Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Nov 16, 2014 at 8:26 AM Post #3,781 of 154,125
By the way, am I the only one who initially thought "Schiit" was simply the last name of the guy in charge (probably german, I thought, and spelled "sheet") and didn't even think of...uh...swearwords... when I first saw the name?

Nov 16, 2014 at 11:43 AM Post #3,783 of 154,125
  I have a nice bit of music from A.R.Ramon called Mondo India and a few other India Artist's CDs , very beautiful !  I can't find much here in the States but I'm always looking. 
Tony in Michigan 

There's lots of Indian music on, but it's a small subset of what's out there. Fortunately is in English. And when I get overwhelmed by choice, I ask for recommendations from staff at local Indian restaurants...
Nov 16, 2014 at 12:00 PM Post #3,785 of 154,125

Some time back I stumbled across a film called Sita Sings the Blues, which retells an Indian folk tale in animation, using both Indian music and American blues recordings from the early 20th century. Some of you might get a kick out of it while we wait for the next chapter.
Nov 16, 2014 at 2:10 PM Post #3,788 of 154,125
Sita Sings the Blues ,

Can only find the Video , is there a CD ? 

it's nice music .

Tony in Michigan

The release of this film was very famously hung up because they had real problems licensing the blues music. The chances of there ever being a standalone CD release of the soundtrack is vanishingly small…
Nov 16, 2014 at 3:04 PM Post #3,789 of 154,125
Hello Thad-E-Ginathom in India ,
... ... ...
I have a nice bit of music from A.R.Ramon called Mondo India and a few other India Artist's CDs , very beautiful !  I can't find much here in the States but I'm always looking. 

A R Rahman, I think is the name that you are looking for. He is based in Chennai. Find your nearest Tamil community (Indian or Sri Lankan) and you should get quite a lot of his film music. He wrote some pretty tunes, but I'm afraid that I cannot get on with Indian films and their music at all. I'm a Carnatic (South Indian) Classical man!
Some time back I stumbled across a film called Sita Sings the Blues, which retells an Indian folk tale in animation, using both Indian music and American blues recordings from the early 20th century. Some of you might get a kick out of it while we wait for the next chapter.

Seems to be a retelling of Ramayana, which is not so much a folk tale as a major epic and a big, big thing for Hindus.
Err... I hope this chat is ok. While we wait for the next chapter...
Nov 16, 2014 at 4:02 PM Post #3,790 of 154,125

CANATIC Classical , 
 I am visiting the YouTube coverage of the Dunbar Festival 2009 , it's beautiful , I can see how you are a South Indian Classical lover , I think that I am too .   
 The United States features 5 or 6 differing types of Music , all can be outstanding , there is so much good music in the entire World , I am old and I keep discovering .
Thank You ,
Tony in Michigan
Nov 16, 2014 at 6:23 PM Post #3,791 of 154,125
Yaknow, while I'm not an American (yeah I live up here in Canada in an igloo and sleep with my muklucks on! But I digress...) I have read the Schiit story with interest, to be honest it's actually a breath of fresh air to see how the company came together and how some of the products came to be. I can respect hard work and staying true to your philosophies and yet have a ton of fun through it all. I sit here surprised that one of the very scant dealers for some Schiiit products is in my area and now knowing that, I'm going to take my MDR-1R cans to demo the Asgard 2 because for one, I can, and secondly I'd love to hear some good Schiit.
Do I actually "need" a headphone amp with these cans? Probably not but eh...if it can make them sound like the flagship that Sony says they are well then. I'd like to actually hear for myself what these guys have come up with, also if I like the sound...why not spend some bucks and bring one home? Authorized dealer, full warranty and service isn't too hard to obtain. Plus supporting honest hard working folk isn't such a bad thing. Like Mr. Stoddard says, there are faceless corporations just trying to make the "numbers". I think it's about high time the Schiit business model came along, real people, real gear and I've experienced my first contact with the company, emailed Schiit in the recent past with a few direct questions, damn near instant reply during the week with quick answers, folks they deliver on their word and I"ll be honest, great CS goes a long way with me for choosing what I buy and in most cases WHERE I buy things from.
Jason, Mike and the gang, kudos to you folks on doing it differently and succeeding, keep it and and as always...HAVE FUN! Seems like ya do and this is what it's all about.
Nov 16, 2014 at 7:08 PM Post #3,792 of 154,125

Hello Mr.nbrowser ,
I own the Asgard 2 , it's outstanding driving everything I own but I don't own everything .   Still , any amp will need a superb or very good DAC to have your headphones singing beautifully .  You will need an JDS Labs ODAC at a minimum .  The DAC is a digital Phono Cartridge for playing your Computer iTunes Music .   
  Still , all-n-all , your MDR phones will scale up with better electronics , there is no point in trying to judge them properly unless you employ proper electronics .  
  I was a High-End Audio Dealer , I've owned great electronics , the Asgard 2 performs at the same level with the best I've ever owned or sold , solid state , great dynamic driver amplification .   Tubes will be helpful with the Planers that love Voltage Swings and softness .   
  In summary , I might suggest that you may never be able to discover another Solid State headphone Amp that can significantly outperform the Schiit .  The big bonus is that the darn thing is so low priced , how can a person go wrong ? , if you end up retiring it , you can keep it in a closet  as a back-up against a Polar Bear smashing up your stuff .  ( you do have Polar Bears , don't you ? )  I  think you Canadians have them as Pets , in the back , chained up .  They do make great Pets , don't they ? , that's what I've heard . 
Headphones is one of the Great Hobbies , Schiit is darn good , and the Schiit Stuff sells well on ebay if you decide to sell . 
Tony in Michigan 
Nov 16, 2014 at 8:19 PM Post #3,793 of 154,125
Tubes will be helpful with the Planers that love Voltage Swings and softness .   

Nah, you don't wanna go OTL with planars; they like current, not voltage.
Nov 16, 2014 at 9:26 PM Post #3,795 of 154,125
Well, I just found this "book" and the thread today, and have been reading it (Jason's book) all afternoon. As one of Schiit's early DAC adopters (Bifrost, now Gungnir, and I think I was one of the very first folks in the U.S. to get a Loki), I feel I've been remiss for not discovering this before now.
All I can say is it's a terrific read. As someone who's worked in the tech sector (biotech) for a long time, and have seen my share of successes and failures, Jason's stories, lessons learned, and insights are bang-on in my experience. REALLY good stuff here. 
Thanks so much to Jason for writing this, and for taking the plunge with Schiit. 
Stephen Scharf aka Puma Cat

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