[Review] Sennheiser IE800: Impressions, Frustration and a bunch of What-Ifs
Dec 5, 2013 at 3:15 PM Post #301 of 509
I picked up a pair (seems they were sat with dealer for a while, with a serial number in the 97xx range!) on Friday just gone (whilst waiting for my PS4 to be delivered!

...I think they're great :)

...Very happy - IMO much better transparency / tonal balance when compared to the Sony EX1000 (which sounds brash by comparison)...

The Sony's are not in the same league, and you can tell on first listen. Same can be said when stacking the EX1000 up against the SE846/K3003.
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Dec 5, 2013 at 3:30 PM Post #302 of 509
I have poor fit issue with all the supplied tips darn it.

also i believe ex 1000 is still very relevant, they are much more balanced and fit wise are much more comfy. I can't possibly see any thing sound wise common between the ex1000 and ie800.
Dec 5, 2013 at 3:46 PM Post #304 of 509
Well, I happen to think otherwise and have tried to explain at great length why (see post #2). YMMV, no problem with that.

Interesting. The one thing that really stands out at first with the ex1000 is the size of the soundstage for an iem. Its overall FR is flatter than an IE800 for sure, and also maybe the K3003; but it lags behind in technicality.

I particularly found the EX1000 to be behind in instrument timbres in the lows and sometimes it's a bit shouty in the upper mids (à la K3003).

But for its price it is exceptional for its sound quality; better than its competitors (W4, SE535 and IE8).

If only the design was more ergonomic, I'm sure it would have been so much more successful.
Audio-Technica Stay updated on Audio-Technica at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Dec 5, 2013 at 5:10 PM Post #305 of 509
I found the Sony's painful to listen to, and fit was tricky (they sounded bad to me even with proper fit).  They made an immediate U-turn and I owned them less than 5 days....
I am trying to decide between the 846 and the ie800s even though i am liking my Cardas 5813s very much.  Looking for that LCD-2 coherent sound with great bottom and good resolution...  Maybe it's time to get customs - not sure what that search will be like..
Dec 6, 2013 at 12:07 AM Post #306 of 509
Looking for that LCD-2 coherent sound with great bottom and good resolution...  Maybe it's time to get customs - not sure what that search will be like..

Of all IEMs I've heard, the Fitear ToGo 334 reminded me most of the LCD-2 rev2.
The new Sony XBA-H3 too sound somewhat reminiscent of the Audezes to my ears, though their bass is too bloated out of the box. But with a small mod to block their vents they turn into serious top-tier contenders with bottomless tight bass (more than the EX1000), excellent resolution and shimmering (but non-offensive) highs. Much different to the EX1000, they sound overall darker, fuller and easier to listen to for those who're treble sensitive. Their soundstage is the best I've heard from IEMs, wide like the EX1000's , but with better depth and layering.
I personally still prefer my EX1000 to the XBA-H3, since I like a leaner and brighter sound. But for those who found these too lean and bright, the latter might be worth checking out.
Dec 11, 2013 at 9:51 AM Post #312 of 509
took the plunge and have a set of ie800s in my ears as I type this.  They have about 12 hours of play time so far (much of it overnight last night without ears attached).  I left the box and extra tips at work last night and immediately put the biggest tips (round) on them, when i took them home since I always seem to use the largest sizes with every iem so far.......
These are tough to get a good fit cable-down with my ears, and work better cable-up, with a behind-the-head cable placement (yes, very short from iems to Y).....
These also run contrary to every insertion-angle rule I have discovered for my ears, and I just got to work, and put on the largest oval tips--- wow!!!  They are treating me to Art Blakey from an older Timeless label CD called "Album of the Yea, played via my Hifiman 901.  The oval tips keep them in place, and smooth out the tonal balance for me.  I have not tried them cable-down yet with these tips but will get to that when I can.   So far so good.  
Dec 11, 2013 at 9:53 AM Post #313 of 509
forgot to mention, at home I was using my Mytek DAC/headphone amp, fed digitally from a Sonos Zone player.  It was very nice, but fit was a bit fidgety - see my previous post re: round vs. oval tips.  Boss just walked by and put a huge tray of cookies on the counter near my desk---  it's starting to feel a lot like xmas!
Dec 11, 2013 at 9:54 AM Post #314 of 509
OK, it may look like I am padding my posts to get a higher number, but after I made my last post (#313 in this thread) I noticed my post count was at 799 - and I just had to make post #800 show up in this thread....  
Dec 11, 2013 at 10:03 AM Post #315 of 509
I love these headphones, but i gotta be honest......I find the treble pronounced and a touch irritating in longer listening session, particularly if I am on an airplane and have the volume up.   Still not sure I'm gonna get something else....there's too much i like about these.  Do others have thoughts about this?   

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