Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Oct 31, 2017 at 11:00 PM Post #26,026 of 154,002
Pentaconn- The Betamax of headphone jacks. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Naah, Betamax offered better quality and was actually used at TV stations for news recording. It had some redeeming value.

I don't think you're going to find a more reliable or sturdy connector than an XLR one. And it won't short like TRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRS will.
Oct 31, 2017 at 11:02 PM Post #26,027 of 154,002
Naah, Betamax offered better quality and was actually used at TV stations for news recording. It had some redeeming value.

I don't think you're going to find a more reliable or sturdy connector than an XLR one. And it won't short like TRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRS will.

All true, but it went away because Sony was chasing the dollar sign. The same thing will happen with this clown-show connector.
Oct 31, 2017 at 11:03 PM Post #26,028 of 154,002
Oct 31, 2017 at 11:15 PM Post #26,030 of 154,002
It couldn't be that bad otherwise no one would use it. Sony and Sennheiser have picked it up and run with it, so it shouldn't be all that bad?
"Bad" is not the relevant criterion. Large companies like Sony and Sennheiser have different criteria for what works for them than small independent companies like Schiit. I had a quick look and I could not find any conclusive info about the JEITA RC-8141C standard with respect to patents or licensing.
Oct 31, 2017 at 11:18 PM Post #26,032 of 154,002
I hear you. Balanced connectors are the bomb. But why not look at what this connector can do first before we start trashing it. It could offer something that the large XLR connector doesn’t. I just thought it would be cool to first see what this new connector can bring to the table. Jude (our beloved leader and headphone God) likes it. Perhaps we shouldn’t be so dismissive and flippant on something just because it’s new and different.

REMINDER : This new connector was developed by Nippon Dics Co.
Oct 31, 2017 at 11:43 PM Post #26,033 of 154,002
Naturally, Jason's not gonna give two Schiits about a connector that has no real benefit per se for desktop applications, as that is his bread and butter. For portable use though, it makes more sense than having the relative boat anchor that is a 4-pin XLR connector attached to a pair of IEMs. Sure, there's the mini XLR, but desktop stuff doesn't tend to have that connector. I can understand where ModiHiFi is coming from. If you don't, that's fine.
Oct 31, 2017 at 11:45 PM Post #26,034 of 154,002
Naturally, Jason's not gonna give two Schiits about a connector that has no real benefit per se for desktop applications, as that is his bread and butter. For portable use though, it makes more sense than having the relative boat anchor that is a 4-pin XLR connector attached to a pair of IEMs. Sure, there's the mini XLR, but desktop stuff doesn't tend to have that connector. I can understand where ModiHiFi is coming from. If you don't, that's fine.

Yeah. All good. :slight_smile:
Nov 1, 2017 at 2:20 AM Post #26,036 of 154,002
I hear you. Balanced connectors are the bomb. But why not look at what this connector can do first before we start trashing it. It could offer something that the large XLR connector doesn’t.
Cable maker Double Helix Cables will gain from selling Pentaconn cables, but they diss it anyway.
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Nov 1, 2017 at 2:21 AM Post #26,037 of 154,002
Here’s a thought (and remember I’m all about finding solutions to problems - i.e. having multiple types of headphone connectors)…

I could be wrong (and if I am, someone please correct me), but can a Pentaconn connector accommodate single ended cables, single ended cables with a built-in microphone, balanced cables and balanced cables with a built- in microphone? If this is true then all of these types of cables with a sturdier Pentaconn jack can be used with just the one plug on an amp.

Financially, if the Pentaconn plug can serve as a “one plug does it all” solution for headphones then Jason wouldn’t have to worry about buying, designing and putting in separate ¼” plug and XLR plug into his amps. Would Jason mind if the cost to supply and install 2 different connectors into every Jotenheim, Mjolnir 2 and Ragnarok unit he makes were to cost more than just supplying and installing the one Pentaconn connector?

Technically, if the Pentaconn plug can at the least equal the capability of a XRL plug then wouldn’t this type of connector be better solution to the problem of having multiple types of connectors? I’m not too sure if the Pentaconn connector is equal in its capability to a XRL connector (only someone who can actually test this can only answer this one), but it would be fun to find out.

REMINDER : The Pentaconn connector was designed by Nippon Dics Co. and is a standard connector set by JEITA.
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Nov 1, 2017 at 2:29 AM Post #26,038 of 154,002
Here’s a thought (and remember I’m all about finding solutions to problems - i.e. having multiple types of headphone connectors)…


Technically, if the Pentaconn plug can at the least equal the capability of a XRL plug then wouldn’t this type of connector be better solution to the problem of having multiple types of connectors? I’m not too sure if the Pentaconn connector is equal in its capability to a XRL connector (only someone who can actually test this can only answer this one), but it would be fun to find out.

Pretty sure that wouldn't work for technical reasons. Balances amplifiers have been separate sections for each channel and need to be summed for the single ended output. There need to be two separate jacks to accommodate the that. Also, tip ring sleeve style plugs short when being inserted, which really isn't desirable, thus the advantage of XLR.

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