Removing Volume Knob
Jan 4, 2007 at 1:58 AM Post #16 of 24
Thanks for the new suggestions.

dcheming, that sounds good, but don't think I have one of those pullers you're talking about...

I tried the two screwdriver pry thing. Since the knob is flush with the face, I could only use precision screwdrivers. Broke my Husky #000 flat tip! They should have a lifetime warranty though, will go to home depot and see if they will honor it.

Sovkiller, I have absolutely no room behind the knob to loosen the that's not an option.

Renato, still worried about breaking the pot if I do the turn-past-the-point method. Today's earlier excursion with that hasnt seemed to loosened the thing one bit.

Here's a pic of what it looks like, just imagine the pot being flush with the face..

Perhaps I could just take off the caps from above and solder in the replacements from above, andthen just hot glue everything in place. Then again, probably not.

Well guess I'll sleep on it...
Jan 4, 2007 at 2:11 AM Post #17 of 24
daggerlee, a two-jaw puller can be picked up at Auto Zone or Harbor Freight for pretty cheap. They're a very handy tool to have around.
Jan 4, 2007 at 2:38 AM Post #19 of 24
Whatever you do, always keep in mind the hardest parts to fix/replace if you muck up. The case obviously not an easy one... the PCB also. The pot is readily available, so is probably the most dispensible. The knob you might be able to get from the manufacturer. I would say that turning the knob past the pot stop sounds the most promising. If you can get a knob, you could always try drilling the center of the existing knob out...

Good luck.

Jan 4, 2007 at 2:39 AM Post #20 of 24
dcheming, I'll stop by an autozone tomorrow and see if they have any. Luckily my dad has the day off from work tomorrow so we could probably give that a try. I googled it - looks like a fancy cork remover if you ask me

My dad had the nice suggestion of spraying some WD40 through the set-screw hole. Will try that tomorrow.
Jan 4, 2007 at 10:26 AM Post #21 of 24
WD-40 should help. Be careful not to use too much though since it might work it's way into the pot itself through capillary action.

When you wrap the tape I'd probably only go down to about 1/2" from the front of the knob to leave enough clearance for the jaws to fit underneath. It would probably be a good idea to let the metal band of the clamp go a bit past the edge of the tape so that the jaws can actually get a decent grip on it. I'm thinking that a narrow hose clamp, like 1/4" wide, would grip into the tape as it distorts from the force of the two jaws. This would cause the top edges of the clamp to dig into the tape 90° opposite from the jaws. A fat 1/2" wide clamp would probably just want to slide off since it wouldn't distort as much. Just get both sizes I guess since these clamps are cheap and I know how much it sucks to have to drive back to the store you were just at to get a $2 part.

Good luck!
Jan 4, 2007 at 5:29 PM Post #22 of 24
If you can get a piece of cloth between the knob and panel then feed cloth under and around to form a cradle or sort of 'bag' with the knob cradled in it. Then perhaps you can pull it straight off. Nylon cloth is very strong.

This is an 'olden days' trick from the days of radio repair.

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