards that would be sufficient for the task - at mass market prices. (I would use my STX in my desktop for a non laptop example)

The scenario I envisioned has these customers purchasing the upper tier products, i.e. above mass market prices. While studio grade sound cards are probably very good, I have a feeling the Schiit implementation would actually lead to better sound. Lets not forget that these customers would be targeted by Schiit, would understand, and probably get a kick out of Schiit's marketing. 
May 28, 2015 at 2:05 AM Post #6,557 of 153,972
Something along the lines of an exaSound e28 would be great. 
I want multichannel audio. I dont want to invest in a new pre pro every time some new standard comes out. What I'm playing with now is let jriver process everything in an HTPC. EQ, room calibration, convolution, ATMOS, DTS, bass management, everything. If something new comes out it will eventually be able to be processed by a PC in software. What I then need is a way to get high quality digital audio from the PC to the amplifiers. 
You don't have to deal with the "changing morass of proliferating standards." Let someone else worry about the software. Connectivety doesnt need to be daunting either. its a computer. Connect in what ever way you want to so long as it suits your needs. What I really want is a multichannel modi. The biggest question is whether there is enough demand or is it to much of a niche? I think you may be perfectly positioned to turn this niche market into something much bigger. People are tired of buying equipment that is outdated as soon as they get it home. If you can help give people an alternative I think it could be very profitable. Look at what miniDSP is doing. You should fairly easily be able to scale the tech as well. You sell a unit for six channels for 5.1, and a unit with 13 channels for 7.2.4 or whatever makes sense. Or you make them modular so you can daisy chain them any time someone wants to add additional channels. Those additional channels could even be different dedicated zones. You wouldn't care you are just making them as scaleable DACs and letting folks like jRiver worry about the software. 
I really believe this is the direction we are headed. Pre/pros are basically computers now already that we can't upgrade and everytime something new like HDR, or Dirac Live or ATMOS comes out it makes our equipment obsolete. To me this would be a logical progression for you to take. 
Just an idea.
May 28, 2015 at 2:49 AM Post #6,559 of 153,972
As far as I know jRiver will only output to one device not counting different zones. If there was a way for me to daisy chain multiple modi's and have them be seen as a single device then I would do that. Your comment does illustrate how easy it may be to create a device that serves this purpose. 
May 28, 2015 at 3:05 AM Post #6,560 of 153,972
Yes, I am on Gearslutz, but no longer a regular there. Time to stir things up over there I think.
Pros would use an interface like those from Lynx - AES/EBU or SP/DIF out and lots of channels - AES16e for example - 8 channels of Stereo in and out. Can even connect the legendary Schiit ADC!
With professional ADCs the issue if you have multiple boxes is distributing the clock.
For a home PC based server I guess USB is the go. But could use a Lynx E22 for Stereo or E44 for Surround.
Since I have one of each of those I could get 3 Yggs for Surround monitoring. Or continue to use the Lynx audio outs. Would be good to compare though.
Having read the Yggdrasil impressions thread today, gearlust is on the rise again. And the thought of an ADC of such quality is almost Nirvana.
May 28, 2015 at 3:16 AM Post #6,561 of 153,972
As far as I know jRiver will only output to one device not counting different zones. If there was a way for me to daisy chain multiple modi's and have them be seen as a single device then I would do that. Your comment does illustrate how easy it may be to create a device that serves this purpose. 

Linux has had the capability for many years. I don't see why a similar thing wouldn't already exist for windows, but I'm not the guy to ask for with windows stuffs.
May 28, 2015 at 3:59 AM Post #6,562 of 153,972
Linux has had the capability for many years. I don't see why a similar thing wouldn't already exist for windows, but I'm not the guy to ask for with windows stuffs.

Multiple DACs means multiple USB etc connections fighting each other and clocks running at different speeds resulting in possible hiccups. Faar from ideal even if you manage to get it "work".
May 28, 2015 at 4:25 AM Post #6,563 of 153,972
Multiple DACs means multiple USB etc connections fighting each other and clocks running at different speeds resulting in possible hiccups. Faar from ideal even if you manage to get it "work".

Alsa was designed to do things just like that. You CAN even resample and mix channel audio on the fly with individual values for each DAC. I used it with a home theatre system and headphones for that "bass effect" when I only had a set of ad700's from a raspberry pi. The only limitation is people not giving it a go :wink:
May 28, 2015 at 4:30 AM Post #6,564 of 153,972
Alsa was designed to do things just like that. You CAN even resample and mix channel audio on the fly with individual values for each DAC. I used it with a home theatre system and headphones for that "bass effect" when I only had a set of ad700's from a raspberry pi. The only limitation is people not giving it a go

It has nothing to do with Alsa. If you have multiple cards, you must sync the hardware clocks, period.
Even ALSA knows it:
Just to clarify, this will not create the mythical "multi-channel soundcard out of el-cheapo consumer cards". You will drift out of sync over time unless a hardware syncing mechanism like wordclock is in place.

If you don't care about possible hiccups thats fine, I'm sure it'll work 99% of the time. It's still not ideal.
May 28, 2015 at 4:43 AM Post #6,565 of 153,972
It has nothing to do with Alsa. If you have multiple cards, you must sync the hardware clocks, period.

