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Sep 1, 2023 at 9:50 AM Post #6,782 of 6,999
I guess you can break that boss people rage quits on. There's always some solutions to beating impossible bosses in FromSoft games. It's a different game than the Souls genre Miyazaki started. Seems like it's all about a build that can break the game, which makes sense since it's not an RPG with a leveling system like the Souls games. They must have done the right thing by refraining to make Amored Core series another Souls-like. It was an appropriate decision.
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Sep 1, 2023 at 5:23 PM Post #6,783 of 6,999
I am also playing Starfield(on PC). It doesn't natively support super ultrawide, so I had to hack it in. Looks great, and plays great so far. The music has been good too, very "sci-fi mysterious" in places. Performance hasn't been great in the sense that I'm getting tons of frames, but it is quite smooth and stable. No hitching or slowdown. I'm playing on max settings with FSR.

The guns are satisfying to use, and it's fun getting in firefights on planets with low gravity, because of your immense leaping ability. It's also pretty fun to just explore and collect some stuff. I tried to add a screenshot but it is too big for Headfi to handle apparently, but it can be viewed here: screenshot

Anyway, I can see myself getting lost in this one...(figuratively)
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Sep 1, 2023 at 7:05 PM Post #6,784 of 6,999
I heard there's a mod to get DLSS. I get a feeling I won't like this game.

I'm actually not missing DLSS as much as I expected to. FSR is rendering fine detail with a good deal of precision, and edges are nicely cleaned up.


I am missing frame generation, though. Aside from the big cities I'm usually getting around 80FPS, so with frame generation I could see myself mostly locking to 120.
Sep 2, 2023 at 10:10 AM Post #6,785 of 6,999
I'm actually not missing DLSS as much as I expected to. FSR is rendering fine detail with a good deal of precision, and edges are nicely cleaned up.


I am missing frame generation, though. Aside from the big cities I'm usually getting around 80FPS, so with frame generation I could see myself mostly locking to 120.
Looks like frame gen is out
Sep 2, 2023 at 1:57 PM Post #6,786 of 6,999
Sea Spider

I think this is the first boss that require some skills, not just the right weapon selection. This one felt like a Souls boss, when you get that feeling that you don't know if you can beat it (that's what you pay for in Souls games, you pay for that experience). lol
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Sep 2, 2023 at 3:08 PM Post #6,787 of 6,999

Playing Starfield. Don't have much to say about it so far. I like it, but I'm definitely going to have to tweak some settings. This is how this area runs on an RTX 4090 with 75% resolution scaling with FSR...
This one got me. And it has its hooks in good.
Sep 2, 2023 at 6:26 PM Post #6,789 of 6,999
I installed the DLSS mod and I get slight performance increase. I believe the free one is applying only DLSS2, and the paid version applies DLSS3 with frame gen. So, if you have an Nvidia RTX card, you can get some performance increase with the mod, maybe higher with higher end card. I have the 4070TI so maybe the 4090 has greater gains.

We really need HDR. It would provide much clearer imaging. I don't know how the image looks kinda blended, not very clear lookin.
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Sep 2, 2023 at 11:06 PM Post #6,790 of 6,999
Sep 3, 2023 at 12:59 AM Post #6,792 of 6,999
I tried the FOV mod, and I noticed skew in the image while panning.
Single projection rendered images always have pincushion distortion, just like ultrawide lenses. Have you ever used wider FOV before?
There is no simple solution, Unreal has Panini Projection correction that applies barrel distortion but this causes loss of resolution in the middle, multiple port projection promised by NVidia long time ago just did not take off.
Just don't go overboard with FOV, 90-95 will do, the default one is 75.
Sep 3, 2023 at 11:55 AM Post #6,793 of 6,999
My initial impressions isn't very good. I had an inclining before starting this game that I won't like it. There's really nothing innovative about this game. It's the usual, let's make a big open world. I really don't like the AI NPCs, they feel janky. Matter a fact, they arn't an improvement over what you see on Fallout 3/4. It's pretty much the same thing. Gameplay wise, it's a third person shooter, nothing unique in terms of gameplay mechanics. I get a feeling, it's going to be a generic fetch quest game. You go to a planet, find somebody, shoot some people, and rinse and repeat. While I'm playing this, I keep thinking, I want to go back to Armored Core 6 because it's so damn boring! lol Is this ever going get engaging? It's not even a pretty game. Art direction wise, it's very generic. I really dislike games like this. I cannot stand Cyberpunk either. It's so boring. I want some innovation in the gameplay mechanics, and a good art direction. These games just feels so generic. I don't see anything creative in them. It's all dated mechanics. I really don't care for simulations because they feel so fake. The NPC behavior is so janky in this game.

I'm waiting to see if there is any hook to this game to get me engaged or impress me in some way. I've played these kind of games years ago, and I've moved on to newer mechanics in games. These kind of games are from past eras. I enjoyed Knights of the Old Republic back in the days, but I wouldn't play that kind of game anymore. It's too dated for my taste.

Fallout 3 for it's time was great, but this game doesn't have such innovation that Fallout 3 had for it's time.
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Sep 3, 2023 at 12:07 PM Post #6,794 of 6,999
My initial impressions isn't very good. I had an inclining before starting this game that I won't like it. There's really nothing innovative about this game. It's the usual, let's make a big open world. I really don't like the AI NPCs, they feel janky. Matter a fact, they arn't an improvement over what you see on Fallout 3/4. It's pretty much the same thing. Gameplay wise, it's a third person shooter, nothing unique in terms of gameplay mechanics. I get a feeling, it's going to be a generic fetch quest game. You go to a planet, find somebody, shoot some people, and rinse and repeat. While I'm playing this, I keep thinking, I want to go back to Armored Core 6 because it's so damn boring! lol Is this ever going get engaging? It's not even a pretty game. Art direction wise, it's very generic. I really dislike games like this. I cannot stand Cyberpunk either. It's so boring. I want some innovation in the gameplay mechanics, and a good art direction. These games just feels so generic. I don't see anything creative in them. It's all dated mechanics.
You have to get a good 5 hours in (do at least some of the main quest) for things to open up and then things are pretty limitless. It's just a much more polished offering than previous BGS.
I don't know, maybe you'll find you like the space combat most or treat discovery more like NMS.
Sep 3, 2023 at 12:11 PM Post #6,795 of 6,999
You have to get a good 5 hours in (do at least some of the main quest) for things to open up and then things are pretty limitless. It's just a much more polished offering than previous BGS.
I don't know, maybe you'll find you like the space combat most or treat discovery more like NMS.
I tried playing Skyrim, but it's too dated for my taste to try them now. I got to the intro with the wagon and got off and tried the sword in 3rd person view. I couldn't do it. I knew it would be a janky combat experience, and the NPCs, my lord! My idea of a good time isn't a bunch of prescripted NPCs that feels so robotic. It's better not to interact with NPCs. lol I can't get emersed in such artificial interactions. It's just better for me to not experience those. Probably great for it's time, but having experience Fromsoft Souls games, I couldn't play Skyrim.
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