Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Mar 5, 2020 at 11:20 AM Post #57,271 of 159,505
Yeah this is using the stock tube. I've stopped using the fotons until they get sent for resoldering. I should maybe try the Lisst.
Glass is not a good conductor so you may have a noisy tube, or dirty contacts on the tube socket. Occasionally I will tap on a tube to check for microphonics but it is more the movement than the actual touching that might tell me something. If I ship you something one day I will try to include a couple extra 6sn7's since I have a boatload of them right now. :)
Mar 5, 2020 at 11:28 AM Post #57,272 of 159,505
Interestingly, I can only hear the pops when nothing is playing..... I have Zu omen DW on that rig, very efficient. Sound comes out at no volume. If I have any signal going through saga there are no pops on volume change. No signal, i get pops. Not sure what that's about.

Hmmm, I paused my player and tried and I don't get any pops on volume, just when I mute/unmute or switch between active/passive.

Sometimes it tries to show an ad and it gets blocked, but then shows a blank page. I'm not really complaining, they have a right to show ads to make money to run their business, but the blank pages coming up does make browsing threads more unpleasant. These ad networks can be vectors for malware, so I'm not comfortable allowing ads to display, but that's a whole other conversation.
Interesting, I haven't noticed this, however I generally stick to 2 or 3 threads and they have their own tabs...
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Mar 5, 2020 at 12:56 PM Post #57,273 of 159,505
I know this is late, and since Loxi Max is probably already well along design stage, probably a waste of time, but I thought of a feature that would be incredible in Loki Max.
I know no one asked, but one feature I thought would be incredible was a SYS input switch tied to the Loxi Max. I want to purchase the SYS, but it being a Modi-sized form factor means it wouldn't stack up nicely with my Bifrost 2/Valhalla 2 chassis. If only I could hook up two RCA/XLR inputs from different DACs and have the input/EQ controls all in one place so there's less cable swapping.
Mar 5, 2020 at 1:17 PM Post #57,274 of 159,505
...and I don't know that any of us is in "scientific" or "perceptive" mode 100% of the time, even within the confines on a single listening session. If I'm trying to evaluate gear or a recording I'll get fatigued and find myself mentally wandering, then jumping back into critical listening. Likewise, often when I'm just listening to listen, I may notice something I hadn't noticed before and switch to critical listening mode for a bit to try to characterize or quantify what I just heard. But then, it's back to the groove after a few minutes.

Well, I didn't say "100% of the time" and don't think that so I'm afraid you're putting words in my mouth a little bit here. I said there is a *tendency* to want to place ourselves in one lane or the other, and you can see this behavior readily in the way people argue about things like cables and burn-in. They are very much Red vs. Blue arguments. It's also pretty rare to see somebody changes sides on these issues once they have formed their initial opinion.
Mar 5, 2020 at 1:22 PM Post #57,275 of 159,505
What would it take to get the wall-worts made in the USA as far as a price increase in a products retail cost?

I would be willing to pay more if its reasonable for one made here in the US?

I am glad and proud that Schiit gets most of its "stuff" from the US....

Some folks on other site often de-ride Schiit products stating their "cheap" tansformers are made in China...

This doesnt mean that all Chinese products are of less value, just want to let you know that there are a lot of us
that are willing to pay a little extra for this item to be made here as well..

I think Schiit products at existing prices are a great value for the performance they offer...

Stay Safe out there!


We have yet to find a company making wall warts in the USA.

Sure, you can get them from a US company...that is making them in China. For 10x the price. Yeah, that's a no.

We are currently looking into other options. But for the moment, our supply lines are fine, and the wall-warts have generally been good and reliable. Anything else we consider would have to be qualified before use.
Schiit Audio Stay updated on Schiit Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Mar 5, 2020 at 1:55 PM Post #57,276 of 159,505
Smart move, what with all that‘s going on. Not exactly a “novel“ approach (let the groans begin). People are a panicky bunch, especially when that herd effect takes hold, and this seems a measured, sensible step. Be smart and be well, y’all.

I’m gonna grab a pint of Boddington’s and cue up some Debussy this evening. Lyr and I both like it a lot. Suite Bergamasque, Rogé at the piano.

Pascal Roge is my favorite classical pianist. His Debussy & Poulenc can't be beaten IMO.
Mar 5, 2020 at 1:58 PM Post #57,277 of 159,505
My concern is the second wave of COVID-19 in the Fall going into 2021. The 1918 influenza pandemic was actually 1918–1919.
Mar 5, 2020 at 2:16 PM Post #57,278 of 159,505
I think people should do what they think is best as long as it doesn't impinge on others, but this Coronavirus stuff is being blown out of proportion by the media (it's what they do). Worldwide fewer people have died from it than have died in the US from the flu just during this flu season.

It's the latest SARS, Swine Flu, Legionnaires, etc. It's kind of sad but not unexpected that so many people are doing things like buying as many Lysol disinfectant sheet containers as they can, or buying cases and cases of bottled water, "just in case." I live in the state with the most Coronavirus related deaths but what the media isn't telling you is most of them were elderly and lived in a convalescent home. There has been at least one worker from that same facility that has died too.

Death rates of 3.4% (WHO estimates) for a virus that spreads so stealthily and so easily are not trivial.

In the Seattle elderly facility the death rate was more like 30% (are you implying that old people don't matter?)

