Rate the video games you're currently playing
Jul 22, 2012 at 9:12 PM Post #2,836 of 6,977
I got Dead Island in the sale on Steam a few hours ago and have been playing it for 5 hours now. No bugs so far, and this game is incredibly visceral. So satisfying to pummel zombies into the ground, especially with the curb-stomp finishing move :).

The gameplay itself is already getting repetitive though. The game consists mostly (only?) of fetch quests. The scenery and setting is beautiful. One thing that I admire and appreciate immensely is the complete lack of loading screens. This is one of my pet peeves with video games these days, they really shouldn't need them any more. Dead Island sets a good example.

P.S. I can't talk about this game and not mention its incredible trailer, even though it doesn't have much to do with the content of the game.
Jul 23, 2012 at 4:18 AM Post #2,837 of 6,977
P.S. I can't talk about this game and not mention its incredible trailer, even though it doesn't have much to do with the content of the game.

The trailer is likely to be the worst thing they could've made in my opinion. It was simply too good compared to the game. What I mean is that the game might be pretty good, people still wanted the game which was depicted in the trailer. (myself included) They wanted a story about a family which fell victim to a tragedy rather than another mass murder simulator. Pretty much goes to show that marketing people are better at their jobs than game devs.
Jul 24, 2012 at 10:10 AM Post #2,842 of 6,977
Just finished up the Guild Wars 2 beta weekend thing.  
9/10 could be the second coming that reinvigorates the stale mmo / online rpg genre for me - I can't wait for launch. 
Other than that, not playing any games right now.
Jul 24, 2012 at 12:08 PM Post #2,844 of 6,977
I just picked up the latest Batman and Alice: Madness Returns. Couldn't stop myself. Going to hopefully find some time to play them here soon.

Alice Madness Returns is a great game. I don't know why it did so poorly in reviews...oh wait yes I do, It's something different than what has been released for the past....seven years or so.
Jul 24, 2012 at 12:09 PM Post #2,845 of 6,977
The first one was fantastic and usually what they lack in gameplay they make up for in story and atmosphere.
Alice Madness Returns is a great game. I don't know why it did so poorly in reviews...oh wait yes I do, It's something different than what has been released for the past....seven years or so.

Jul 24, 2012 at 3:22 PM Post #2,846 of 6,977
Day Z, phenomenal. 
Jul 25, 2012 at 12:25 AM Post #2,847 of 6,977
Just finished up the Guild Wars 2 beta weekend thing.  
9/10 could be the second coming that reinvigorates the stale mmo / online rpg genre for me - I can't wait for launch. 
Other than that, not playing any games right now.

I'm so excited for this game's release. I was super bummed when I realized that we were just in a beta and it was ending for a month in 2 hours on Sunday.
Spent almost half a day with the World v World stuff, it was really different and reminded me somewhat of the board game Risk where you take over different territories. The map was absolutely massive! Huge team sizes, with strategy involved too. The WvW was enough to be its own game, I worry I might spend too much time on this and not the rest of the game.
The character story was great, the animated cut scenes make you actually care about the questing. You aren't expected to read a block of text, then go kill 'X' 20 times. Dynamic events pop up all over the map as you progress through the beautiful landscape, where any players nearby jump in to complete various combat based objectives. The classes are rather refreshing, you have many options to each class, so you aren't pegged down to say, just a bow as a ranger.
Here's a picture of the size of the WvW map for those interested:

..and for reference, check out the minimap on this screenshot to see my location, I'm over on the left section by the two blue locations:

Jul 25, 2012 at 12:42 AM Post #2,848 of 6,977
Just started playing Crusader Kings II. Really great; 8/10.
Hardcore medieval strategy game. It's more of a simulator really. You spend a lot of time organizing marriages, dealing with vassals, and running a kingdom. The game moves in "real time" (not turn-based) but you can pause it to make your moves and do planning. The only thing holding it back is the clunky combat and lack of a comprehensive tutorial. Once you learn the in's and out's, it's quite a fun ride.
Jul 27, 2012 at 9:30 PM Post #2,849 of 6,977
Playing through Deus Ex HR again. A solid 9/10 for that game. Let down by horrible boss battles. 
Also playing Dead Space 2 again and that's about an 8/10 I think
and I'm always playing BF3 everyday which for me is also a 9/10, I'm addicted to it

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