Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Aug 5, 2023 at 10:22 PM Post #123,106 of 155,141
Kinda like how you adapt over time to a clutch that's wearing out... you can launch the car and shift the gears just fine, until one day when you let a friend drive your car and she says: "Dude, the clutch in this thing is schiit!"
I love it!!! 😆
Aug 5, 2023 at 10:41 PM Post #123,107 of 155,141
AI will be similarly wasted according to this guy who wants the darn kids to stay off the lawn.
… the irony of natural stupidity wasting artificial intelligence … 🤪🤔🤪
Aug 5, 2023 at 11:03 PM Post #123,108 of 155,141
The Urd "Urge You To Listen" CD of the evening... (thanks @mystaiced !):

Tori Amos' "Unrepentant Geraldines"... love her or not, this is an incredible recording. The depth of the soundstage, and the solidity of her piano (and her voice!) are stunning.

This is as close as I'm going to get to having a Boesendorfer Concert Grand 290 Imperial in my living room. I have years of personal experience hearing the piano live and up close; my son is an accomplished pianist and owns a Petrof P194 Storm. I've heard him play it over hundreds, maybe thousands of hours... and the sound of the instrument is burned into my brain.

This sound on this CD comes really close to having a physical grand piano in your room.

Of course, YMMV. <g>
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Aug 5, 2023 at 11:18 PM Post #123,109 of 155,141
The Urd "Urge You To Listen" CD of the evening... (thanks @mystaiced !):

Tori Amos' "Unrepentant Geraldines"... love her or not, this is an incredible recording. The depth of the soundstage, and the solidity of her piano (and her voice!) are stunning.

This is as close as I'm going to get to having a Boesendorfer Concert Grand 290 Imperial in my living room. I have years of personal experience hearing the piano live and up close; my son is an accomplished pianist and owns a Petrof P 194 Storm. I've heard him play it over hundreds, maybe thousands of hours... and the sound of the instrument is burned into my brain.

This sound on this CD comes really close to having a physical grand piano in your room.

Of course, YMMV. <g>
That is indeed a great album! I regularly use tracks 5 & 6 to help evaluate changes in my system.
Aug 5, 2023 at 11:19 PM Post #123,110 of 155,141
Just wanted to pop in and leave an updated impression of the Gjallarhorns amplifiers. We spent an extended listening session last night sipping wine and letting Roon provide a random mix from our server of everything from Adelle to Miles to Soundgarden to Skrillex. Source was from my streamer through Yggdrasil, then using the Woo ES8 in preamp mode driving a pair of Gjallarhorns in mono, each providing power to my self-design studio monitors. The sound was powerful, dynamic, full and completely enjoyable. We listened for however long it took for two of us to consume two bottles of Zinfandel and while reading on our iPads. No listener fatigue, and when we were ready for bed the amps were barely warm (Yggdrasil and Woo were both warmer.) Very nice, thank you Schiit.
I'm giving you a like in particular for the Skrillex. :smile_cat:
Aug 6, 2023 at 12:38 AM Post #123,111 of 155,141
My OMG CD last night was:

If I Could Only Remember My Name - David Crosby.
Atlantic-Rhino R2 659054/603497843398 from 2021

This features a fresh transfer of the master tape by Jamie Howarth and John Chester of Plangent Process. The clarity of this recording on every level is scary good! David's voice carry's the day, the roster list of artists this album is incredible, and the songs are fabulous.
I am halfway through this CD, and I am dumbfounded/flabbergasted/amazed... it sounds incredible, and I wondered if should try to find it on LP for a (semi-) direct comparison and then I decided.: NO. This is pretty much perfect (if not a bit heavy in the mid-bass - nothing Loki can't fix). Thanks @US Blues !

If you appreciate/like/adore CSN(Y), this album will make you grin (and potentially cry). BTW, if any of the tracks seem 'out of genre' (e.g., intro to track 9 of disc one), just wait a minute or two... wow. The harmonies on the back end of this song are (and the mic'ing of the guitar is) world-class. This could be my new favorite recording of a long, long time.

URD > YGGY :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat:
I said it before, gonna say it again... if I had heard Urd +Yggy via Unison USB six months ago... I wouldn't have invested a new TT/cart/preamp. It sounds that damned good.
Aug 6, 2023 at 8:03 AM Post #123,112 of 155,141
It will. My DIY system uses woofers rated at 8-ohms nominal and 88 db./watt-meter and the Gjallarhorns were more than enough for them.
Yes I think so as well....the experiment here will be Class AB vs Class A.
One person suggested one G-Horn would suffice.
Another said I need the Vidar for the lower sensitivity 88 db.
Another said I need the Aegir due to its sonic footprint ie Class A.

So the only way for me to decide is to try them all and report back!
Aye, Aye Sir !...

So test 1 will be single G-horn.
Test 2, mono G-horns.
Test 3. Aegir.

Will skip Vidar if this goes as I think it will.....


Aug 6, 2023 at 8:11 AM Post #123,113 of 155,141
I've had two PMs about the DIY speaker I posted asking why I recycled an ugly old vinyl-over-MDF Infinity enclosure. I've been designing and building loudspeaker systems for almost 50 years and I am a pretty good crossover designer, with all of the tools to test and adjust. This is what I love: finding a way to take some interesting raw drivers and make them sound good. I spend days on the crossover design, measuring and listening and testing and tweaking. Sometimes I spend months to "finish" a system and never build it (ask my wife about the "electrical mess" in my workshop.) What I don't love is carpentry and furniture making. In fact I'm crap at it. So I only use the bare necessities to test system enclosure size then find or have made for me what I need to suit the system I'm designing if I decide to turn it into something for the house.

