Redwine modded iPod vs. 5G Video
Feb 4, 2006 at 12:53 AM Post #31 of 34
You won't regret it! I've had mine for a month and to my aging ears, this modded iPod is equivalent to at least mid level CDP. It's convenience and shuffle capability gives it a distinct advantage so I find myself listening to it more and more as time goes by.
Feb 20, 2006 at 3:34 PM Post #32 of 34
Forgive my ignorance, but can you replace the standard firmware with Rockbox to use flacs and normal file transfer with the Redwine modded iPod?
Feb 20, 2006 at 3:37 PM Post #33 of 34

Originally Posted by Avi
Forgive my ignorance, but can you replace the standard firmware with Rockbox to use flacs and normal file transfer with the Redwine modded iPod?

You should be able to but keep in mind that Rockbox for the ipod is still in its very early stages so it might not be that stable and some things may not work.

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