SA5000 Owners, Post Your Impressions Here
Apr 8, 2005 at 7:40 PM Post #241 of 379

Originally Posted by Edwood
LOL, I guess it's all relative.

I don't find my MS-2's bright at all. In fact they are quite laid back.

Of course, this is comparing them to the K1000's. One of the most aggressive headphones I've ever heard.


i also don't find the MS-2's to be bright at all. i'm comparing them to the CD3k's, though...
Apr 8, 2005 at 7:43 PM Post #242 of 379

Originally Posted by doobooloo
We're in Head-Fi. We're all already dead. This thread can't kill you.

It can kill your bank account though. I have a new source and a pair of SA5000s on the way. You evil, evil bastards.
Apr 8, 2005 at 7:50 PM Post #243 of 379
I have to say that the build quality on these is great; it's certainly better than I expected, and much more solid than any other phones with which I've had experience. I won't say anything specific about the sound until I've lived with them for a while, but I will say that they are decidedly unsibilant/bright in my system compared to my other phones (they're almost too smooth, actually) and are the only phones that come come close to the K1000s (other than the HE90) in my personal "preferred headphone" ranking.
Apr 8, 2005 at 7:59 PM Post #244 of 379

Originally Posted by EdipisReks
yeah, yeah, yeah, but i really like my CD3000
it just seems that the SA5000's improve on the couple things i don't like so much about the CD3000's while retaining the virtues. i may have a couple chances to hear the SA5000's in the near future, as alluded to in this very thread
, but i would hate to be in a situation where i sell my CD3000's and end up not liking the SA5000's.

Why sell a headphone you know and enjoy? The SA5000 is the next new thing, and the length of this thread demonstrates the attention it has attracted. That doesn't make it the inevitable supplanter of all that has gone before. I bought and like the SA5K, but I'm not tossing everything else oveboard. The Sonys will be around for a while. As you said, you'll have the opportunity to listen to them and make your own judgment at some point. Sit tight. Don't get caught up in the hype. You can enjoy the party without jumping into the pool.


Apr 8, 2005 at 8:12 PM Post #245 of 379

Originally Posted by Bill Ward
Why sell a headphone you know and enjoy? The SA5000 is the next new thing, and the length of this thread demonstrates the attention it has attracted. That doesn't make it the inevitable supplanter of all that has gone before. I bought and like the SA5K, but I'm not tossing everything else oveboard. The Sonys will be around for a while. As you said, you'll have the opportunity to listen to them and make your own judgment at some point. Sit tight. Don't get caught up in the hype. You can enjoy the party without jumping into the pool.



the reason i would have to sell the CD3000's for the SA5000's is that my credit card is full of amps and text books right now. i guess i can make my decision and then buy the SA5000's in a few months when my credit card bill has been paid off, but i want them now!
my god, i've become as whiney as Mr. Ampless
Apr 8, 2005 at 8:22 PM Post #246 of 379

Originally Posted by EdipisReks
yeah, yeah, yeah, but i really like my CD3000
it just seems that the SA5000's improve on the couple things i don't like so much about the CD3000's while retaining the virtues. i may have a couple chances to hear the SA5000's in the near future, as alluded to in this very thread
, but i would hate to be in a situation where i sell my CD3000's and end up not liking the SA5000's.

Well, I think they're very different headphones overall, so definitely give the SA5000 a listen before you jump.
Apr 8, 2005 at 8:25 PM Post #247 of 379

Originally Posted by Bill Ward
Why sell a headphone you know and enjoy? The SA5000 is the next new thing, and the length of this thread demonstrates the attention it has attracted. That doesn't make it the inevitable supplanter of all that has gone before. I bought and like the SA5K, but I'm not tossing everything else oveboard. The Sonys will be around for a while. As you said, you'll have the opportunity to listen to them and make your own judgment at some point. Sit tight. Don't get caught up in the hype. You can enjoy the party without jumping into the pool.



