RudiStor Sound Systems RP5 Reference Headphone Amplifier
Jul 12, 2004 at 3:46 PM Post #46 of 178

Originally Posted by rudi
Jukie sorry I dont' wont offend you. I have just reported whats happen as seen from my side. If everything have an explanation it is much better and I would apologize to you.
Sorry again, it is not in my style to fight to anyone since I'm against any fighting battle and war. But viewed from my point of view everithing was strange.
Braket and protection are those black plastic covering all the non insulating wires and retaining the big red wires.
I'm obsessed by security and everithing is insulated ad oversized.

Btw i agree with you, the 3D was fair at beginning and then somebody have created a different atmosphere.
I hope you will enjoy music with RP5 and accept my apologize


OK Mr. Rudi,
Thanks for updating and I'm sure to accept your apologize about that.

Hey Mr. Rudi.
Frankly say to you again, RP5 is the best amp ever I've listened.
I hope that you make another great RP5s in a near days.
You will really do it, I bet!

Anyway, where is Trieste in Italy?
I want to visit there because you make RP5, so that's why

See you in there someday.

Jul 12, 2004 at 3:51 PM Post #47 of 178

Originally Posted by Jukie
Anyway, where is Trieste in Italy?
I want to visit there because you make RP5, so that's why

See you in there someday.


North East jukie...
not so far from Venice
Jul 12, 2004 at 5:32 PM Post #48 of 178
I own an RP5, purchased primarilly on the recommendation of gsferrari as set forth in his postings in this Forum, and in private mail that we exchanged. I have no regrets about my purchase, the sound I am getting is marvelous. I haven't opened mine up to see what the insides look like. I really haven't cared to do so. Frankly, I wouldn't much know what I was looking at anyway. Maybe, after reading some of the posts in this thread, I'll get around to doing so eventually.

What I really want to comment on is the integrity of Rudi, the creator and maker of the RP5. He shipped an RP5 to me from Italy, charging me around $100 shipping. When the amp arrived I noted that the shipping stamps indicated a shipping cost closer to $150. When I opened the package, the amp, though well packed, was damaged. The box had been dropped from some height onto a hard surface and one corner of the amp took a hit, even through all of the packing materials. I e-mailed Rudi and told him the situation. He said he would make a replacement amp right away and that I should use the packing materials from the replacement amp for repackaging of the damaged amp. The replacement arrived in less than two weeks, shipped Fed Ex priority! That was an expensive shipment for Rudi (probably over $200). So, now I had two RP5's on my hands. They both worked, but one had cosmetic damage. I repacked the damaged amp and Fed Exed it to Rudi, but not as a priority shipment. I had never spoken to Rudi about who would pay for the return shipment and I figured that it was likely I would be out of pocket for that expense. It cost me over $140. After Rudi received the damaged amp he e-mailed me and asked what I had paid for the return shipment. I told him, and in a couple of days I received full reimbursement from him.

During the course of caring for this matter Rudi and I exchanged several e-mails. Though I could tell that he felt badly about the situation he never complained or attempted to shift the blame to me. He never hesitated in stepping up and making the matter right. In short, Rudi, a stranger in Italy, treated his California customer better than some stores across town would have.

Why do I share all of this? Simply, to try to make the point that I haven't seen (or heard) anything in the performance of my amp, or in the business conduct of Rudi, that would lead me to believe that he tries to cut corners to the disadvantage of his customers in any way. He is an honorable businessman, a statement that is almost an oxymoron in this day and age. I have no doubt that the manner in which he handled the shipping damage problem is reflective of how he goes about every aspect of his business, including the design and manufacture of his amps. He cares and it shows.

Sorry for the length,
Jul 12, 2004 at 7:48 PM Post #50 of 178

Originally Posted by some1x
That is absolutely amazing service for any business!

At the same time, it does make me wonder a bit about the margins being made on the RP5

Sometimes good PR, like Geo's post, is worth more than you could ever afford to pay for it.
Jul 12, 2004 at 8:56 PM Post #51 of 178

Originally Posted by Geo
Sorry for the length,

Jul 12, 2004 at 9:32 PM Post #52 of 178

Originally Posted by some1x
At the same time, it does make me wonder a bit about the margins being made on the RP5

Actually makes me wonder how little profit margin he made on that one. The impression I get is that Rudi does care about full customer satisfaction introducing these first units in the US market, even if it means unexpected expenses for his business.
Jul 12, 2004 at 11:21 PM Post #53 of 178

Originally Posted by braillediver
Team Fan Boy is alive and well.

As is: Team Never Heard It But Must Opine Anyway


Originally Posted by braillediver
The quality of assembly will reflect in the sound.

Will it? I'd be interested in your impressions of the sound. Approximately how many notes have you heard played through an RP5?
Jul 13, 2004 at 1:51 AM Post #55 of 178

Originally Posted by some1x
At the same time, it does make me wonder a bit about the margins being made on the RP5

Actually, it was reasonably apparent to me, through the number of e-mails we exchanged, that Rudi did regret the financial impact of the amp having been severely mishandled in shipment. It mattered to him. What was so impressive is how he responded despite the disappointment. Rudi is a class act.

Jul 13, 2004 at 2:09 AM Post #56 of 178
Very well put. You seem to have a bit of class yourself.
Jul 13, 2004 at 6:28 AM Post #57 of 178

Originally Posted by Mastergill
Well if you want a perfect sound you need perfect solder, and i've spoted at least one solder who should not belong to an €1,000 amp.

I know, i know it's the sound that matter, but c'mon the build quality of this thing is a joke!

Is there a fire insurance that come with it?

