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Jun 11, 2013 at 4:51 AM Post #3,571 of 6,977
I usually HATE stealth based games, but loved Dishonored. Actually on my first playthrough I was dumb and killed nearly everyone. Died a ton of times. Well duh. On the 2nd playthrough I finished without killing anyone. Couldn't go undetected though.
I started Far Cry 3. I think i'm rushing though things and don't know what i'm doing. I only have 1 gun and died about a dozen times. Everyone gangs up on me and calls for backup. Oh well. My only accomplishment was getting a whole 1 radio tower found
. I always run out of bullets too. In one area I think I died within 10 seconds. Obviously need to build up my character a little. Maybe it's like Fallout 3 where you're fairly weak at first and then it gets easier and easier.
Another game that did stealth well was Uncharted 2. I must have played through that about 6 times.

I can see how it can be difficult at first, but once you get more ammo bags, better guns, and more health the game becomes pretty easy.
Far Cry 3 - 9/10
I didn't do too well my first night and gave up on it and returned it to Redbox. Felt like playing it again last night at 11pm so I drove down the road and rented it again!
Glad I did because it's now a lot more fun. I managed to max out my holster and do a lot of upgrades. Still have only about 4-5 weapons, but just got a free Shotgun and Bow.
I'm still pretty terrible at the stealth mode stuff, but getting better. They seem to spot me a mile away. "Medusa's Call" took me a bunch of tries because of this. Pretty pathetic. Oh well.
Maybe i'm dumb but this game has a slightly higher learning curve than Fallout 3, Dishonored and Uncharted 2. I've never played any of the Far Cry titles also.
I really wish they hand more games like this where you can pretty much do anything you want. That's one reason I loved Fallout 3. In Fallout 3 it was fun to just go out and explore things.
Think i'll buy this if I can find it used for under $30.

The game doesn't really require stealth.
When I played it I just ran and gunned it.
If you get surrounded you could die pretty easily, but it isn't hard to avoid.
Far Cry 3 kept me entertained for a while, but it got very repetitive and dull.
Sure, it has a nice big open island, but all you can really do with that is conquer towers, camps, and hunt animals, all of which is doing the same thing over and over again. Like Vaas puts it, it's insanity. 
I didn't even care much about finishing the game once Vaas died. He was the only thing I looked forward to about the game and his death was so anti-climatic.
The game also becomes very dull once you go to the second island. All you can do in the second island is the exact same things you did in the first.
So it really looses all of that "open world exploration" charm.
At the second island I just wanted it to end.
Not to mention the QTE "boss fights".
You didn't do anything but press a button and watched the cut scene that accompanied it.
I liked/enjoyed the cut scenes and all, but not getting proper boss fights was pretty disappointing.
Do not even get me started on how much I hated Jason and his friends.
Maybe they made them unlikable on purpose, but I hated having to rescue such generic and dull characters.
Jason's older brother would of been a better protagonist. Hell, even his younger brother would of been better.
Every time Jason talked I wanted to punch my monitor. I am not an angry gamer by nature, but he brought out some rage in me with every word he said.
I was not a fan of the endings either.
I remember reading that the ending got leaked so they had to change it. I don't know how true this is, but the endings they stuck with were not that great or memorable for that matter.
I'd give Far Cry 3 a 6/10, 7/10 at most.
I'm not saying it was bad. I'm saying it has wasted potential and it isn't a very memorable game.
Jun 11, 2013 at 2:49 PM Post #3,572 of 6,977
Seems like they have released a fix. I'll try this later, hopefully it helps on the game performance 

Btw, never been a fan of gaming laptops. Probably some basic games. 

