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Jun 10, 2024 at 4:53 PM Post #6,976 of 6,999
PS VR 2 games

Horizon Call of the Mountain:
Not a super game but it feels polished, fun, and it's a real workout every time you play. 8/10 for me

Average game but jumping and moving around freely makes up for it. I love that you can swim by moving your arms and the underwater sections look very nice. I am at the last chapter but would already rate it 7/10. It could have scored more if it was longer and with more variety. But to be honest, my 7/10 is a picky score. It could easily be a 8/10 as I am having fun with it.
Jun 23, 2024 at 1:47 PM Post #6,978 of 6,999
Playing Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, and having a blast exploring. This DLC feels more dark souls ambiance. The first boss is a real pain in the ass and holding off on killing it until I get way more powerful. The DLC is very hard, so this is how my build looks. lol I'm a tank. I don't know how Fromsoft does it. Such a massive game in scale, and keep track of everything. It's not a easy feat.


Dis funny, he wanted to give up, and then made the game break build to cope. lol Dis easy mode guys!
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Jun 25, 2024 at 2:06 AM Post #6,979 of 6,999
Been playing more of the DLC. I know there are mixed reviews on the DLC, and people are complaining about the difficulty, which is rightfully warranted. I find the DLC very hard as well. I think the part that's confused a lot of people and makes people think the game is difficult is the leveling up system where you have to collect the fragments. I think it was a bad idea from Fromsoft to go by this and cause confusion. Visually, very stunning game. Luv the way it looks.

I find this so funny. He expresses how it feels to beat hard bosses like this. lol
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Jun 28, 2024 at 12:29 PM Post #6,980 of 6,999
Anyway guys, Shadow of the Erdtree DLC was a little disappointing. There's a significant portion of the map seems to be wasted space with not much exploration involved. certain parts are fairly dense and interesting, but not the level of Stormveil castle in the base game. There was maybe one dungeon that was very interesting, but the scale of the dungeons doesn't compare to the huge base game dungeons. I'm one of the persons that luv exploring huge dungeons. Bigger with many paths, hidden path, the better to get lost in. I luv it when there are tons of paths that makes my decisions difficult and I have to remember to take the other paths. It's a lot of fun. lol Some of the hidden paths that was created in Elden Ring were genius!

Similar to metroidvanias, finding the bonfires or the save points hidden in a huge dungeons with multiple paths feels very rewarding.

I found the bosses even more spammy than the base game. You have to beat Mohg to start the DLC, and Mohg is already a spammy and unfun boss. Bosses sucked, so I just used my mimic tear to get through it. I don't feel any satisfaction from beating Fromsoft bosses anymore as they got very spammy AOE and cheap. So, in this DLC, they designed bosses to do very long combos you have to dodge through, which is kinda bs. So what ends up happening is people would start to use great shield builds to mitigate the spammy combos. Just bad design. IMO, Lies of P did bosses much better than what Fromsoft is doing at the moment.

Not a great DLC. Bulk of enemies were reused from base game. In general, not a huge fan of the Elden Ring series. However, this DLC's vibe is much closer to Dark Souls with it's dark tones. Visually stunning.

Other positives would be that there was some really creative puzzles, which I liked. Certain things, they hid too well, kinda mixed about that. In general, it was nice to be able to get on torrent and explore, that's the main fun of Elden Ring. Boss fights suck though.

Like I mentioned, it's visually stunning. The areas look great, and especially going through the dragon area on torrent felt epic. I liked that part. It's really cool, riding your mount toward the summit or the peak to fight the elder dragon. Very awesome! When you play a fantasy game, you want this kind of feeling of epic-ness.

I know it's early and not had time to balance with patches, but balance is pretty bad with the scadutree fragments. Initially, you'd be super underpowered, and then once you start getting a lot of them, you are too OP. this is the issue with open world compared to linear sequenced (IMO, even open world should have some sort of sequence if game depends on leveling). If you didn't explore some easy areas, and you do it later, you are OP. But, that is how metroidvanias ends up happening toward the end as well.

They haven't solved the open world proper balancing problem. Should be addressed as there's got to be a solution to it.

