San Jose Meet - Sat August 6
Jul 20, 2005 at 5:40 AM Post #167 of 259
What's going on in here?

I've never been to a meet like this so the idea of going around trying everyone's headphones is a bit weird...

Although the prospects of trying out so many different pairs is quite intriguing...

I guess my question is with more headphones than sources and more people than sources, how do we handle things?

I've got an M-Audio Transit playing from my Dell lappy or Powerbook, HD 280 Pros, Sony EX51SL, and HD600 that will arrive whenever Amazon gets off their sorry asses (30 day trial here I come!).

Oh, and my cellphone (Nokia Pop-port -> 3.5mm)

I don't suppose anyone attending wants to sell me some open-air cans for under $200?
Jul 21, 2005 at 1:56 AM Post #168 of 259
Count me in for august 6th! It'll finally be nice to meet all the folks I havent met yet, utep we should ride together again

If people would like I can bring thats not on the list:
1. toshiiba sd-3960 stock=)
2. a 3m silver IC made by ayt999, its very sexy.
Jul 21, 2005 at 6:47 AM Post #169 of 259

Originally Posted by Evoz
Count me in for august 6th! It'll finally be nice to meet all the folks I havent met yet, utep we should ride together again

If people would like I can bring thats not on the list:
1. toshiiba sd-3960 stock=)
2. a 3m silver IC made by ayt999, its very sexy.

do bring indeed.
Jul 21, 2005 at 7:02 AM Post #170 of 259

Originally Posted by kontai69
I will be attending. I will bring the following...
Sony DVP-NS775 DVD player
Ack! dAck! 2.0 D/A converter
Headamp GS-1 (just got it yesterday!)
Senn HD650/Zu
Grado SR-60 (modded with wire screen and Dynamat Xtreme)
Kimber PBJ IC

I'll be coming from Vacaville, so it's going to be a little bit of driving, but it should be worth it. I look forward to seeing all the cool gear and meeting fellow headfiers!

holy moly... grados modded with dynamat!!! this I gotta hear!!

Jul 21, 2005 at 3:28 PM Post #172 of 259
The more I think about it, the more I'm looking forward to this. I'll have had my HD600s for at least a week so I'll be ready to put them to test against cheaper alternatives, most notably the 595 and 580.
Jul 21, 2005 at 3:38 PM Post #173 of 259
just got confirmation from Jack at Woo Audio. They will send me the Woo 4 prototype in time for our meet. Here are a couple of pics they sent to wet our appetite (better pics should appear soon on the Woo Audio website)
Jul 21, 2005 at 4:21 PM Post #174 of 259
stop making the meet even better by increasing the attendee list and gear.

think of the people that really want to go but cannot make it.

guess the next best thing is to bother people with lots of questions and requests for pictures.

btw Evoz, that's a 3 ft IC, not 3 meters.
Jul 21, 2005 at 11:50 PM Post #175 of 259

Originally Posted by calaf
just got confirmation from Jack at Woo Audio. They will send me the Woo 4 prototype in time for our meet. Here are a couple of pics they sent to wet our appetite (better pics should appear soon on the Woo Audio website)[IMG] [IMG][IMG][/i]
[/td] [/tr] [/table]

Oh man, I've never listened to music coming out of anything even 1/10 as nice as that.

I'm excited though since I can't decided if I want to buy 580, 595 or 600 that all 3 will be there [img]
Jul 22, 2005 at 1:47 AM Post #176 of 259
In addition to the M³ and my modded SDS Labs MOSFET amp, I will also be bringing a Millett Hybrid amp that I am currently in the process of building. Also, I will also bring my RMAA test setup (laptop computer, M-Audio Firewire Audiophile, dummy load box, cables and accessories) so we could put some amps through their paces. This should be interesting as graphs don't lie

I will of course bring my HD600 and amp comparo A/B switchbox.
Jul 22, 2005 at 4:05 AM Post #177 of 259

Originally Posted by daba
I'll be there!

I'm not sure what I can bring that won't be there already though... I guess I can bring my iAudio 5!

My x5 is in the list already
Jul 26, 2005 at 6:08 AM Post #178 of 259
Quick update:

I just received a loaner VDA-1/VAC-1 combo from Dusty for the meet, so its presence is now assured! Also, if anyone is considering getting one of these, this set will be available at the meet at a discounted "demo" price. Perfect condition, in fact brand new until about 5 songs ago...
...sounding great so far!


Originally Posted by calaf
I will bring in a Channel Islands VDA-1 DAC

Calaf: you want to hook up at the meet and set up a complete CIAudio stack?
Jul 26, 2005 at 2:30 PM Post #179 of 259

Originally Posted by clarke68
Quick update:

I just received a loaner VDA-1/VAC-1 combo from Dusty for the meet, so its presence is now assured! Also, if anyone is considering getting one of these, this set will be available at the meet at a discounted "demo" price. Perfect condition, in fact brand new until about 5 songs ago...
...sounding great so far!

Calaf: you want to hook up at the meet and set up a complete CIAudio stack?

most certainly! Since I heard that Dusty was coming I was planning to audition the VAC-1 power supply in my setup at the meeting and hoping that I could ride home with one
Jul 29, 2005 at 6:30 AM Post #180 of 259

Originally Posted by calaf
Since I heard that Dusty was coming I was planning to audition the VAC-1 power supply in my setup at the meeting and hoping that I could ride home with one

Actually, Dusty can't make it (his wife is on vacation the week of the meet), which is why he sent the loaner. I'm sure we can audition the VAC-1 in your system, tho!


Originally Posted by amb
Also, I will also bring my RMAA test setup (laptop computer, M-Audio Firewire Audiophile, dummy load box, cables and accessories) so we could put some amps through their paces.

How long does it take to run an RMAA test on an amp? I've got a couple I'd like to get some data on, but I don't want to hog your setup all day.

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