Sansa Clip Vs Cowon D2
Mar 2, 2009 at 10:31 PM Post #61 of 87
Owned a D2 for about a year, and I must say that what I really appreciate about it is the battery life and extreme output is can support. It even drives my 250 ohm beyers to ear-deafening levels. Previously I had a Meizu M6, which I liked very much, but it was prone to distorting at high volume with some cans+the touch strip couldnt handle static electricity and temperature at all making it annoying to use at times. The D2 doesnt have any of these problems, and I notice no hiss whatsoever with 250 ohm cans.

I have to say though, I'm a little curious about the clip/fuze reading all the positive comments about it..
Mar 3, 2009 at 5:42 PM Post #62 of 87
Quick Clip Guide

Get some cheap Clip and put all'f your favourite songs on it (not full albums), and use it as a shuffle player.

Press play, toss it in your pocket and forget about it.

Satisfaction guaranteed
Mar 4, 2009 at 3:43 AM Post #63 of 87

Originally Posted by Peyotero /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Quick Clip Guide

Get some cheap Clip and put all'f your favourite songs on it (not full albums), and use it as a shuffle player.

Press play, toss it in your pocket and forget about it.

Satisfaction guaranteed

I tend to agree with this. It's the ideal workout/tool around player.
Mar 5, 2009 at 10:28 PM Post #65 of 87
Somebody said that the stock Clip earbuds were good....I tried 'em last night just for the heck of it, and man, they weren't kidding. Very good. With the stock filters (mid-enhancing) in, they were fairly middy, maybe a little too much so. If I were more brave and not so loving the combo with my Phonaks, I'd put the "U" filters in and bet I would get an ideal sound. This player continues to impress.
Mar 6, 2009 at 7:06 PM Post #66 of 87
it work! maybe!!
Mar 6, 2009 at 7:54 PM Post #67 of 87
I've had both and sold of the clip to a friend who really liked it. I would not have sold it if he hadn't talked me into it. Sound quality-wise I think the D2 is better - certainly more tweakable - but the Clip was not bad at all.

They're just such different daps, that you might think about the other aspects of them being more important than just sound quality.

D2 has multiples more storage and plays videos, there are a bunch of useless flash apps you can try as well. And a fair number icon themes to change to look. Rockbox maybe soonish.

Clip is portable. And also very portable. And pretty inexpensive. Did I mention it is very portable?
Mar 6, 2009 at 9:42 PM Post #68 of 87
I'm currently not really happy with the clip's power, it sounds quite weak. The slightest touch on the EQ and the SQ gets rubbish
if I try to tweak the lowest frequency channel all other channels gets affected. very weak DSP.. imo.
this is a bit disappointing as I've read good opinions about it's SQ everywhere here....
Normal EQ setup is not bad though.
I think I have to get a decent IEM. it's an OVC TC20 right now.
maybe this is the problemo (I also tried with a bigger Bose, and an even bigger Beyer DT770pro) fiiO 5 does not help with the IEM. Bose and Beyer gets better tho.
Compared to my bro's Ipod classic 80GB the Clip has worse SQ..
Compared to my Old Cowon U2, the Clip is cleaner but weaker.

I've yet to try with it's original earphones... maybe with those...
or Rockbox later..
Mar 7, 2009 at 4:34 PM Post #70 of 87

Originally Posted by Peyotero /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Quick Clip Guide

Get some cheap Clip and put all'f your favourite songs on it (not full albums), and use it as a shuffle player.

Press play, toss it in your pocket and forget about it.

Satisfaction guaranteed

With the 4gb of space I have on mine, I just toss a good bit of albums on it
Mar 7, 2009 at 5:51 PM Post #71 of 87
Sure. I have the 4gb, too. But that's not the point. The point is to have only the songs you like on it and let the dap shuffle randomly between them.
Do you really like all of the songs in every album?
Mar 8, 2009 at 12:34 AM Post #72 of 87
Sometimes the album "fillers" make the rest sound so much better.
Mar 8, 2009 at 1:29 AM Post #73 of 87

Originally Posted by selkin /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm currently not really happy with the clip's power, it sounds quite weak. The slightest touch on the EQ and the SQ gets rubbish
if I try to tweak the lowest frequency channel all other channels gets affected. very weak DSP.. imo.
this is a bit disappointing as I've read good opinions about it's SQ everywhere here....


Originally Posted by chriso.l /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i bought my D2 a few days ago....

i was kinda dissapointed at the congested soundstage...

These characteristics are what's keeping me..errr..tethered towards the Sony camp.

The Sony DAP I own now has adequate soundstage. EQ also has no detrimental effect to the sound. Not when paired w/ the full sized cans I own anyway. If you want BOTH soundstage and sound customization options, then I suggest you try the 729/829.
Mar 8, 2009 at 3:14 AM Post #74 of 87
Just out of curiosity, can any of the Sony's handle FLAC files? Or am I limited to Cowon?

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