Even ALSA knows it:

[COLOR=333333]If you don't care about possible hiccups thats fine, I'm sure it'll work 99% of the time. It's still not ideal.[/COLOR]

Then it simply becomes what is noticeable and how much drift occurs all playing from the same signal over a 3 hour movie ( assuming that is the largest possible media you would play).
May 28, 2015 at 11:06 AM Post #6,566 of 153,972
This is why it would be nice to daisy chain them to run off of a single clock or make a single unit that can handle multiple channels. I'm no engineer but it wouldn't seem as though the guys at Schiit already have the tech and know-how to make this happen without too much investment in R&D. Look at the growing popularity of Computer Audiophile CAPS servers and transports. Instead of competing with Emotiva I would look at something to compete with Lynx but for the home user and not a music producer. 
May 28, 2015 at 11:16 AM Post #6,567 of 153,972
  This is why it would be nice to daisy chain them to run off of a single clock or make a single unit that can handle multiple channels. I'm no engineer but it wouldn't seem as though the guys at Schiit already have the tech and know-how to make this happen without too much investment in R&D. Look at the growing popularity of Computer Audiophile CAPS servers and transports. Instead of competing with Emotiva I would look at something to compete with Lynx but for the home user and not a music producer. 

I agree.  The only small matter is whether Schiit can make a business case for selling modular systems that we can configure as needed.  Just because it makes sense to us doesn't mean it fits with their business model.  Sigh...
May 28, 2015 at 11:45 AM Post #6,568 of 153,972

Once Again a Great post from Jason that has me waiting to see what the Redacted will be. Considering the Schiit Lineup. It has definitely Grown and it is safe to say that most of the things I dislike about my Multiple setups has been replaced by Schiit Products.
Most of my listening at Home is not through headphones but with Traditional 2 Channel speaker setups.
Currently My "main" setup is PC/Blu Ray/Cable ->(PC to) Wyrd -> Modi2 Uber-> Valhalla 2 -> powered Mackie Monitors/ PSB Sub. rmoody is the only one who has actually used headphones on the Valhalla if that says anything about use of headphones at home.
I am thrilled with the Valhalla2 as a Tube preamp to the monitors. A Bifrost Uber is planned to replace Modi 2 Uber In this setup but here I would like to still add a Tuner and a Mani as Turn Table is planned in the Future.
Here is where that SYS on steroids in a Bifrost size would be Nice.
4 Single Ended Inputs ( Balanced as a option in a separate unit would probably be welcomed by some I may be wrong but I don’t see Many Balanced sources that one require preamp/switching device)
2 Outputs which can be switched as if I wanted to have a Head Phone Amp and a Power Amp for speakers or combined to be used for Main speakers and a for subwoofer. I like clean wires and splitters never look nice.
Super Bright Led Indicators for the Input and Output Selection would be cool. They don’t need to be bright but some don’t like them. I use the LED as night lights.
Volume Control is obvious (possibly Ragnarok syle)
Here is also where A remote control would make the most sense for me at least. One volume control for all inputs and then you have no need for eighteen remotes.
When I am Listening to Headphones I am usually stationary and within arm’s Length of the volume and input controls however here I am not even close as the listening area is at least 6-8 ft. away. A remote with a Minimum of Volume control, Mute and Input selector Buttons for the Pre amp.
Led Indicators for the input selection would be nice on the remote.
Also on the Mute Function a gradual mute/unmute if possible would reduce the oh crap someone forgot to turn the volume down and my speakers/headphone just got a blast occurence.
Now a Schiit Universal remote would be Interesting. A section to Control the Analog inputs on your Preamp as well as switch the digital inputs on future Bifrost, yggy etc would be cool.
My desktop setup is
Wyrd->. Modi-> Magni 2 Uber- > Pro-ject- Box S Amp - Centrance MasterClasss 2504 passive Speakers and a psb mini sub, (After The Modi there is actually a sys in Reverse used to switch between the Magni2 u and a Vali which is where I use cans late at night)
I know a lot of people like powered speakers but the centrance speakers sound absolutely Incredible and I don’t know of any active speaker in the price range that come close. I needed a small form factor Amp only, no combo that would sit on my desk and not take up my entire desk. My options were T amps which had reviews that were both bad and good and maybe 2 others. So I went with the pro-ject only because I got it on sale.
Here is where I am going there are not a lot of a small Power Amps that will sit well on desktops. So a 2CH Magni2 Uber sized power amp size. Around 30 – 45 w rms per channel.  Which will allow you to utilize the preamp outputs of the Magni 2 Uber for passive speakers. Also The Ability to Run this Amp in a Mono config which would probably produce around 60-75 Watts rms. So Now you can run two of them in a mono config for larger speakers.
I will end my detailed wish list here and will leave the headphone wish list to those who do listen to cans a lot more than I do. But with the newer schiit products that crossover easily to traditional 2 ch speaker setups these options would be welcome.
May 28, 2015 at 12:01 PM Post #6,569 of 153,972
  I am thrilled with the Valhalla2 as a Tube preamp to the monitors. A Bifrost Uber is planned to replace Modi 2 Uber In this setup but here I would like to still add a Tuner and a Mani as Turn Table is planned in the Future.

FYI, I went from an original Modi /Vali system to Bifrost Uber USB /Lyr 2 last year. The biggest improvement ended up being the DAC, which surprised me a bit. So get that Bifrost soon!
May 28, 2015 at 12:07 PM Post #6,570 of 153,972
  As far as I know jRiver will only output to one device not counting different zones. If there was a way for me to daisy chain multiple modi's and have them be seen as a single device then I would do that. Your comment does illustrate how easy it may be to create a device that serves this purpose. 

Not a perfect solution, but you can link zones to output the same data simultaneously if sending to separate dacs.

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