Red Wine Audio - iMod sir?
Nov 21, 2005 at 5:37 PM Post #46 of 62

Originally Posted by lexnasa

My Larocco PRII is almost burned in now, and with the iMod + Senn HD650s I'm in audio Nirvana... I must stop upgrading... I must stop upgrading... I must stop upgrading...

now you need an Rnb diamond class mini or ask Bryan (highflyin9) about the silver mini he made me, sorry about your wallet
Nov 23, 2005 at 3:31 PM Post #47 of 62
Great news is that my iModded iPod has finally arrived, Vinnie got the job done within a couple of days, Customs decided to keep it safe for me for a couple of weeks.

Expectations were high and from the first 30 seconds of playback I knew I was in for a treat. The new Black Gate caps need a decent amount of burn in, so sound wise everything still has to find its place, but WOW, it's now a completely different animal and will only improve over the next couple hundred hours.

I've been lucky enough in the past, as a single man, to own some very silly priced CD players, and as a result, have found it very, very difficult to downgrade. Source is so crucial to me, it needs to be in a certain league to keep me happy. I'm extremely pleased to say that the iMod has that certain magic and new found authority to truly convince. It's still a bit of a shock that this little white DAP is producing this level of sound quality. Fine detail and nuances will no doubt come through, I'm absolutely convinced about where the sound is going and what's to come.

Once I have a decent amount of time on it, I'll post a follow up with a bit more detail about what I'm hearing. It's so tempting to do that now, it's that good across the board. It's been without exception, the best $200 I've ever spent - christmas has come early!

Customer service from Red Wine Audio was nothing short of amazing. From the very first enquiry, to final delivery, it was pleasure to exchange email. All in all the vibe was fresh and positive and I had no hesitation in allowing Vinnie to work his magic. Thanks once again to Vinnie for his skill and initiative in realising this project. Respect sir!
Nov 24, 2005 at 4:23 PM Post #49 of 62

Originally Posted by lexnasa
I already have an RnB Diamond class mini! Superb it is too!

whatever you do never listen to Bryan's all silver mini to mini you will immediately be out $100 it is that good, as good as the RnB is and I think it is great Bryan's cable took my SR>imod to a new level.
It is amazing how after the mod cables made a huge improvement in sq.
Either way the a top cable is required.
Nov 24, 2005 at 4:32 PM Post #50 of 62

Originally Posted by jp11801
whatever you do never listen to Bryan's all silver mini to mini you will immediately be out $100 it is that good, as good as the RnB is and I think it is great Bryan's cable took my SR>imod to a new level.
It is amazing how after the mod cables made a huge improvement in sq.
Either way the a top cable is required.

Who is Bryan?
Dec 9, 2005 at 11:03 PM Post #52 of 62
A Quick update - and wow, how far this iMod has come after a good amount of burn in.....

It sounded incredible from the off, the difference between stock line out was astonishing, but with 50 hours on it, things started to shape up. It was not until thr 80-100 hour mark that the Black gate caps really started to play ball and shine. Gone is the muddled presentation: bass starts to sound integrated with everything else and tightens up nicely with new found articulation, recessed mids really start to come through, and the top end sparkles. The whole soundstage becomes much more solid and precise. Basically, everything is in the right place, which tends to remind me that I'm listening to a pretty decent CD player. I've been spoilt with some exotic digital front ends in the past - namely Sugden Masterclass and Naim Audio CDSII - and I wouldn't expect the iMod to do things half as well as these considerably more expensive players - that would be silly. But, given I have some sense of reference, I have to say the iMod convinces me with its high-end aspirations, and phenominal value for money. I'm a very pround owner!

Hudson Audio's AudioPath silver cable is the business too, and really puts the icing on the cake - well recommended.

The iMod has been a real eye opener for me - small outlay, big sound. Simple as that.

Thanks again to Vinnie and Red Wine Audio for a super job all round.
Dec 11, 2005 at 8:22 PM Post #53 of 62
I'm not used to writing audio reviews, but this product is so good, it deserves to be better known. The iMod is really fantastic. I first starting using portable audio because I've been so busy that I haven't had time to enjoy my main stereo system. I honestly didn't expect much -- just some background music through headphones when I was doing work that didn't require full concentration. And that's just what an iPod gave me.

