Saturday Night Showdown: SNL or MadTV?
Jan 9, 2006 at 10:29 AM Post #17 of 24
I think SNL was, is and always will be funnier than MadTV. I somehow always find the skits on SNL to be funnier and more innovative.
Jan 9, 2006 at 5:45 PM Post #18 of 24
Both suck, but I don't recall a single sketch on the entire history of SNL that I found funny, nor any of it's cast members for that matter, so MADTV has to win by default I suppose.

SNL also has the dubious honor of launching some of the worst spinoff movies and unfunny, untalented actors (Will Ferrell being top of that food chain). Bill Murray remains the sole member of SNL with an iota of acting talent.
Jan 9, 2006 at 11:16 PM Post #19 of 24
For me, In Living Color was the best alternative to SNL. It didn't try to be SNL at all (can you imagine Fly Girls on SNL?) and it was a thousand times funnier than MadTV, which tries to be in the spirit of In Living Color more than SNL (but fails horribly).

But every show has its nadir. I thought the same of The Arsenio Hall Show- I would seriously watch that thing over Johnny (please tell me you know who I'm talking about) but now it's so dated, you really wouldn't want to bring that lightning back, even if it was in a bottle.

SNL to me is just a phenomenon that never dies - sometimes it's like the zombie undead, others its like the next coming of comedy. But MadTV has no chance in competing against such a juggernaut imho.
Jan 22, 2006 at 7:02 AM Post #21 of 24
MadTV made a ton of fun about product placement tonight. Maybe it was new writers, but tonight the show was On
Jan 22, 2006 at 7:37 AM Post #22 of 24
For sure Saturday Night Live. Although, as most people can see, it has gone downhill over the past years, and it is nothing that it was back in the days of Farley, Sandler, and Myers,.. it still somewhat contains some educated, yet funny humor. Mad TV on the other hand, has the same bathroom humor skits every episode. Now don't get me wrong, I love the occasional fart-joke, but to see it 15 times in every episode, it just doesn't please me. I don't think out of the 100's of Mad TV episodes I have viewed, I have laughed out loud more that 5 times. To me, that's dissapointing...

SNL all the way.

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