Still with all these issues, Elden Ring is way way way way way better than the newest Zeldas for kids.
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Jun 30, 2024 at 1:18 PM Post #6,982 of 6,999
Attempting Grime again, but this time I'm getting a better hang of it. I feel like I'm playing as intended now. I got punished so badly when it first game out since the game was more unforgiving. What I didn't do on my previous playthrough was to use parry, and I realized parry is essential in this game. Still, it's a pretty difficult metroidvania, even harder than Souls games I feel (minus bosses).

After getting lost in this playthrough, realized my first playthrough was very bad due to two factors. The way the map is setup for progression, and not using parry. The game opens up for me to go anywhere, and I wasn't progressing in the most optimal sequence, so I gave up. I'm lost on this playthrough as well and had to look up guides on what bosses I should have beaten to be leveled up properly. Without this guidance I was lost and could have given up again. Most lost I've ever been in, for a metroidvania/souls game.
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Jul 1, 2024 at 5:04 AM Post #6,983 of 6,999
Anyway guys, Shadow of the Erdtree DLC was a little disappointing. There's a significant portion of the map seems to be wasted space with not much exploration involved. certain parts are fairly dense and interesting, but not the level of Stormveil castle in the base game. There was maybe one dungeon that was very interesting, but the scale of the dungeons doesn't compare to the huge base game dungeons. I'm one of the persons that luv exploring huge dungeons. Bigger with many paths, hidden path, the better to get lost in. I luv it when there are tons of paths that makes my decisions difficult and I have to remember to take the other paths. It's a lot of fun. lol Some of the hidden paths that was created in Elden Ring were genius!

Similar to metroidvanias, finding the bonfires or the save points hidden in a huge dungeons with multiple paths feels very rewarding.

I found the bosses even more spammy than the base game. You have to beat Mohg to start the DLC, and Mohg is already a spammy and unfun boss. Bosses sucked, so I just used my mimic tear to get through it. I don't feel any satisfaction from beating Fromsoft bosses anymore as they got very spammy AOE and cheap. So, in this DLC, they designed bosses to do very long combos you have to dodge through, which is kinda bs. So what ends up happening is people would start to use great shield builds to mitigate the spammy combos. Just bad design. IMO, Lies of P did bosses much better than what Fromsoft is doing at the moment.

Not a great DLC. Bulk of enemies were reused from base game. In general, not a huge fan of the Elden Ring series. However, this DLC's vibe is much closer to Dark Souls with it's dark tones. Visually stunning.

Other positives would be that there was some really creative puzzles, which I liked. Certain things, they hid too well, kinda mixed about that. In general, it was nice to be able to get on torrent and explore, that's the main fun of Elden Ring. Boss fights suck though.

Like I mentioned, it's visually stunning. The areas look great, and especially going through the dragon area on torrent felt epic. I liked that part. It's really cool, riding your mount toward the summit or the peak to fight the elder dragon. Very awesome! When you play a fantasy game, you want this kind of feeling of epic-ness.

I know it's early and not had time to balance with patches, but balance is pretty bad with the scadutree fragments. Initially, you'd be super underpowered, and then once you start getting a lot of them, you are too OP. this is the issue with open world compared to linear sequenced (IMO, even open world should have some sort of sequence if game depends on leveling). If you didn't explore some easy areas, and you do it later, you are OP. But, that is how metroidvanias ends up happening toward the end as well.

They haven't solved the open world proper balancing problem. Should be addressed as there's got to be a solution to it.

Still with all these issues, Elden Ring is way way way way way better than the newest Zeldas for kids.
Fully agree.

I have explored all areas and beat all bosses including secret ones. Just need to defeat the DLC final boss.
All you say matches my experience. Some areas are empty and with little to no enemies, the whole DLC feels a 'mini' more-of-the-same.

But despite the flaws it's still one of the best DLC ever to be honest.
Had an easy time overall despite the flaws except the last boss that is so spammy and unbalanced that I have to improve my shield and tweak things considerably.
Jul 1, 2024 at 8:05 PM Post #6,984 of 6,999
Fully agree.

I have explored all areas and beat all bosses including secret ones. Just need to defeat the DLC final boss.
All you say matches my experience. Some areas are empty and with little to no enemies, the whole DLC feels a 'mini' more-of-the-same.