Then I started improving my headphones. I bought a Xin amp and started using the line out of my iPod with a Pocket Dock. This allowed for a modest improvement. After hearing about the iMod, it took me less than a week to send my 4th gen 60G iPod to Vinnie. The result was a huge jump in the quality of playback. I've put 200 - 300 hours on my iModded iPod, and the old murkiness of the iPod has completely gone. Instead, there is a beautiful clarity, of the sort that I get from my phono playback with a Lyra Titan. Of course, I never got the kind of soundstage through my headphones that listening through good speakers gives, but there now is a soundstage, and that was completely missing before. Once I get the time, I plan to listen to this iPod through my main system. That will really be a treat.

Also, I have read that many are unhappy with the bass of the iPod. I probably don't require as much bass as those who are complaining, but I find the bass after the iMod carries great impact. I was listening to the St. Saens Organ Symphony the other day, and I was very pleased with the presentation of the organ.

There is another aspect to getting my iPod iModded: That is having the pleasure of an association with Vinnie Rossi, who is without a doubt, the nicest person in high-end audio. I've been fussing with audio for some 20 or 25 years, and I've met some nice people and many of the other kind. Vinnie is at the very top. After getting back my iPod, I experienced some battery problems, nothing to do with the iMod. Vinnie took it upon himself to correct these, replace my battery, and to provide constant service for it. I've absolutely never met anyone so concerned and attentive of his customers.

So I've written this review in part to tell others what a great product the iMod is, and partly because I want to thank Vinnie for his constant help and concern. If you are thinking about modding your iPod, I say, go ahead and do it! You won't be sorry.
Dec 11, 2005 at 10:43 PM Post #54 of 62
Hi, I am considering getting the iMod done on my 40gb iPod Photo. My question is whether or not the headphone out can be used without an amp after the iMod.

I have Westone UM2's and I also have an in-line volume attenuator, so could that be a makeshift portable setup if I was without an amp. I just don't want to be stuck with an iPod that is unusable without an amp on-hand.

Also, I have close to 5000 songs on my iPod. The bitrates range from 160kbps to 320kbps. I have no plans of re-encoding all my music, because that would frankly be impossible. Is the iMod worth it for me?

Any advice is much appreciated. -CK
Dec 11, 2005 at 10:57 PM Post #55 of 62
By default the imod replaces the headphone out with a line out. That said, Vinnie also has an option that allows th line out to be conected by a pigtail of sorts that allows you to retain the headphone out.
Dec 11, 2005 at 11:20 PM Post #56 of 62

Originally Posted by ckhirnigs113
Hi, I am considering getting the iMod done on my 40gb iPod Photo. My question is whether or not the headphone out can be used without an amp after the iMod.

I have Westone UM2's and I also have an in-line volume attenuator, so could that be a makeshift portable setup if I was without an amp. I just don't want to be stuck with an iPod that is unusable without an amp on-hand.

Also, I have close to 5000 songs on my iPod. The bitrates range from 160kbps to 320kbps. I have no plans of re-encoding all my music, because that would frankly be impossible. Is the iMod worth it for me?

Any advice is much appreciated. -CK

Well, an amp and lossless is usually felt to be neccesary for this mod, mainly because for the cost of this mod, you can get an amp and reencode to get much better improvement in sound. So, it isn't the greatest idea. Basically, after just headphones and iPod, you get amp (lossless), then line out, then iMod line out. In any other order you are wasting some money. I think this mod would be great on a 5G iPod, since the line-out volume is significantly louder, I mean its really at my normal listening volume with my Grados and Etys, so it is perfect. I think then having this mod sans the amp would be a better idea, but I just think the 4G would be too quiet.

Is the iMod Line-out, the same volume as the regular line-out?
Dec 18, 2005 at 12:01 AM Post #58 of 62
This may sound a little out there, but is it possible to "grab" the digital output before it hits the DAC and add a coax digital out (via mini-jack) to any generation of iPod? I would really love to use an iPod with a DAC, and if this was possible I'd pay for it. Any thoughts?

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