Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
May 28, 2015 at 1:09 PM Post #6,571 of 154,072
  I agree.  The only small matter is whether Schiit can make a business case for selling modular systems that we can configure as needed.  Just because it makes sense to us doesn't mean it fits with their business model.  Sigh...

You nailed it. If they can make something without a very large expenditure it may be worthwhile. I do think this market can and will increase exponentially if the hardware was available at a decent price.
May 28, 2015 at 2:29 PM Post #6,572 of 154,072
FYI, I went from an original Modi /Vali system to Bifrost Uber USB /Lyr 2 last year. The biggest improvement ended up being the DAC, which surprised me a bit. So get that Bifrost soon!

My Poor Wallet. I heard a nice Improvement form the Original Modi to the Modi 2 Uber. And Have briefly listened to rmoody's Biforst Uber with Cans. No scientific method but using my abused ears. I will say that Bifrost Uber was more refined, with details in the Highs being well controlled and but not restrained and the low end being tighter with a bit more punch. Mid's also seemed to have more detail.  I expect more revealing details when going to 2 CH. The most immediate thing I noticed with the Modi 2 Uber from the Modi when using speakers was the imaging was better. The sound stage was wider which actually cause me to reposition my speakers on my main setup. Ill have dreams for the Next few months about the Bi frost.
May 28, 2015 at 3:17 PM Post #6,573 of 154,072
One of the best emails I have received was from a customer who was certain that his Valhalla was broken because the LED wouldn't turn off.  When he unplugged it and the light was still on he thought it could be possessed.  The light stays on because the capacitors in Valhalla take a VERY long time to discharge (as in days).  Opening a Valhalla that has been powered up is a unique opportunity to zap the hell out of yourself.  About a month or two after Jesse and I started working in the shop, Jesse was working on converting some Valhallas from 230v to 115v.  These units had already been burned in so the capacitors were all carrying a charge.  I'm plugging away at orders and I hear, "son of a *****."  Jesse had shocked himself.  About an hour later, "******!"  Shocked again.  Jesse has big bushy curly hair.  Each time he yelled his hair was getting bigger and bigger.  A bit later, "crap!"    We still raz him about his "near death" experience with the Valhallas.  Jason even made Jesse a special poster:

Out of curiosity, why doesn't the design for Valhalla incorporate bleeder resistors to discharge the res caps?  I've found this is a fairly common safety implementation in tube amps, the caps have their charge bled off in about 15 minutes.
edit:  I see OddE beat me to this thought.
On the subject of bright LEDs, if you're handy with an iron you could solder a resistor in-line with it and cut the brightness down that way.  Voids your warranty of course, but it's a simple modification to do.
May 28, 2015 at 5:14 PM Post #6,574 of 154,072
Does anyone who owns or used to own both the Magni 2 and the Vali together please tell me how much heat the Vali gives out compared to the Magni 2?
Also and I don't really expect a answer Jason but will the Fulla be updated this year?
May 28, 2015 at 5:43 PM Post #6,575 of 154,072
  Does anyone who owns or used to own both the Magni 2 and the Vali together please tell me how much heat the Vali gives out compared to the Magni 2?
Also and I don't really expect a answer Jason but will the Fulla be updated this year?

Can check on the Magni 2/Vali heat when I go home later.
Jason has said there would not be any updates to current lines this year
May 28, 2015 at 6:56 PM Post #6,577 of 154,072
  Thanks Very Much!

Vali is definitely warmer than the Magni 2.  I keep mine on all the time so that is just running temps.  Not sure about higher loads, but just sitting there the Vali is higher.
May 28, 2015 at 7:59 PM Post #6,578 of 154,072
  Vali is definitely warmer than the Magni 2.  I keep mine on all the time so that is just running temps.  Not sure about higher loads, but just sitting there the Vali is higher.