The most bad thing in this forum is when a person who do not have or ever seen an object, write something just to denigrate it. This is not have any sense of respect to the work of the other person.

Speaking... do you know, dear Mastergill, that when I received the Manley 300 B (as you have) I found a wire inside totally desoldered?

Right, as you said: "c'mon the build quality of this thing is a joke!". I'm speaking of an object I had, man not just to destroi something I never seen!!!

For what I remember of the sound the RP5 Reference SE (I have) is incredibly better in any sense of the overpriced Manley 300 B amp with all the problems of hum and noise we all know here...

Respect, please !!!

Jul 13, 2004 at 10:00 AM Post #58 of 178

Originally Posted by Nik
The most bad thing in this forum is when a person who do not have or ever seen an object, write something just to denigrate it. This is not have any sense of respect to the work of the other person.

Speaking... do you know, dear Mastergill, that when I received the Manley 300 B (as you have) I found a wire inside totally desoldered?

Right, as you said: "c'mon the build quality of this thing is a joke!". I'm speaking of an object I had, man not just to destroi something I never seen!!!

For what I remember of the sound the RP5 Reference SE (I have) is incredibly better in any sense of the overpriced Manley 300 B amp with all the problems of hum and noise we all know here...

Respect, please !!!


First, some pics have been posted and i still have two eyes that work quite good and when i see the crap i can tell. I repeat this stuff look more like a bad DIY project than a commercial €900 amp!

About Manley, damn, Nik you really had bad luck are you sure it was not an Italian-made copy!
You don't know a **** about Manley, so you owned one 3 days and you know everything about it. Listen fickle man i'm using their gear since 16 years, long time before all the pro...and it's really not a surprise for me to see now all the best recording engineer raving about it like i do since 16 YEARS!
Check out the Manley web site for some inside gear pics and all the raving from the pro, the guys that make YOUR records.

How can you compare a 40 peoples company dealing with the best ears since more than 10 years with 2 guys working in their garage?

I mean, i try my best to avoid personal attack, but you're a JOKER my friend. Every members here with a little experience and good memory can see that. Remember last year? Angstrom was the best (at least the build quality was good) it's Rudistor, well what other cavern manufacturer you gonna find next year? I had (and will have) great, great laugh reading your stories...but it's obvious you never had a great speaker system and you're rather new in this seems to be lost sometime. You should have trust me last year when i said that the problem was the Sony R10 and not the Manley...and now the R10 is sold! LOL. Well it's your wallet and your ears and i don't care.

To finish read again what Rudi said that somebody had messed with this RP5 and then 2 post later everything is normal!? Confusing right?
Jul 13, 2004 at 10:19 AM Post #59 of 178

Originally Posted by Mastergill
First, some pics has been posted and i still have two eyes that work quite good and when i see the crap i can tell. I repeat this stuff look more like a bad DIY project than a commercial €900 amp!

About Manley, damn, Nik you really had bad luck are you sure it was not an Italian-made copy!
You don't know a **** about Manley, so you owned one 3 days and you know everything about it. Listen fickle man i'm using their gear since 16 years, long time before all the pro...and it's really not a surprise for me to see now all the best recording engineer raving about it like i do since 16 YEARS!
Check out the Manley web site for some inside gear pics and all the raving from the pro, the guys that make YOUR records.

How can you compare a 40 peoples company dealing with the best ears since more than 10 years with 2 guys working in their garage?

I mean, i try my best to avoid personal attack, but you're a JOKER my friend. Every members here with a little experience and good memory can see that. Remember last year? Angstrom was the best (at least the build quality was good) it's Rudistor, well what other cavern manufacturer you gonna find next year? I had (and will have) great, great laugh reading your stories...but it's obvious you never had a great speaker system and you're rather new in this seems to be lost sometime. You should have trust me last year when i said that the problem was the Sony R10 and not the Manley...and now the R10 is sold! LOL. Well it's your wallet and your ears and i don't care.

To finish read again what Rudi said that somebody had messed with this RP5 and then 2 post later everything is normal!? Confusing right?

Yes, man, you are right I'm a JOKER and you are a very hi quality boor!!!
You do not understand nothing about my equipments and your memory is quite fragile, sorry...

The problem of the Mnaley 300B amp was so evidente tha even EveAnna Manley (builder) admitted this in this forum... (search please to remember).
As you know after that MY EXPERIENCE the Manley have built a "special" kit (valor of 1 $), to fix the problem of the amp. You never heard it during 16 years??? I think that time to do a good specialist audio test fo your ears arrived... (may be will be your age, I do not know well...).

Second you always declare thing without know nothing of the object fo the duscussion, but this is your style... I cannot do nothing... but your credibility is less then zero!

I never had any problem with the R10 and with Angatrom amps, when I found a seetup I found better I simply changed them... I have the courage to change even if I paid a lot of money for a equipment, you do not do this, I think that if you'd find a better amp you never give out your Manley... good, you stay always in the same point, tastes are tastes...

Please ask to Jatinder and Wayne (that have now my two Ansgtrom amps, and read some reportage of some meetings (UK) to see what the Angstrom + R10 is capable to do.

And the last thing... THINK BEFORE TELLING ANY WORD !!!

Good luck!
Jul 13, 2004 at 10:31 AM Post #60 of 178

Originally Posted by Nik
I think that time to do a good specialist audio test fo your ears arrived... (may be will be your age, I do not know well...).

oh, cmon nik

all this is quite funny,
but let's try keeping flames away from the thread

and here's a small quote from Sir. Winston Churchill:
preferisco avere ragione che essere coerente
but I'm not sure of the original in English...
so here's another one:

Personally I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught.


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