Review: Meier Audio Prehead
Jun 24, 2003 at 8:00 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 28


Divorced an Orpheus to keep his wife.
Oct 23, 2001
It's easy when reviewing audio gear to directly or indirectly say or imply negative things about the review subject.Displeasure can be stated by simply saying "It sucks", "It sounded aweful" or more tastefully, " I just didn't like it".The ease with which the hard work of a gifted audio designer can be casually dismissed has to be disheartening to every builder who submits gear for review.It is much more difficult to accurately express a pleasant audio experience in terms that convey the full extent of enjoyment or satisfaction.It's very east to run out superlatives and be forced to use terms that confuse review readers and do little to shed light on the reviewer's experiences.In stark contrast,I found it easy to bestow accolades on the Meier Audio Prehead and never had any trouble finding the words to express how much I liked it.From the very first listen I was greatly impressed and my time with the Prehead never left me in doubt that I was listening to one of the best.

Philips DVD963SA
Musical Fidelity Trivista SACD Player
Musical Fidelity A324 DAC
VPI Extended Aries Table with JMW 12.5 arm,Sumiko Blackbird Cartridge.
Ray Samuels Audio XR2 phono amp

Grado RS1
Grado RS80
Beyer DT880
Beyer DT931
Sony CD3000 (thanks Mike-J,Chicago Sony Rep)

Comparison amps:
Headroom Max/Stepped Atenuator
Ray Samuels Audio HR2
Ray Samuels Audio prototype battery-portable amp
Meier Audio HA-2
Meier Audio HA-1 MKII
Singlepower Supra
Singlepower MPX3
Singlepower PPX3
Gilmore V2
Headroom Cosmic w Reference module
Wheatfield HA-2

Acoustic Zen WOW! 1 meter IC
Meier Audio Grounded .5 meter IC
DiMarzio M-Path 1 meter IC
Audioquest Diamondback 1 meter IC
Quail 12/3 6 foot hospital-grade power cord
DIY Cable Digital cable

I listened to a wide variety of music,concentrating my listening critically over a period of two weeks when I had many of the comparison amps on hand at the same time.

My first impressions of the Prehead are of a very high build quality.Knobs,switches and jacks are the best available as is typical with all Meier Audio products.The look and feel of the Prehead make the promise of outstanding performance.This level of detail is easily taken for granted at the high end but is not always the case with some other amps.The four input jacks are a great bonus and are very easy to become accustomed to.You'll really miss those extra input jacks when switching to amps that lack them,I did.I still hate those goofy,stick-on feet,which I have previously bashed.They must go.The LED seems a bit too recessed in the front panel and is a difficult to see off-axis in a bright room.Although larger than the HA-2 and HA-1 MKII the solid aluminum chassis of the Prehead is still compact enough to sit on a desk top.

The Prehead is THE amp for cross-feed lovers.The three adjustable levels of cross-feed afford the listener the opportunity to tailor a very realistic soundstage.Dual output jacks offering output impedances of 120 ohms and 0 ohms allow matching of phones with various impedances and sensitivity.

The Prehead is an amp that never gave me the impression that it was working hard.It drove every phone from every source with an equal sense of ease and finesse.The term "effortless" comes to mind.From the very first listen the Prehead displayed the performance and confidence of a champ.I never had to question if the Prehead was burned-in enough,if I should try a different cable or power cord, or was left wondering if my source was up to par.The best audio gear allows the listener to relax with the knowledge that you may find something different but nothing "better" will come along and spoil your fun.

The greatest strength of the Prehead lies in the stunning detail and resolution.This resolution shines from the lowest bass notes all the way to full extension of the highest frequencies.The sonic improvements promised by the High Res formats are easily and fully resolved by the Prehead.Bass extension and accuarcy are amazing.The lower frequencies are taut and focused while at the same time deep and punchy.You know you are hearing all the bass in your music and it is being reproduced truthfully and with great precision.This is where the great amps excel.I don't think many audio designers fully understand how important tight,focused bass is to low level detail.The Prehead serves up the same great bass at even the lowest volumes.Lower frequency instrument seperation is superb as well.There is no syrup down here to slop things up.