Bill sometimes people has no other choice and have to sell what they have to keep on going, I would like to keep the SA5000 along with the CD3000's, but simply I can't. And it doesn't make sense neither to have one thing that will take little use, and cost that much...
Apr 8, 2005 at 8:29 PM Post #248 of 379

Originally Posted by acs236
Well, I think they're very different headphones overall, so definitely give the SA5000 a listen before you jump.

Yeah, what little I heard of both, they were indeed different beasts. Listen first. I didn't like the CD3000 but liked what I heard of SA5000, that's the real reason I jumped in the pool, certainly not this thread.

But if it wasn't for this blasted forum I never would have known better
Apr 8, 2005 at 8:31 PM Post #249 of 379

Originally Posted by Edwood
LOL, I guess it's all relative.

I don't find my MS-2's bright at all. In fact they are quite laid back.

Of course, this is comparing them to the K1000's. One of the most aggressive headphones I've ever heard.


LOL I didn't say anything about Alessandros
I didn't listen to your for long at all, but I don't recall them having the typical John Grado brightness though.
Apr 8, 2005 at 8:36 PM Post #250 of 379
it is a difference in consistency when you discuss brightness of grados and sa5ks. Grados are usually ok but they spike in the a sharp dentist drill that gets turned on and off...otherwise they are less bright than the SA5Ks. The SA5Ks are consistently brighter than the Grados but have no unpleasant "spikes"...The CD3000s are consistently brighter than the grados AND have the spikes as well...
Apr 8, 2005 at 8:41 PM Post #251 of 379

Originally Posted by acs236
Well, I think they're very different headphones overall, so definitely give the SA5000 a listen before you jump.

yeah, i know. i'm just easily excitable when it comes to some things. personally, i would like it best if i prefer the CD3000's as i could put more money towards my "must buy RS-1's this summer" fund, but something is telling me that i'm going to really, really like the SA5000's. i'll know soon enough, i guess. surely, at the latest, someone will have a pair at the Singlepower East meet that i can try
Apr 9, 2005 at 12:58 AM Post #252 of 379
I find there's a sharp spike at upper mids of sa1k (like grado), is this also the case with sa5k? (please say no)
Apr 9, 2005 at 1:06 AM Post #253 of 379

Originally Posted by spike33
I find there's a sharp spike at upper mids of sa1k (like grado), is this also the case with sa5k? (please say no)

Definitely not in my opinion. That spike is what annoyed me about the RS1 and eventually was responsible for their sale. I detect no such problem with the SA5K.

edit: Nothin' like answering a questions about spikes for spike, eh?
Apr 9, 2005 at 2:11 AM Post #254 of 379

Originally Posted by Iron_Dreamer
Definitely not in my opinion. That spike is what annoyed me about the RS1 and eventually was responsible for their sale. I detect no such problem with the SA5K.

Well I don't find any strange spikes that bothered me with the MS-Pros with the SA5Ks either, so...
Apr 9, 2005 at 4:32 AM Post #255 of 379
Well, my pair has finally arrived from Sovkiller.

I understand that they have some 150 hrs of burn-in, so I can't comment on the out-of-the-box sound.

Listening to Delerium through the TubeDAC>Dynahi>SA5K now... I have to agree that they are very clear and detailed in the upper frequencies. The clarity surpases the old SR-325's I have - - - but without giving the feeling like there is excessive high-frequencies to create an artificial perception of detail.

The detail is more like textured and focused rather than just 'boosted' as the Grados have seemed to me. And it really is true - they sound very balanced and detailed even at low volume levels, this is quite the interesting experience!

I would have to aggree with previous comments about the bass - it is quite like the Ety-4's, there, but not in the way unless you are specifically trying to listen for it. I like that because I am not a bass fanatic (I actually get fatigued by excessive bass just as much as getting fatigued from excessive treble!). The attack is really incredible: they passed the test of startling me on one track with a sudden start.

Right off the bat, my feeling is that I will be keeping these for quite a while.

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