Yes, flu kills more people, but that's only because of the extreme efforts to contain covid 19. If half the people in the world got infected, and assuming a 3.4% death rate, we'd have about 130 million casualties.
Mar 5, 2020 at 3:45 PM Post #57,280 of 159,505
I know no one asked, but one feature I thought would be incredible was a SYS input switch tied to the Loxi Max. I want to purchase the SYS, but it being a Modi-sized form factor means it wouldn't stack up nicely with my Bifrost 2/Valhalla 2 chassis. If only I could hook up two RCA/XLR inputs from different DACs and have the input/EQ controls all in one place so there's less cable swapping.
So, a teeny tiny, SAGA. With an analogue EQ bolted onto it? I wonder if Schiit Audio plans on moving away from components and evolve their devices into all-in-one brushed silver (or Hel coloured) creations. Somehow, according to the early posts, mounting power supplies onto boards is... cheaper?... less EMF-noisy?… and/or what the customer wants? Meh, I wouldn’t want to be part of Schiit’s official strategic planning crew. Too much risk for me. :robot::ksc75smile:
Mar 5, 2020 at 3:54 PM Post #57,281 of 159,505
Death rates of 3.4% (WHO estimates) for a virus that spreads so stealthily and so easily are not trivial.

In the Seattle elderly facility the death rate was more like 30% (are you implying that old people don't matter?)

Yes, flu kills more people, but that's only because of the extreme efforts to contain covid 19. If half the people in the world got infected, and assuming a 3.4% death rate, we'd have about 130 million casualties.
Yeah, the most important thing to know about COVID-19 (besides how quickly/easily is seems to spread) is that it is several times more lethal than the flu (while presenting similar symptoms). Taking worst-case estimates from the CDC, the 2019-2020 flu has a ~0.1% mortality rate (just in the US). It killed tens of thousands because it infected millions. Best we can hope for is improved care and containment to keep the numbers down for COVID-19.

As most rational heads are saying: don't panic, but still be careful and take precautions.
Mar 5, 2020 at 5:23 PM Post #57,282 of 159,505
Yeah, the most important thing to know about COVID-19 (besides how quickly/easily is seems to spread) is that it is several times more lethal than the flu (while presenting similar symptoms). Taking worst-case estimates from the CDC, the 2019-2020 flu has a ~0.1% mortality rate (just in the US). It killed tens of thousands because it infected millions. Best we can hope for is improved care and containment to keep the numbers down for COVID-19.

As most rational heads are saying: don't panic, but still be careful and take precautions.
Wash my hands with warm water and soap... for how many seconds...?.... to the monologue of Lady Macbeth's Out Damn Spot ("the sleepwalking scene")... at least that's according to Facebook. Yep. Yep. Yep. :) Seriously, I had to field multiple questions about COVID-19 in my morning science 9 classes. Questions from my sweathogs: Oooh! Oooh! Sir! Sir! A student in my other class was walking up to me with a facemask... Nooo. Yeahh! My response: {deep breath}, if that student was positive for that... COVID is like a mega-case of influenza. That student would be vomiting... from... both... ends {insert dramatic flourishments & me doing interpretive science-curriculum-appropriate [?] dance-moves}... Oh yes, and a fever. A high fever. Like burning-up-and-I'm-seeing-the-ghost-of-TupaqChakkur fever dreams. Ah, did I mention the projectile vomiting and diarrhoea? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Working hard for YOUR tax dollars (and to pay off my recent purchase of a DanClark Audio Ether C Flow 1.1 headphones), Mister ScubaMan. York District School Board. Ontario, Canada. :beerchug:
Mar 5, 2020 at 7:04 PM Post #57,283 of 159,505
Wash my hands with warm water and soap... for how many seconds...?.... to the monologue of Lady Macbeth's Out Damn Spot ("the sleepwalking scene")... at least that's according to Facebook. Yep. Yep. Yep. :) Seriously, I had to field multiple questions about COVID-19 in my morning science 9 classes. Questions from my sweathogs: Oooh! Oooh! Sir! Sir! A student in my other class was walking up to me with a facemask... Nooo. Yeahh! My response: {deep breath}, if that student was positive for that... COVID is like a mega-case of influenza. That student would be vomiting... from... both... ends {insert dramatic flourishments & me doing interpretive science-curriculum-appropriate [?] dance-moves}... Oh yes, and a fever. A high fever. Like burning-up-and-I'm-seeing-the-ghost-of-TupaqChakkur fever dreams. Ah, did I mention the projectile vomiting and diarrhoea? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Working hard for YOUR tax dollars (and to pay off my recent purchase of a DanClark Audio Ether C Flow 1.1 headphones), Mister ScubaMan. York District School Board. Ontario, Canada. :beerchug:
how would you describe the differences (improvements???) between the Ether C's and other headphones they are replacing?

stay safe.
Mar 5, 2020 at 8:17 PM Post #57,284 of 159,505
Death rates of 3.4% (WHO estimates) for a virus that spreads so stealthily and so easily are not trivial.

In the Seattle elderly facility the death rate was more like 30% (are you implying that old people don't matter?)

Yes, flu kills more people, but that's only because of the extreme efforts to contain covid 19. If half the people in the world got infected, and assuming a 3.4% death rate, we'd have about 130 million casualties.

Don't be ridiculous. The elderly and children are more likely to die from things that most of us will recover from. The point I was making was that the media isn't giving us the whole story in order to sensationalize their "news" and drive the generally gullible public into a near panic. Also, I agree with taking reasonable precautions and not being lackadaisical about this, but also don't sequester yourself in your home for fear of contracting it.
Mar 5, 2020 at 9:03 PM Post #57,285 of 159,505
If you're less than 50 you don't really have to sweat Covid-19 any more than the flu, but of course use all recommended precautions. If you over 50 (decades in my case) it is a big problem. Overall mortality maybe 3.4% but it's mostly us old guys. Take a look at this Coronavirus Age, Sex, Demographics (COVID-19) - Worldometer

I'm glad I just bought a Bifrost II MB. I may have to buy more Schiit before it's too late. Not a good time to take the cruise my wife has been talking about.
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