In the all-important midrange the Prehead excels further,producing an expansive and layered soundstage.Depending on the level of cross-feed employed and the headphones used,this percieved soundstage can sound a bit artificial.Some experimentation is needed to find the ideal setting but once found you can relax and enjoy some of the best midrange in the business.Voices are reproduced with an uncanny accuracy and realism without any sweetening of female vocals or forwardness of piano notes.Instrument placement is precise and overall balance throughout the midrange is excellent.This is as good as solid-state midrange gets.I mean that in the best possible way.

Great treble reproduction is a stable of the best solid-state amps and the Prehead is right at the top.The uppermost frequencies of my best high-resolution music were rendered in great detail.The far-reaching extension helps create air and space around voices and instruments.No trace of harshness or grain is present with any music or any of the phones or sources.I really like the poise of the Prehead's upper frequency and enjoyed finding recordings that I know to be harsh sounding.The Prehead is not really a cure-all for for bright recordings and those recordings will still sound harsh and brittle, but the Prehead seems to peel back a layer of grain and make those recordings more listenable without any loss of detail.

If I have compare the HA-1MKII,HA-2 and the Prehead,I say that the Prehead offers obviously superior bass and midrange definition over the HA-2 and HA-1.This helps balance the overall sonics better and greatly enhances the low level detail which the Prehead is best at amongst the three Meier amps.The HA-1 MKII probably offers 75% of the performance or the Prehead in terms of definition and extension.The HA-2 comes closer offering about 90% of the Prehead's performance but lacks the versatility and function of the Prehead.The Prehead is worth every dime if you need the additional inputs and the preamp functionality.

I used the Prehead in it's intended capacity as a preamp for a few weeks and found it to perform this duty very well.It's very "clean" sounding and lacks any grain or backround noise.My only complaint would be that it appears to match best with solid- state amps.It seems to clean things up a bit too much with the ASL Tulip and Opera Monobloc tube amps I tried it with.The Prehead performed in a most stellar fashion with fantastic punch and an amazing soundstage when paired with the PS Audio HCA2 Digital amp.This amp/preamp combo are virtual "soulmates".My Maggie 3.6 loudspeakers disappeared in the room and the music just seemed to float in the air.The Prehead saw extensive duty in that system and the remains the front-runner for preamp choice in my still evolving Maggie based loudspeaker system.

I found in my time with the Prehead that it is an excellent match with the Beyer DT880 phones.I like these phones a lot but have also found them a poor match with some amps.The Prehead never had any problems with any of the phones but seemed to sing best with the Beyers and HD600.

The Meier Audio Prehead leaves little to be desired and gets my vote for most versatile headamp.No other headamp I have heard(maybe the CES Ringer Twinhead) performs as well in so many areas as does the Prehead.No excuses or explanations have to offered for the Prehead,what you see/hear is what you get.
Jun 24, 2003 at 8:29 AM Post #2 of 28
Another excellent review Tube - I especially enjoyed reading the mini-comparison between prehead-ha-2-ha-2mkII, I'm not sure if anyone but Jan has heard all three (and has had time to compare them). One question - about the dynamics. I don't think you mentioned this aspect of the amp this your review - perhaps it's not as striking as some others? Perhaps this is included in "effortless", but maybe not. I like an amp to sound very powerful and dynamic.

Jun 24, 2003 at 8:39 AM Post #3 of 28

Originally posted by dd3mon
Another excellent review Tube - I especially enjoyed reading the mini-comparison between prehead-ha-2-ha-2mkII, I'm not sure if anyone but Jan has heard all three (and has had time to compare them). One question - about the dynamics. I don't think you mentioned this aspect of the amp this your review - perhaps it's not as striking as some others? Perhaps this is included in "effortless", but maybe not. I like an amp to sound very powerful and dynamic.


you won't often read any references to dynamics or power from me because I don't really listen at loud volumes.I think an amp can display dynamics at lower levels and offer a full presentation of the recording.This is what I refer to as great low-level detail and is where I place the greatest emphasis.The amps I don't like lack the ability to reproduce music fully at lower volumes.
Jun 24, 2003 at 9:40 AM Post #4 of 28
Thanks, tuberoller, for another great and very informative review!

