[REVIEW] Sherwood SE-777
Jan 31, 2010 at 6:24 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 33


IEM Reviewer Extraordinaire
May 11, 2004
Mid Johor, Malaysia
First, I want to thanks Uncle Wilson @ Jaben for the review sample. SE-777 is available at Soundcat for $79 and Jaben if you ask.

Being Sherwood first attempt to the IEM market, I am glad that they didn't go to the usual / easier rebadging route but rather choose to design a new IEM on their own - even more surprising is that SE-777 actually sounds rather well consider it is priced in the most competitive section of them all - the sub$100 IEM market.



Driver: Balanced Armature
Noise Isolation: -26dB
Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz
Impedance: 53 ohm
Sensitivity: 105dB SPL/mW @ 1kHz
Cable: 1.2m
Weight: 31g
3.5mm gold plated mini plug.


[size=large]Packaging, Accessories, and Build Quality[/size]
SE-777 is very well packed, very classy in fact. The box opens in the middle and reveals both the IEM and the hardcase at the same time, as if you are opening an expensive gift. It is a fairly complicated paper box to put together yet it is simple and straightforward to open, which makes it standing apart from many other all-too-typical design.



Inside the box, there are the IEM itself, three pair of single flange silicone eartips, one pair of bi-flange, a simple manual, and a hardcase. Though the included items are fairly standard accessories these days, they are all really well made. The only complaint I have is the overall length of the single flange eartips. They do feel solid to me, but they are a bit short. The problem is that the unusually large earpiece and the short eartips are simply a bad combo. To fit the eartips properly, I have to push the housing deeper than I usually would, and as a result feel quite uncomfortable when the earpieces are pressing against my ears. The solution is quite simple - I used some Sony Hybrid clone eartips instead of the stock single flange and now the earpieces sit at the right distance which won't irritate me anymore.


The earpieces are fully metal with black and white anodized aluminum and in a sense, a bit unconventional in design. Beside a little bit heavier and larger than typical earpieces (especially since SE-777 is a balanced armature based IEM), it feels very solid and have a class of its own. The design of the Y-splitter with a small metal logo certainly adds more points to the overall design. One of the place where you can see how well the build quality is the filter. Though it is a glued on filter like many other IEM, but it just looks seamless. It would have been great if Sherwood includes a few replacement filters in the package as well, but luckily the filter material doesn't seem to be easily contaminated.



I am not sure whether it is due to the design or perhaps the material, but SE-777 has one of the least microphonics cables even when wearing in hanging / not-over-the-ear style. It is so quiet that I think it is almost as good as some over-the-ear IEM. There is no sound transmitted by the cable even when I am actively rubbing the cable. Isolation is decent, slightly better than average and good for daily use, but not enough to handle very loud noise.

In sum, despites a few minor issues here and there, SE-777 still proves to be a really well made IEM.


[size=large]Sound Quality[/size]
As always, SE-777 has been given a 50hrs+ burn-in before the review. The rounded shape of the earpieces is a bit intriguing to say the least. My speculation is that it employs a rounded balanced armature driver, much like those found on s-JAY and PL-50. In a way, SE-777 shares some common characteristic with s-JAYS and PL-50: the same kind of warmness in the sound, but SE-777 simply brings it to the next level of performance.

The overall sound signature is very warm and fairly musical, with a full sounding mid and bass. Treble is clean, very well extended but smooth, capable of showing a good degree of fine detail yet it is not the highlight of the sound. Mid is warm and full, slightly forward with a sweet vocal. Bass is also warm and bigger than average body, but slightly slower than expected (more dynamic-like) and do not have a very strong impact, not quite a bass monster and roll off at near 20Hz yet a very good performance (both quality and quantity wise) as far as BA based IEM is concerned. Soundstage is average due to the slightly forward mid, but there is still a good sense of airiness in it.

[size=large]The Magic Combo [/size]
Generally I won't recommend pairing an easy-to-drive IEM with an portable amp unless the source can really benefit from a better amplification. In this case however, I do feel there is a very special synergy that cannot be ignored - a synergy so well that it lifts the performance of SE-777 to the next level. I am taking about pairing SE-777 with Linearossa W1, which I have reviewed here.

W1 has an unique sound signature of it own which I find to be good when paired with a warm sounding IEM. In this case, it gives SE-777 an extra wide
soundstage without taking away its warm, lovely mid. It also brings out more detail, making the overall sound much more balanced. The real question is, does the combo worths doubling the price of SE-777? At least for me, I think the combination has more than enough performance to rival many of the sub-$200 IEM option out there.

SE-777's warm and musical sound is fairly fatigue-less and non-aggressive, well suited for music lover who spend long hours on their IEM. If anything else, SE-777 is a fine example of how well the sub-$100 IEM has evolved with performance reaching / invading the next price range, and perhaps even beyond that. It is simply a superbly made IEM that out performs its asking price.

