Rice cookers
Jun 25, 2004 at 3:41 AM Post #16 of 20
Now we are on the topic of rice.

I am not eating nearly as much rice as I used to (too lazy to cook them).

I think the well known rice producing countries are:


I think you are right, Jasmine is from Thailand, I remember my parents telling me they recently switched over to Jasmine, and find that Jasmine rice is better than the Japanese variety they used to cook.
Jun 25, 2004 at 3:41 AM Post #17 of 20
While we're on a related subject, anyone want to share their preferred vinegar/sugar amounts for making sushi rice?

All I need is that, and to figure out the exact proportions of lime juice and cilantro for Chipotle's rice, and I'll be set for life.
Jun 25, 2004 at 3:42 AM Post #18 of 20
I have owned 2 Zojirushi rice cookers (currently own one -- NS-MYC10) and neither has ever done me wrong. perfect rice every time. mmmmmm fuzzy logic. but who knows what that actually has to do with cooking rice.

mine looks similar to this:

They are PRICEY, but I feel like it was worth the cost.
IMO, a 3 cup is just fine for a couple, and it always was enough for me and a gf.

My first Zojirushi only cost me 2000 yen (i.e. less than $20) while I was living in Japan, partly b/c I bought it secondhand from a student headed back home

good luck Chris. But dont break the bank over rice.
Jun 25, 2004 at 4:42 AM Post #19 of 20
Zojirushi rice cookers are great! I've owned a couple and so has my family. As a transplanted Japanese living in the states, they have been an indispensable part of my diet, as I still get craving for Japanese rice even after living in the states for over 10 years.
Jun 25, 2004 at 4:43 AM Post #20 of 20
I recommend National/Panasonic. Cheaper and reliable.

The computerized "fuzzy logic" ones cook the rice more evenly, but are slower. They have a fast cook mode, but if you always plan to have your rice ready in 30 minutes or less, and are unwilling to wait up to an hour, then don't waste your money on the computerized ones.

The best ones are the ones with a rubber gasket seal around the lid. And have a latching lid.

The Computerized ones are better at cooking other kinds of rice like brown rice and wild rice. Basically, they can account for up to a 15-20% in water amount error.

I've had my little 3 cup National computerized rice cooker for 4 years now, and it's still going strong.

BTW, don't ever refridgerate your cooked rice, unless you like stale, dry rice. Rice will keep up to 2 days in the rice cooker. You can go up to three often. I wouldn't let it sit out any longer, though.


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