I never was either, but I have over 50 games (released within the last 2 years) which all play great. It's just my work laptop that has the ability to play many games. I'm averaging 64 FPS in Mass Effect 3, which exceeds my expectations. I would never purchase a laptop for gaming reasons, custom desktops all the way.
Jun 11, 2013 at 4:15 PM Post #3,573 of 6,977
Started playing Persona 4 for the PS2 today :D

Super early impressions:
Jun 11, 2013 at 11:15 PM Post #3,574 of 6,977
Jun 12, 2013 at 1:58 AM Post #3,575 of 6,977
I been playing borderlands 2. Fun game, the story a little lacking.8.5/10
Jun 12, 2013 at 2:59 AM Post #3,576 of 6,977
I been playing borderlands 2. Fun game, the story a little lacking.8.5/10

Oh, don't wait for the story to pick up. Nothing to look at there.
Jun 13, 2013 at 12:31 AM Post #3,580 of 6,977
BLands 2 was a total yawnfest. I played it for 30 minutes and haven't touched it since.

I beat the game and I think it was marginally better than the original, but didn't offer much of anything new. The story is definitely crappy, and I just got addicted to looting and becoming aggravated at finding duplicate/weak weapons...
Not to mention that there is rarely an online game without people who are cheating or who have modified weapons. The Borderland servers have horrible mod prevention and it takes any fun there might have been right out.
Jun 13, 2013 at 12:31 AM Post #3,581 of 6,977
BTW has anyone played Far Cry 3 with a headphone? Is it normal for an enemy that's like 50 feet away to sound like he's right next to you? Found that rather strange. I can even hear a car and shooting from a far away distance and still hear it all.
Strange because so far I find Far Cry 3 kind of tough. I guess i'm not really used to the gameplay of this one. I guess it only seems tougher because I'm so impatient sometimes and rush through fights. I learned to stop doing that so much.

I use my HD800 solely for gaming and I had no problems with imaging where enemies are when I hear there footsteps. If you have an EAX enabled soundcard (or using Alchemy through Win 7 or higher) than you may need to turn off the extra crap such as CMS3D or Dolby etc.
I found FC3 kind of hard at the start as well as I like to rush, but I had no problems after using a trainer to enable unlimited amount of money so I can buy any gun or unlimited amount of ammo.

Jun 13, 2013 at 12:36 AM Post #3,582 of 6,977
two more days til The Last of Us!!

A possible reason for me to finally pick up a PS3. That game looks absolutely amazing!
And with what I've been reading about the new Xbox console, I won't be getting that......$500 at launch is one thing, but not being able to play used games without an "unlock fee" is absolutely ridiculous. And then the stupid thing isn't even backwards compatible! And really, honestly, it's ugly...
Ok sorry to go off topic, that's just my rant because I'm disappointed in Microsoft. I'm sure some people will argue the reasons why they did these things, but it all boils down to $.
Jun 13, 2013 at 3:27 AM Post #3,583 of 6,977
A possible reason for me to finally pick up a PS3. That game looks absolutely amazing!
And with what I've been reading about the new Xbox console, I won't be getting that......$500 at launch is one thing, but not being able to play used games without an "unlock fee" is absolutely ridiculous. And then the stupid thing isn't even backwards compatible! And really, honestly, it's ugly...
Ok sorry to go off topic, that's just my rant because I'm disappointed in Microsoft. I'm sure some people will argue the reasons why they did these things, but it all boils down to $.

To be fair, PS4 also does not have backwards compatibility and we have also dealt with that stuff when (the latest) PS3 and Xbox 360 is not backwards compatible.
What might irks some gamers is surely their once in 24 hours online check in, it's like that they really don't trust their customers.
Also sorry to derail the topic again, just need to rant a little bit.
Jun 13, 2013 at 3:43 AM Post #3,584 of 6,977
Backward compatibility with any console would just mean it will cost more and not all previous gen games will be playable. The few variants of the PS3 were able to play some PS2 games not all due to the extra hardware inside and software emulation doesn't cut it with backward compatibility. 
Jun 13, 2013 at 4:23 PM Post #3,585 of 6,977
Playing Kingdom Hearts BBS, bustin out the hand held's again. I really like this game; the story's right in line with the regular Kingdomhearts silliness, I like how its a solo thing this time around but unlike CoM its not impossible to beat certain bosses without the perfect strategy. The gameplays really solid and that's surprising for a handheld IMO. Graphics its about on-par with...well maybe a little less than on par with KH2 but it still looks darn fine. 8/10

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