A quick sum up can be found here.
Jan 31, 2010 at 8:56 AM Post #2 of 33
Great review ClieOS ! I had not heard of this company before so I was kinda hoping it was a woodem IEM like the Crossroads Woodies. But its nice to know there is another good $79 IEM to compete with the well received Hippo VBs and RE0s of the world.
Jan 31, 2010 at 9:19 AM Post #4 of 33
another nice review! dam love looking at your iem reviews

anyway the packaging sure is nice... i wonder how would this compare to the woody 2?
Jan 31, 2010 at 9:48 AM Post #5 of 33
I also have the Sherwood and don't have as good a view of it, but some of that is subjective. It is a nice looking iem, but fit with stock tips is horrid for everyone who has tried it. Treble extension too, is problematic. ((I will apologise for this remark - I was mostly drunk when writing and lost a few tips)).

But, very nice review.
Jan 31, 2010 at 11:38 AM Post #7 of 33

Originally Posted by shigzeo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Treble extension too, is problematic.

I did a frequency sweep before. Treble goes up to 16kHz before rolling off, but it does extend up to around 18kHz in a declining fashion. I consider it to be better than average since most of my IEM only go as far as 17kHz (the only IEM in my possession that can do 18kHz well is RE0). But, SE-777's treble does have a very smooth, sparkle-less signature.
Feb 1, 2010 at 7:45 PM Post #11 of 33

Originally Posted by shigzeo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Treble extension too, is problematic.


Originally Posted by ClieOS /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I did a frequency sweep before. Treble goes up to 16kHz before rolling off, but it does extend up to around 18kHz in a declining fashion. I consider it to be better than average since most of my IEM only go as far as 17kHz (the only IEM in my possession that can do 18kHz well is RE0). But, SE-777's treble does have a very smooth, sparkle-less signature.


Originally Posted by shigzeo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh, it goes up, but isn't particularly strong at that point, in fact, the effect is less dynamic than some less expensive models.

God damn you golden eared people...
Feb 2, 2010 at 4:29 AM Post #12 of 33
Very good and balance reiew, Thank you ClieOS. I think ClieOS has stated very clear that the Sherwood phone are good value for the phones priced under USD 100.

I like the way of ClieOS to make a judgement of an audio product. if only say like this:Treble extension too, is problematic. It is too assertion and easy to mislead the readers.

Treble goes up to 16kHz before rolling off, but it does extend up to around 18kHz in a declining fashion. I consider it to be better than average since most of my IEM only go as far as 17kHz (the only IEM in my possession that can do 18kHz well is RE0). But, SE-777's treble does have a very smooth, sparkle-less signature.
Feb 12, 2010 at 1:59 PM Post #13 of 33
Yes, clieOS always does a good review. My comment wasn't a review, and rest assured that I wouldn't write a review that says treble is problematic without justifying. Treble of the SE777 is well-extended, but it spikes a bit unevenly. I was harsh in my comments above. For 80$, however, it is a hard buy in comparison to another Korean earphone which uses pretty much the same innards.

One thing that is nice: the SE777 can easily be fixed because you can take it right apart and get to the soldering. I haven't seen this in another earphone, ever. It is modular like Beyerdynamic headphones and simply a great way to invest in the future. The price tag is debatable as the sound is quite decent. The looks rock and the filter is pretty nice.
Mar 15, 2010 at 7:16 AM Post #14 of 33
have just received this today

compared to my Philips SHE9850, listening to these IEM's feel like i have taken off the lowpass filter from all the music im listening to.... crisp, clear highs that i never knew were there, i really feel like listening to every song in my collection again, its like i've only heard half the sound until now
playing with the equalizer, its almost as if these IEM's are guiding me to a sweet spot in every frequency slider, whereas before on my SHE9850 it was either bad or bad

however the stalk on these IEM's is too big to fit the Etymotic glider tips i have for my SHE9850...it has almost twice the diameter... having this stalk size makes it lose out on flexibility when it comes to tips, and with that you have less of a chance of finding tips which will be comfortable, isolate well and still fit the IEM's ...
and who'se idea was it to put that thick 'band' with sharp edges on the casing? it cuts into my skin whenever i push it in too deep, but pushing it deep is how i get isolation...

and oh one more thing, it has excellent microphonics, the cable on this is much quieter than what i had on the SHE9850
Mar 15, 2010 at 8:03 AM Post #15 of 33
One thing you might really like about these: the entire housing can be dissected for easy easy recabling.

I like the sound, but the ergonomics of this earphone are pretty bad. Fortunately, the rear end can be taken in and pushed out without problems because you can grab the butt rather than the cable.

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