I own the HA-2 (so 90% of the PreHead...), and my virtually only complaint about it is the same as yours: it's just a tiny bit too clean sometimes.

Jun 24, 2003 at 9:54 AM Post #5 of 28
Thanks for the great read Tube.


Originally posted by Tuberoller
The HA-1 MKII probably offers 75% of the performance or the Prehead in terms of definition and extension.The HA-2 comes closer offering about 90% of the Prehead's performance but lacks the versatility and function of the Prehead.The Prehead is worth every dime if you need the additional inputs and the preamp functionality.

An interesting view.
Jun 24, 2003 at 11:54 AM Post #6 of 28
Tuberoller, thanks for your informative review. Once again the Prehead receives high honors!

If you have a chance, a couple questions.
  1. Does your unit use the LM6171 opamp? I can imagine it would be a fascinating exercise to compare the LM6171 and AD8610 side-by-side, I really can't visualize just how dramatic their sonic differences might be.
  2. When operating with a typical CDP source, which gain setting do you generally prefer when using higher impedance phones like the DT880 and HD600?[/list=1]
    Again, thanks.

Jun 24, 2003 at 5:31 PM Post #8 of 28
Tuberoller: Wow, such a detailed review after your flood catastrophy - you're not only die-hard, you're the Bruce Willis of Head-Fi!

Greetings from Munich!

Manfred / lini
Jun 24, 2003 at 6:56 PM Post #9 of 28
Tuberoller. I see you have something from PS Audio, the digital amp. Do you know anything or heard anything about their new preamp they just came out with? It has good reviews as a preamp and is said to have a killer headphone section. I know you like tubes, but I bet it would be good match for your PS Audio HCA2. Ever think about giving it a try?
Jun 24, 2003 at 7:06 PM Post #10 of 28
Very informative review Tuberoller - many thanks. Like TravelLite, I am curious to know what opamp your Prehead was setup with.
Jun 24, 2003 at 7:25 PM Post #11 of 28
Excellent review Tuberoller. The Prehead will definitely be high on my list of amps to consider next time I upgrade. Thanks!
Jun 25, 2003 at 2:03 AM Post #14 of 28
Yes, very nice review indeed, Tuberoller, thanks. I guess I have to pass along the same wish as well: where does the Emmeline fit in.
I'll be evaluating an Emmeline myself soon, comparing it alongside the Gilmore V2.
Jun 25, 2003 at 3:03 AM Post #15 of 28
Excellent review, Tuberoller!! Which op-amps did your pre-head have?

I was fortunate enough to be able to audition one of these little gems (with the more "laid back" op-amps...don't remember which one that is) for about 30 days recently. I would tend to agree with your assessment, and would add the following:

1) I found it to be not lacking for power. If your headphones are power hungry, this is likely the amp for you (more below).

2) I felt that it gave a pleasant coloration to the music, and was dynamite re) fine details. Occasionally, I found it to be a bit dry and overemphasized in the upper end...but this was only with certain cans (see below)

3) If you own a pair of AKG K340's, this is the amp for you. No doubt about it. It made them sing like nothing I'd heard yet. Awesome combo!!!

4) This amp is not the greatest in combination with the AKG K501. As some have said, this headphone (though one of my favorites) is a bit lacking in bass response. The PreHead is, IMHO, very strong in the upper end. I'm thinking that it's TOO strong for the K501's.

5) The Grado SR225 is also an excellent match...although it took me awhile to figure out which jack (it has two...a low and high impedence) I s/b listening to.

6) The AKG K240M is also an excellent match...for that matter, any set of phones that is a bit darker in coloration would be a good match. I'm thinking that it would pair very well with the Sennheiser HD600's

7) My primary amp that I compared it to is the HeadRoom MAX. I find the MAX to be warmer, somewhat less detailed (but not in a BAD way), and more transparent. It is a very musical amp. I find that it pairs very well with my AKG K501's, and not so well with my K340's...the OPPOSITE of the PreHead. Given what I've said above, this should come as no surprise.

I liked it a lot, and was very close to buying one...but that's a whole other story.

I recommend it heartily to anyone who owns a headphone that is a bit more bass heavy or darker in coloration. The high-end resolution and presence of the PreHead will make a nice pairing with these types of cans.


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