Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Jul 18, 2023 at 11:08 PM Post #121,846 of 155,097

I received my Urd's 7/15, yes plural and have them set up. Thought it would be interesting to perform "my own private thunderdome". Perhaps you would enjoy the journey with me? For comparison I have (2) other optical transports and (1) CD PC drive; Sony SCD-XA777ES, OPPO UDP-205 and URD. I have a A2-OG and LIM Yggy's and the USB input for the OPPO D/S (ESS9038) DAC. For fun, there is also a Folkvanger that can be switched in (level matched) between the single ended outputs of the respective DAC's and all of this "schiit" is feeding the inputs of a Benchmark LA-4 preamp. There is a Logitech Transporter for ethernet streaming (it has a AKM D/S DAC with digital inputs) and my trusty OG Lenovo X220 laptop with a OG Plextor PF-716UF external optical CD drive. It has USB and Firewire outputs but it is NOT a transport, Jason is correct in the FACT that URD is the first USB output transport.
I have worn out the F5 key paint on my board waiting for URD and it was worth it (I can buy another keyboard). I CAN hear a difference using any type of connectivity from URD (It really sounds more like music but this is the first couple of days) vs other optical sources and would recommend the purchase to anyone on the basis of the USB hub alone. My Lenovo PC sounds MUCH better into the USB input of URD but will have to play more music. I wish I still had my Theta Data III (laser disc) transport and Gen 5 DAC to go for a really old school comparison but they are still working for a dear friend in Iceland. Will update this when I have listened more (too many equipment combinations and WAY too many RBCD titles) but that's a good thang. A major thank you to Mike, Dave, Ivana, Jason and the staff at Schiit for another really cool and useful product. It almost like you gave me my RBCD collection back to listen to again. It's apparant to me your products are similar to other products I used in my twenties but without "those" side effects. For that I humbly say thank you, your products always put a smile on my face and are well worth the funds. The wear on my keyboards, not so much. A friend commented on the Folkvanger recently; Vacuum Tubes... You?? She understood once she heard her favorite album. A pic is attached.


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Jul 18, 2023 at 11:27 PM Post #121,848 of 155,097
Tonight's Syn-full song recommendation:

Dixie Chicken...... Little Feat
Jul 18, 2023 at 11:33 PM Post #121,849 of 155,097
For those that are intrigued by the Parche I'd recommend reading Blind Man's Bluff How this ever got to publishing without violating NDAs et cetera IDK. I've read it several times and plan to again soon. It is an excellent read.
Ty for the suggestion!
Jul 18, 2023 at 11:46 PM Post #121,850 of 155,097
Pi2AES is a significant upgrade over the Digi Pro. I am replacing my units slowly, starting with my most used systems
Ty! For suggesting an improvement, and for spending my money… Fyi, am testing a 4 using via (no hat) vs another 4 with the Digi Pro. Will advise.
Jul 19, 2023 at 4:28 AM Post #121,851 of 155,097
Is it only a disc transport with no other functionality? It would be very odd for a disc transport to have wifi just for software updates. It would need an entire interface just to select the wifi SSID and enter a password. What model is it?
Its a Cambridge audio DVD, Blu-Ray , CD , sacd / transport , based on an Oppo 105 chassis without internal dac - Oh it also replays from an NAS
Jul 19, 2023 at 6:46 AM Post #121,852 of 155,097

