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Nov 23, 2010 at 1:20 PM Post #6,692 of 24,714
Just watched Edge of Darkness 9.5/10 Mel Gibson was great in this movie..plot was good but a little weird

I felt the opposite I liked the plot but felt the movie would have been better with anybody but Gibson in the lead
Nov 23, 2010 at 4:27 PM Post #6,693 of 24,714

Just watched Edge of Darkness 9.5/10 Mel Gibson was great in this movie..plot was good but a little weird

I felt the opposite I liked the plot but felt the movie would have been better with anybody but Gibson in the lead

He was great in The Patriot IMO.
Nov 23, 2010 at 11:20 PM Post #6,694 of 24,714
Nov 23, 2010 at 11:37 PM Post #6,695 of 24,714
Nov 24, 2010 at 12:27 AM Post #6,697 of 24,714
I started watching "Lonesome Dove" on DVD this afternoon. I haven't seen it since it was originally a miniseries, many years ago. It may very well be the best "western" ever made. Gritty, realistic and full of characters that you'll recognize as real personalities... not just actors playing roles. Incredible dialogue and a wonderful, epic story! Robert Duvall, Tommy Lee Jones, Diane Lane, Robert Urich, Rick Schroeder and many others. If you have never seen this 6 hour production, it is worth finding and devoting two or three evenings to watch! 10/10
Nov 24, 2010 at 1:39 AM Post #6,698 of 24,714

Have you seen "Open Range"? That's my favorite. Pretty much a near perfect movie to me. It's starring Duvall.
I'll check out "Lonesome Dove" this weekend. I had it on DVD but turned it off because the picture and sound quality was so bad. I couldn't eve heard what they were saying! I now have it on blu-ray.
Robert Duvall is one of the best actors there is.
I started watching "Lonesome Dove" on DVD this afternoon. I haven't seen it since it was originally a miniseries, many years ago. It may very well be the best "western" ever made. Gritty, realistic and full of characters that you'll recognize as real personalities... not just actors playing roles. Incredible dialogue and a wonderful, epic story! Robert Duvall, Tommy Lee Jones, Diane Lane, Robert Urich, Rick Schroeder and many others. If you have never seen this 6 hour production, it is worth finding and devoting two or three evenings to watch! 10/10

Nov 24, 2010 at 1:48 AM Post #6,699 of 24,714
"Far and Away" - 8/10
Fairly cheesy and one of the most cliched movies there is. Probably not as much as "Shanghai Noon" but close. I'll admit that I love this movie despite how bad it can be at times. It's even kind of funny at times!
For me it's just an entertaining popcorn flick. I think I've liked Tom Cruise in nearly every movie he's been in. No, really. This is also one of the few movies where I didn't mind Nicole Kidman.
BTW if you rate this movie a 1/10 you're probably taking it too seriously!
I remember seeing this at theater when they still had those $2.50 showings. At night EVERY seat was filled. I had to sit in the front row ALL the way to the left.
This movie would be nice to see on blu-ray.
Nov 24, 2010 at 8:22 AM Post #6,700 of 24,714
Lonesome Dove is hard to beat. But TV-series have a big advantage since you get much more time getting to know the characters.
Have you seen "Open Range"? That's my favorite. Pretty much a near perfect movie to me. It's starring Duvall.
I'll check out "Lonesome Dove" this weekend. I had it on DVD but turned it off because the picture and sound quality was so bad. I couldn't eve heard what they were saying! I now have it on blu-ray.
Robert Duvall is one of the best actors there is.
I started watching "Lonesome Dove" on DVD this afternoon. I haven't seen it since it was originally a miniseries, many years ago. It may very well be the best "western" ever made. Gritty, realistic and full of characters that you'll recognize as real personalities... not just actors playing roles. Incredible dialogue and a wonderful, epic story! Robert Duvall, Tommy Lee Jones, Diane Lane, Robert Urich, Rick Schroeder and many others. If you have never seen this 6 hour production, it is worth finding and devoting two or three evenings to watch! 10/10

Nov 24, 2010 at 11:45 AM Post #6,702 of 24,714

Lonesome Dove is hard to beat. But TV-series have a big advantage since you get much more time getting to know the characters.
Have you seen "Open Range"? That's my favorite. Pretty much a near perfect movie to me. It's starring Duvall.
I'll check out "Lonesome Dove" this weekend. I had it on DVD but turned it off because the picture and sound quality was so bad. I couldn't eve heard what they were saying! I now have it on blu-ray.
Robert Duvall is one of the best actors there is.
I started watching "Lonesome Dove" on DVD this afternoon. I haven't seen it since it was originally a miniseries, many years ago. It may very well be the best "western" ever made. Gritty, realistic and full of characters that you'll recognize as real personalities... not just actors playing roles. Incredible dialogue and a wonderful, epic story! Robert Duvall, Tommy Lee Jones, Diane Lane, Robert Urich, Rick Schroeder and many others. If you have never seen this 6 hour production, it is worth finding and devoting two or three evenings to watch! 10/10


I've never seen the TV series, did you guys ever check the book out, and if so, was it just as good? The book was awesome.
Nov 24, 2010 at 12:15 PM Post #6,703 of 24,714
Precious - 7/10
It took me a long time to get around to seeing this, and even though I wasn't over the moon about it, I'm glad I did. There's been a lot of griping about its subject matter and bleakness, but I feel the same way as I did watching Steven Spielberg's The Color Purple: If you want something to blame, blame the book the film was adapted from (Push, by Sapphire), not filmmaker Lee Daniels. Basically, he put what was written onscreen. And the rumors are true: Mo'Nique is amazing…a completely astonishing performance. Someone needs to start crafting more film vehicles for her ('cause we already know she's funny), but don't hold your breath. Mariah Carey's good, too.

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