Runners: Dealing with EX70 Long Cord
Aug 19, 2002 at 4:46 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 8


New Head-Fier
Aug 19, 2002

While I love the comfort of the EX70's when I'm running, I have a problem with the long cord. I have the version that has a connector in between the earphones and the MP3 player. The connector has some weight, so it pulls the earphones down with each step while I'm running, as well as swinging around like mad.

When I'm not running, I usually put the cord between my undershirt and shirt, and let the connector hang out from my first button. However, when I'm running this is not really feasible.

Does anyone know of a clip that I can use to hold this connector to my shirt. Or, do you have any other suggestions?


Aug 19, 2002 at 5:13 AM Post #2 of 8
a gator clip??? lol....

actually that sounds like it would work well, a gator clip. Although it might be a little rough on the headphone cord. Maybe put some electrical tape over the teeth on the gator clip first.
Aug 19, 2002 at 5:48 AM Post #3 of 8
hey, you mean you're using the SL right? Why not just take out the connector and make it short?

Otherwise how about taping the connector to your shirt before you go?
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Aug 20, 2002 at 10:42 AM Post #4 of 8
Your answer is as close as your nearest Radio Shack. They make several products designed for hands free phones that work great for headphone cord management. Rat Shack part numbers 43-2008, and 43-2011. Good pics and more info can be found on the website.

Aug 20, 2002 at 3:16 PM Post #5 of 8
could you tell me how the comfort is from the ex70.
Doesn't it slide out of your ear's when you are starting to sweat, or does it bouns out your ear's while running?

And perhaps a silly question, can you lay on it? (i sometimes listen to the music when i go to beth and than lay on one ear, is this possible with this earphones ?). Doesn't it hurt?

I am thinking to buy the Sony ex70 or the Aiwa V600 this one has a straight plug

Aug 21, 2002 at 10:14 AM Post #6 of 8
I work out with my EX-70's and have never had a problem with them slipping out because of sweat.. Once in a while you may have to adjust them, but no biggie. I also lay down with them with no problem. So you should be OK, but then again fit is different with everyone.
Aug 22, 2002 at 9:46 AM Post #8 of 8

Originally posted by andrzejpw
I'm also interested in a solution. . . I hate cords flopping around while running. What do those handfree things do?

The Radio Shack handsfree phone cord clips can hold the cable in one of several different ways. Instead of trying to explain it, here are some pics:



THe first one is rather small, and is probably the best to use for jogging, etc, the second one is a good bit bigger, has a little oval spool to wrap the cable around, and has a clip on the bottom, prices are $1.99 and $2.49, respectively.


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