I received my Urd's 7/15, yes plural and have them set up. Thought it would be interesting to perform "my own private thunderdome". Perhaps you would enjoy the journey with me? For comparison I have (2) other optical transports and (1) CD PC drive; Sony SCD-XA777ES, OPPO UDP-205 and URD. I have a A2-OG and LIM Yggy's and the USB input for the OPPO D/S (ESS9038) DAC. For fun, there is also a Folkvanger that can be switched in (level matched) between the single ended outputs of the respective DAC's and all of this "schiit" is feeding the inputs of a Benchmark LA-4 preamp. There is a Logitech Transporter for ethernet streaming (it has a AKM D/S DAC with digital inputs) and my trusty OG Lenovo X220 laptop with a OG Plextor PF-716UF external optical CD drive. It has USB and Firewire outputs but it is NOT a transport, Jason is correct in the FACT that URD is the first USB output transport.
I have worn out the F5 key paint on my board waiting for URD and it was worth it (I can buy another keyboard). I CAN hear a difference using any type of connectivity from URD (It really sounds more like music but this is the first couple of days) vs other optical sources and would recommend the purchase to anyone on the basis of the USB hub alone. My Lenovo PC sounds MUCH better into the USB input of URD but will have to play more music. I wish I still had my Theta Data III (laser disc) transport and Gen 5 DAC to go for a really old school comparison but they are still working for a dear friend in Iceland. Will update this when I have listened more (too many equipment combinations and WAY too many RBCD titles) but that's a good thang. A major thank you to Mike, Dave, Ivana, Jason and the staff at Schiit for another really cool and useful product. It almost like you gave me my RBCD collection back to listen to again. It's apparant to me your products are similar to other products I used in my twenties but without "those" side effects. For that I humbly say thank you, your products always put a smile on my face and are well worth the funds. The wear on my keyboards, not so much. A friend commented on the Folkvanger recently; Vacuum Tubes... You?? She understood once she heard her favorite album. A pic is attached.

WoW! and that picture will make almost everybody here happy, just missing a cat (or dog) :ksc75smile:
Jul 19, 2023 at 8:11 AM Post #121,853 of 155,097
This was my dad‘s boat! How a 6’3 man was even approved to serve on this thing is a mystery. Also toured this in Baltimore; I never hit his height but even I had to crane my head to fit in a bunk. Found his line-crossing Trusty Shellback card and other mementos going through his things after he passed and put together a little display to remember him, he always spoke fondly of his time on the Torsk.
We had our neighbors over for dinner recently and compared notes on Crossing the Line. He did it northbound from Australia to San Diego as an engineering officer on the Los Angeles. He joined in Perth, so most of the crew were initiated southbound. Mine was on HMS Blake and southbound and I was part of a large contingent - so it was a straightforward affair, though NAAFI staff were known to the entire ship and so legitimate targets for excess. C's description of the "ceremony", submerged, made my hair curl!
Jul 19, 2023 at 8:12 AM Post #121,854 of 155,097
Awesome. A fun tour to go on. Especially since the tour guide was a former crewman of the Torsk.

Plus, the Navy wanted me for a nuclear tech aboard a sub. But, it was a 6 year hitch. Still, I didn't think my color vision issues, would have worked out, when dealing with nuclear energy...! :laughing:

You'd have been ok, it's all the same color at that temperature!
Jul 19, 2023 at 8:40 AM Post #121,857 of 155,097
Ty! For suggesting an improvement, and for spending my money… Fyi, am testing a 4 using via (no hat) vs another 4 with the Digi Pro. Will advise.
Wanted to play with a Pi since around the time they turned into unobtanium a little while ago (caveat: cum hoc ergo propter hoc). In part because of how much you like to use them in your chains.
So be advised that I will blame you personally if they turn out to be the enjoyable rabbit hole and monumental time sink that I suspect them to be. Knowing my own high standards for matured software that just works, I expect these Pis to be nothing short of an absolute joy for me to set up and use. 🤣
Jul 19, 2023 at 8:58 AM Post #121,858 of 155,097
The Queen sends her regards. :laughing:

Finnegan being Finnegan. I generally set up a chair in the sweet spot when friends come over to hear my audio setup. The last five times Finnegan beat them to the chair so I always add an extra.
Jul 19, 2023 at 9:44 AM Post #121,859 of 155,097
Cat pictures? Here?
It will sidetrack our cat from her filing duties! :)IMG_20230707_212517058~2.jpg
She needs to prepare a file for MJ3. Cheers!

It's nice to know that good clerical help is still available. 😊

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