But despite the flaws it's still one of the best DLC ever to be honest.
Had an easy time overall despite the flaws except the last boss that is so spammy and unbalanced that I have to improve my shield and tweak things considerably.
You can just cheeze the final boss. If it's not fair, you shouldn't play fair either. lol. I decided not to finish the final boss. Just collected all the fragments and that would enough for me.

I'm not sure what happened with Fromsoft. They must have ran out of ideas or Miyazaki maybe past his prime. I think their peak hard/fair boss design was Isshin the Sword Saint from Sekiro. And Sister Friede was as the peak most difficult/fair Dark Souls boss.
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Jul 3, 2024 at 5:00 AM Post #6,985 of 6,999
You can just cheeze the final boss. If it's not fair, you shouldn't play fair either. lol. I decided not to finish the final boss. Just collected all the fragments and that would enough for me.

I'm not sure what happened with Fromsoft. They must have ran out of ideas or Miyazaki maybe past his prime. I think their peak hard/fair boss design was Isshin the Sword Saint from Sekiro. And Sister Friede was as the peak most difficult/fair Dark Souls boss.
Yeah my goal is to find all the Scadutree fragments (luckily few left) and try again. I also made my first cheese-build for this battle, but I am taking my sweet time.
Jul 4, 2024 at 7:11 PM Post #6,986 of 6,999
I just finished the Elden Ring DLC and had an amazing time with it. I enjoy exploring so the scadutree fragment scaling system wasn't bad. I just turned around whenever a boss became too difficult and went to go find new areas. The final one was the only truly awful wall, but there's not much I cared about gated behind it, thankfully. I doubt I'll finish it again, especially since the fight directly before it was my favorite moment in the whole DLC.
Jul 5, 2024 at 11:11 AM Post #6,987 of 6,999
I just finished the Elden Ring DLC and had an amazing time with it. I enjoy exploring so the scadutree fragment scaling system wasn't bad. I just turned around whenever a boss became too difficult and went to go find new areas. The final one was the only truly awful wall, but there's not much I cared about gated behind it, thankfully. I doubt I'll finish it again, especially since the fight directly before it was my favorite moment in the whole DLC.
Managed to complete it yesterday evening. Used a guide to find the remaining fragments, luckily missed only a few - especially those pesky shadow pot enemies!
They did not make much of a difference though. I was already almost there.

At the end I did not use any cheese-build. That did not work. Had to learn the attack pattern and my Mimic Tear helped securing some respite but it did not last long.
It was an insane battle and managed to win at the last second without any healing flask remaining. Have to say that I was particularly focused and unfazed yesterday.

Anyway, agree with you 100%. They ruined the DLC there, at the end.
Jul 5, 2024 at 12:12 PM Post #6,988 of 6,999
Managed to complete it yesterday evening. Used a guide to find the remaining fragments, luckily missed only a few - especially those pesky shadow pot enemies!
They did not make much of a difference though. I was already almost there.

At the end I did not use any cheese-build. That did not work. Had to learn the attack pattern and my Mimic Tear helped securing some respite but it did not last long.
It was an insane battle and managed to win at the last second without any healing flask remaining. Have to say that I was particularly focused and unfazed yesterday.

Anyway, agree with you 100%. They ruined the DLC there, at the end.
Yeah, it was shadow pot enemies and two hippos. I had to look at the guides as well. I don't really like the scadutree leveling system.

I wish I killed the flame giant earlier for the rewards.

I had so much trouble with the dancing lion boss that I leveled up to 11 scadutree to take it out. I don't think it was meant to be fought that early like on most guides I've seen. Scadutree fragments help take out bosses easier. You can always just collect them all and come back and demolish all the bosses except the last one.

Maybe that's not correct. You can collect up to certain amount and have to get through Rellana. I found her much more manageable than dancing lion.
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Jul 9, 2024 at 2:41 AM Post #6,990 of 6,999
I'm really enjoying Stellar Blade. I think it's a bibimbop of many things like Sekiro, Resident Evil, The Matrix, Akira, etc.. All of my fav popculture blended into this really visually good lookin game. The game looks really good. That's the main thing going for it. Some really striking looking visuals.

It's not a surprise since it's directed by Hyun tae Kim.

Man, the rendering on Angel, the main character is so well done. She looks amazing! The skin tones and all is very well done. Her body frame is such an art! The attention to details!

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