Kit builders tend to be the opposite. They love the wood working, the cabinet making, the finishes and the polish. They tend to be really good at that and focus their time and attention on that aspect, then plug in a loudspeaker kit that they want to use. If I want one of my systems to look good, I'll likely hire one of them to do it for me. But otherwise, I really don't pay much attention to cosmetics. :)

As in all things, YMMV.
I used to build all kinds of wood projects here, not quite at the Paladin level (lol). But it takes time and patience. Measure twice cut once. And with the costs of stuff today its getting crazy.

The reason I bought the A26 cabinets from a fellow that has been doing this for 30 years up in Connecticut, John. 5/8" MDF with Cherry veneer. 1 cu ft enclosure. Padded with foam and 1/4 felt. Some polyfill for the woofer damping...and a simple crossover...One cap and one resistor....really exotic eh !?!


Cabinets added $599 to the cost. For me thats abit expensive but for the time, effort, materials etc and final finish product it was well worth it..
Started at 9:30 am, had music playing at 3:30 pm...


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Aug 6, 2023 at 8:14 AM Post #123,114 of 155,141
I love that, ha-ha! Crazy how we have people from the 50s alive, but they slowly experienced the technological changes, so they aren't wowed by it like if we actually brought someone from the 50s into the present time. They'd probably lose their minds. :thinking:
Being born in 1949.....I was 10 yrs old in 1959...and the tech really amazes me, but I was a ET for years, EE engineer for some and you get buried in the tech...spend years testing electronics stuff, building etc...every once in awhile I stop and marvel at the physical shrinking of stuff into these dsp devices we have today...must be some Alien tech from Area 51....or Jason is smoking some good stuff with Mike!

Aug 6, 2023 at 8:34 AM Post #123,115 of 155,141
k, then you and @Paladin79 need to get @Jason Stoddard to set you up as Schitty Speakers, LLC. :wink:
I worked in speaker design so I rarely need help.🤪 I spent my career in electronics and engineering so now I tend to learn new skills and build things for friends. A young woman from North Carolina is starting a bakery here so I am designing bread boards and knives to help her have more income. Nothing this elaborate.🤪181B0686-09AC-4C98-B106-6936035CE45C.jpeg
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Aug 6, 2023 at 9:05 AM Post #123,116 of 155,141
I used to build all kinds of wood projects here, not quite at the Paladin level (lol). But it takes time and patience. Measure twice cut once. And with the costs of stuff today its getting crazy.

The reason I bought the A26 cabinets from a fellow that has been doing this for 30 years up in Connecticut, John. 5/8" MDF with Cherry veneer. 1 cu ft enclosure. Padded with foam and 1/4 felt. Some polyfill for the woofer damping...and a simple crossover...One cap and one resistor....really exotic eh !?!

Cabinets added $599 to the cost. For me thats abit expensive but for the time, effort, materials etc and final finish product it was well worth it..
Started at 9:30 am, had music paying at 3:30 pm...


Very nice! I only work with hardwoods with radial speakers at the moment and costs are getting crazy. The charcuterie board I just showed cost me around $50 in materials. I just bought a large amount of hardwoods from all over the world because like vacuum tubes, the price is not coming down. I have always tried to help others when I can and as I look around my shop I find $5,000 worth of vacuum tubes and six fairly new speakers that were given to me by friends on here. I did give away seven amplifiers I designed so things tend to balance out. (Mr. Cowen has the second prettiest). As far as time, I used to spend three weekends on amp cabinet builds just to get the woodworking and metal work the way I wanted it. :beerchug:
Aug 6, 2023 at 9:24 AM Post #123,117 of 155,141
There’s a meme out there that says something to the effect that “if someone from the 1950s were time transported to 2023 the thing that would surprise them the most is that we all have a device in our pocket that allows unlimited access to all the world’s history and data as well the ability to communicate with virtually anyone on the planet in real time. We use this device to view pictures of cats and argue with strangers.”

AI will be similarly wasted according to this guy who wants the darn kids to stay off the lawn.
Imagine trying to explain this to that person. 🤣

Purist System Enhancer.jpg
Aug 6, 2023 at 9:25 AM Post #123,118 of 155,141
As a photographer of sorts....taking thousand of pix, photoshop, printing, matting, making frames etc...from image capture to final framing....I often put down the camera and just watched the sun rise or set...and marvel at the beauty.

Same with music...tons of testing etc...comparisons, reviews and stuff to me...but the best is when u stop and just listen to well recorded music and stop flipping thru songs...about as good as it gets...

Aug 6, 2023 at 9:34 AM Post #123,119 of 155,141
Imagine trying to explain this to that person. 🤣

You know there is a newer, improved version with enhanced algorithms, nicer cover photo for the "cardboard" holder, a label on the disc and so much more.
The secret sauce that makes it moar better.... "cardboard".
Aug 6, 2023 at 10:18 AM Post #123,120 of 155,141
As a photographer of sorts....taking thousand of pix, photoshop, printing, matting, making frames etc...from image capture to final framing....I often put down the camera and just watched the sun rise or set...and marvel at the beauty.

Same with music...tons of testing etc...comparisons, reviews and stuff to me...but the best is when u stop and just listen to well recorded music and stop flipping thru songs...about as good as it gets...

Well said.

I am able to spend long hours in my shop because of an audio system capable of keeping my attention.

I am refurbing receivers from their golden age and it is fun for me to play vinyl from the same period. Yesterday it was Pink Floyd.
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