Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Mar 24, 2016 at 12:16 PM Post #10,352 of 159,513
Now that we've resolved this, lets go on to politics shall we. ( Only kidding on both counts.
Mar 24, 2016 at 2:57 PM Post #10,357 of 159,513
If I was a pure subjectivist, here’s what I’d take from the subjectivist side:
If I was a pure objectivist, here’s what I’d take from the subjectivist side:

I assume you mean "if I was a pure subjectivist, here's what I'd take from the objectivist side?"
And I'm forever amused that you prefer the "lesser" stack over your flagship creations.  I'd be curious to know what Mike's preference of stack is.
Mar 24, 2016 at 3:17 PM Post #10,359 of 159,513
  I assume you mean "if I was a pure subjectivist, here's what I'd take from the objectivist side?"
And I'm forever amused that you prefer the "lesser" stack over your flagship creations.  I'd be curious to know what Mike's preference of stack is.

Ooops x2. Fixed.
As far as Mike's preference, you'd have to ask Mike. 
And again, I'd be happy with most anything we make. At the office, I use a Modi Uber/Vali 2. Eeeek! Delta-sigma, run!!!
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Mar 24, 2016 at 3:31 PM Post #10,360 of 159,513
Even speaking as an engineer (albeit one that does not work in the audio field), with a definite need to observe the measurements in my work, I'm not much more than academically interested in them when it comes to audio gear.
I listen to music for pleasure and whatever enhances that, real, perceived or even imagined, is fine by me.
But, if for some reason you want to have your agenda or perspective, be that objective or subjective, directly influence the gear I use then my recommendation is that you bring your check book.  Beyond that, I'm a big boy now and I'll make my own determinations, biased though they almost always will be, on what I like and enjoy using whatever facts, or absence of facts, beliefs or other criteria I feel like at the time.  And I make no promises they'll be consistent or even make sense to anyone else.
It is, however, quite entertaining watching people lose their composure when they try to impose rationality (or their version of it) on that.  A chap I work with has gone, shall we say, "hardcore NwAvGuy" on this stuff.  He got damn near apoplectic when I brought my Abyss to work a few days ago.  And the mere existence of my Lyr causes him near conniptions.
Mar 24, 2016 at 3:46 PM Post #10,361 of 159,513
Even speaking as an engineer (albeit one that does not work in the audio field), with a definite need to observe the measurements in my work, I'm not much more than academically interested in them when it comes to audio gear.

I listen to music for pleasure and whatever enhances that, real, perceived or even imagined, is fine by me.

But, if for some reason you want to have your agenda or perspective, be that objective or subjective, directly influence the gear I use then my recommendation is that you bring your check book.  Beyond that, I'm a big boy now and I'll make my own determinations, biased though they almost always will be, on what I like and enjoy using whatever facts, or absence of facts, beliefs or other criteria I feel like at the time.  And I make no promises they'll be consistent or even make sense to anyone else.

It is, however, quite entertaining watching people lose their composure when they try to impose rationality (or their version of it) on that.  A chap I work with has gone, shall we say, "hardcore NwAvGuy" on this stuff.  He got damn near apoplectic when I brought my Abyss to work a few days ago.  And the mere existence of my Lyr causes him near conniptions.

He wouldn't be a"reformed subjectivist" would he?

What I have noticed is that a lot of the more "hardcore" objectivists claim that they were once "hardcore subjectivists" - ones that spent a lot of time & money chasing unrealistic goals with each latest faddish add-on but now are "saved" because of some epiphany.
Mar 24, 2016 at 4:10 PM Post #10,362 of 159,513
He wouldn't be a"reformed subjectivist" would he?

What I have noticed is that a lot of the more "hardcore" objectivists claim that they were once "hardcore subjectivists" - ones that spent a lot of time & money chasing unrealistic goals with each latest faddish add-on but now are "saved" because of some epiphany.

If that could be considered a passable synonym for "colossal Muppet" then, yes!
He is, apparently, completely incapable of comprehending that not everyone in the world thinks and feels exactly the same about everything as he does.  Where that comes from I'm not sure ...   maybe his mother spent too much time telling him how special he was and how he could grow up to be anything he wanted - and he chose "irritating git".  I imagine he'd be a lot happier if he worried more about his own stuff and less about what everyone around him was doing.
On the subject of epiphanies ...
I know that, for me, my early days as an audiophile involved spending large sums of money chasing measurements and a "flat response" in my speaker setup.  Not long after I thought I was done there I heard a far more financially modest setup that was not, by any stretch of the imagination, "flat" ... and it was vastly more fun to listen too for me.  So my epiphany was simply to buy what I personally happen to enjoy and not worry about "why".
Turns out that has been much cheaper and I listen to far more music than I used to, with a much bigger smile on my face.
Mar 24, 2016 at 5:02 PM Post #10,363 of 159,513
 I'd be curious to know what Mike's preference of stack is.

He's probably out enjoying live music somewhere wondering what's wrong with all us technophiles...
Mar 24, 2016 at 5:08 PM Post #10,364 of 159,513
  In a thousand years, when godlike AIs are unearthing the data-foundations of the Human Internet, they’ll be shaking their metaphorical heads at the silly stuff we get into arguments about. 

But they might be busy arguing about their own silly stuff ... (I just finished reading Dan Simmons's Hyperion series.)
Mar 24, 2016 at 6:24 PM Post #10,365 of 159,513
  But they might be busy arguing about their own silly stuff ... (I just finished reading Dan Simmons's Hyperion series.)

Or they will all be racist sex robot Hitler fans...

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