Thanks Very Much. Nice To Know. I'm thinking about purchasing a Vali for a quick introduction into tubes but at the moment due to various circumstances most of my gear (PC, Xbox One, TV and current Magni 2/Modi 2U stack are stuck in a small alcove at my parents house and they are pretty much next to each other. There is some space for airflow but not much but I don't run the PC and the Xbox at the same time either. Hopefully it should be OK. Roll on payday.
May 28, 2015 at 9:10 PM Post #6,579 of 154,072
I don't think that characterizing Schiit Audio as being anti-environmental is an accurate representation of their position.  I point you to this interview:
While they are honest about the fact that their products (and particularly their DACs) will sound and perform better if left on, I don't see that as an endorsement of a philosophy of waste.
And to those proposing building more nuclear plants as a solution to our current energy and climate issues, are you aware of the fact that all nuclear plant operators in the country have been granted unprecedented immunity from liability through the Price Anderson Act, even in cases of negligence or willful misconduct?  A bad nuclear accident such as happened in Fukushima could contaminate an area the size of Pennsylvania and those affected would likely see compensation on the order of one to seven cents on the dollar with no one to sue for damages.
May 28, 2015 at 9:22 PM Post #6,580 of 154,072
Switching from burning coal to natural gas or solar has no bearing on power consumption. Products are using less power by design, not out of necessity.
I don't see an end to massive monolithic power units any time soon. If anything, designers will use this to their advantage and squeeze MORE POWER! (
) out of the design. This is especially true if silicon is involved.
Edit: Unless the switch to renewables causes an energy crisis (very possible) that is. 

You mis-represent my position in order to make your own point.  Personally, I am concerned about climate change and I am not alone by a long shot.  But beyond that debate, it also comes down to pure economics.  I'd far rather spend less money on energy to power the devices in my house and fuel my car, leaving more of my budget available for better gear and other quality of life things.  Therefore, the amount of power drawn by the devices I consider purchasing plays into my decision on whether or not to purchase them.  If they use less power than their competitors for similar or better results, I am more likely to buy them.
May 28, 2015 at 10:17 PM Post #6,581 of 154,072
  Yes, I am on Gearslutz, but no longer a regular there. Time to stir things up over there I think.

Same boat. I've been out of the engineering game for about a decade. Used to work in a small-ish sized studio, life took me in other directions, now I'm getting back into it as a hobby. I created a profile over there but I mostly just lurk.
An A/D would be nice. My focus has always been mixing and editing ITB (I know...all the analog purists out there just gave me a disapproving look) but with an affordable A/D, I might do some tracking too. Why not?

May 28, 2015 at 11:23 PM Post #6,582 of 154,072
You mis-represent my position in order to make your own point.  Personally, I am concerned about climate change and I am not alone by a long shot.  But beyond that debate, it also comes down to pure economics.  I'd far rather spend less money on energy to power the devices in my house and fuel my car, leaving more of my budget available for better gear and other quality of life things.  Therefore, the amount of power drawn by the devices I consider purchasing plays into my decision on whether or not to purchase them.  If they use less power than their competitors for similar or better results, I am more likely to buy them.

Appologies, I missunderstood. My point was that manufacturers will squeeze every last drop  of power they can to increase performance, and by shrinking components they can get better performance at the same power levels. This will not change any time soon.
I do understand, and agree with what you meant; All of my devices in my house are Energy Star 4 or better and I made sure my PSU was 80+ certified. Less power but same performance in a much smaller package, I am down with that, and indeed it does influence my purchase.

May 29, 2015 at 8:15 AM Post #6,583 of 154,072
Thanks Very Much. Nice To Know. I'm thinking about purchasing a Vali for a quick introduction into tubes but at the moment due to various circumstances most of my gear (PC, Xbox One, TV and current Magni 2/Modi 2U stack are stuck in a small alcove at my parents house and they are pretty much next to each other. There is some space for airflow but not much but I don't run the PC and the Xbox at the same time either. Hopefully it should be OK. Roll on payday.

I wouldn't worry too much about it.  Vali gets warm but I wouldn't call it hot - you can put your hand on it no problem.  Besides, you want them tubes to be warm, they sound so much better.

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