RnB Audio Sennheiser cable impressions
Oct 1, 2005 at 4:39 AM Post #16 of 33
how far is saratoga from Los Angeles?

If its not too far, we can just meet somewhere and have a mini meet, it would also give you a chance to listen to the senns amped and unamped along with the deep depth woodies. I would assume that deep depth woodies would have a different reaction to sound stage, bass response would probably be the most difference between both versions.

I did a test though and played the cans with the woodies (unscrewed) and removed them while listening and removed them, I didnt notice a big difference, so it may just be in my head.
Oct 1, 2005 at 4:41 AM Post #17 of 33
Unfortunately Saratoga is very near San Jose, and quite far from Los Angeles (anout 6 hours by car), that's why I'm so upset that I didn't get to go to the SJ meet (had to go overseas to get some dental work and a family mini vacation after that).
Oct 1, 2005 at 4:48 AM Post #18 of 33
Ive learned that meets are a horrible place to do critical listening. I think you might be better off having a member lend you their gear for a while.

I will be expecting my micro amp to arrive within a couple of weeks, once I have my micro amp, Ill be more then happy to let you borrow my portable pimeta for you to listen to your senns amped.

amped senns should help out with the sound.
Oct 1, 2005 at 5:07 AM Post #19 of 33
I'm on the Hornet pre order list, so I'm patiently waiting for that. Although depending on how long it takes Ray to release the Hornet, I might take you up on that. But we'll see. It is my belief that my Senns are only tapping into about 40% (if even) of their total potential, given my weak source and the fact that there is no amp (or rather the integrated amp circuit of my portable sources).
Oct 1, 2005 at 5:27 AM Post #20 of 33


Originally Posted by TheSloth
I have actually heard some people who find them quite pleasant without an amp actually, and I had 580's for years running out of a portable CD player, before I'd even heard of a headphone amp.

Out of curiosity, I tried playing some tunes on the HD-580 unamped from my AIWA portable CD player (8-years-old model). I'm quite pleasantly surprised that it did not sound as bad as I thought (I was actually enjoying it). The bass is strong and agile, despite the slightly increased mid-bass hump. Presentation was 'less bright' (I'm not sure what the right term is), staged more backward and more mellow - can be a good thing for those who like it laidback. Detail resolution and instrument separation are not the best but communication remains excellent and coherent. Listening was done through HD-580 stock cable.

An amp will indeed improve the sounds of these cans, but unamped, they can still give much musical enjoyment apparently. Thought I'd give my opinion.

Oct 1, 2005 at 5:34 AM Post #21 of 33

Originally Posted by RnB180
I've learned that meets are a horrible place to do critical listening. I think you might be better off having a member lend you their gear for a while.

Boy, is that statement right on the nose. Right now, I have a Zu Mobius on loan from another head-fier and tubes for my Microzotl on loan from a different head-fier. It is the best way to really audition gear. (And besides, what are friends for?)

Re: the cables, I was using the Cardas cable with my 650's, but found the sound very uninvolving (though I had liked them with the 600's). I do like the Zu— much more dynamic and exciting, much less Senn "veil," but I do wonder if the Zu sound could get on your nerves after a while. The RnB might be well worth checking out.
Oct 1, 2005 at 9:31 PM Post #22 of 33
After reading this thread I was wondering if there would be someone who could loan me a cardas cable for my hd600, I currently just bought a used Oelbach for my hd600 and it did improve the sound compared to the the stock but I was initially planning to get a cardas and was wondering how this would compare to the Oelbach's. I don't want to buy the cardas yet if my Oelbach would be good enough for me. I would be happy to lend my Oelbach's as well. Also if there are other cable suggestions for my hd600 but I certainly do not want to spend too much on cable my initial choice was the SennV2 or Cardas since they cost aboout the same. I am also planning on getting the hd650 and understand I would need a high end cable for this to get the most out of it, would a cardas or sennV2 be good enough to see a noticable difference? or perhaps the JMT cable. or would the Zu mobious really make a big difference. I would need to sell my hd600 if I get the 650.
Oct 1, 2005 at 9:41 PM Post #23 of 33
Not to sound mean or anytthing, but you might find it best to start a new thread about such things. You also might want to look through the meet threads if anyone is near to you so that the loan isn't quite so far for you or them. That said I think that any of the aftermarket options (Zu, Oelbach, Cardas, Headphile, Silver/Blue Dragon, RnB) are good options, it's all depedent on what you want to accentuate and also dependent on your existing equipment.
Oct 1, 2005 at 10:11 PM Post #25 of 33

Originally Posted by cotdt
nooooo they have it all rong! things would sound much better if they get it right. and be much cheaper too.

In english, please. Who is they, what things would sound much better and why would it be cheaper? BAsic economics dictates that a tranasction occurs at the equilibrium price that sellers are willing to offer their products and buyers are willing to pay. You have to factor in labor, materials, overhead and marketing costs as well.
Oct 2, 2005 at 4:05 AM Post #26 of 33
I hope I dont come off the wrong way, a few misconceptions of how much effort goes into a single cable should be cleared up.

In regards to labor and materials, fact is material costs for a single senn cable is quite high, parts acquired from 4-5 different sources and a month or so to acquire, for a seemingly simple cable, Labor wise it takes me 4 hours of straight labor afterwards to assemble. Then there is the rigurous testing afterwards, It is indeed a very time consuming and mind numbing process.
The only time I have to build one is on my day off, in which I dedicate the entire day to it.

then, as mentioned prior by another poster, there is overhead costs which complicates things even more.

I hope this will squash any misconceptions.
Oct 2, 2005 at 4:57 AM Post #27 of 33
for the hd600, which ones do you think would be a better choice, the Cardas or Senn V2? this is for overall sound quality in bass, mids and high's?
Oct 2, 2005 at 6:04 AM Post #29 of 33
You can do that or just get two different cables. Howver, it's key that you get the right cable/product for you. The fact that others may like a cable doesn't mean that you'll feel the same way.
Oct 3, 2005 at 12:48 PM Post #30 of 33

Originally Posted by RnB180
What you are experiencing is the upgrade bug
. It can become quite costly, Ive learned to be happy with what I have, as I can not afford to constantly upgrad, if you can afford to, Id say go for it, Id be interested in your comparisons. but Id definately invest in an amplifier first.

Praise you my friend. This can easily become an addiction. A great Christian lesson.

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