Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A
Mar 22, 2020 at 6:55 AM Post #1,996 of 7,931
We are speaking about Headphones... not speakers. But even with speakers... IMHO, a top quality ribbon (today) is better than other tweeter... I think generally for all kind of music... Try the new Børresen speakers, and tell me your opinion... Coming back to headphones: I had 009 Stax and many other electrostatic... but today new headphones like Sr1a are more detailed and especially they have more impact...
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Mar 22, 2020 at 7:51 AM Post #1,997 of 7,931
I do not think so.

About 30 years ago, I had hard time choosing between Apogee Duetta Sig(ribbon speaker) and Martin Logan CLX.

Ribbon has advantage in open and dynamic sound while Electro Static has advantage in nuanced treblle.

Since I can afford to keep both, I will choose one of them depending on genre of music.

Mar 22, 2020 at 10:10 AM Post #1,999 of 7,931
We are speaking about Headphones... not speakers. But even with speakers... IMHO, a top quality ribbon (today) is better than other twiter... I think generally for all kind of music... Try the new Børresen speakers, and tell me your opinion... Coming back to headphones... I had 009 Stax and many other electrostatic... but today new headphones like Sr1a are more detailed and especially more impact...
It is true that speakers and headphones haven’t really the same quality of drivers.

I don’t know for ribbons but my Voxativ Hagen with a full range driver are more refined than any headphone available. Very audible for pianoforte or a Mezzo-Soprano voice where no headphone will let you hear intrusions like the one of the contralto Ewa Podles (Ariodante: Les Musiciens du Louvre, Archiv) really in the husky territory.

Headphones have less advanced drivers but for sure bring more intimacy with music. Then you can discuss the quality of this intimacy among the different technologies.

Speakers v Headphones: Not the same expectations.
Mar 22, 2020 at 11:15 AM Post #2,000 of 7,931
Hi cladane, Voxactive Hagen vs Børresen 01 ??? :relieved:
Mar 22, 2020 at 11:47 AM Post #2,001 of 7,931
We are speaking about Headphones... not speakers. But even with speakers... IMHO, a top quality ribbon (today) is better than other twiter... I think generally for all kind of music... Try the new Børresen speakers, and tell me your opinion... Coming back to headphones... I had 009 Stax and many other electrostatic... but today new headphones like Sr1a are more detailed and especially more impact...
As good as Sr1a and Stax 009s are compared with other headphones, my Lansche speaker with plasma tweeter give slightly more details and much more dynamics augmented by two 18 inch Scaena subwoofers.

I use headphones for intimacy and not to disturb my wife at night.

I am pretty happy to keep both Sr1a and 009s.
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Mar 22, 2020 at 12:08 PM Post #2,002 of 7,931
I can't believe that any kind of speakers placed in a ROOM can have more details than highest headphones fitted on the ears... :relaxed:
Mar 22, 2020 at 12:14 PM Post #2,003 of 7,931
I can't believe that any kind of speakers placed in a ROOM can have more details than highest headphones fitted on the ears... :relaxed:
Lansche speaker with plasma tweeter or vintage Western Electric 755 full range speaker driven by SET amp give clearly more details than either Sr1a or 009s.

It is too bad Munich Audio show got cancelled due to Corona virus.

Otherwise you may experience it yourself.
Mar 22, 2020 at 12:24 PM Post #2,004 of 7,931
Simply impossible... no one speakers have his own sound, 50% of the sound depend by the room ... not the same for headphones. I'm not speaking of hifi technology (ribbon, plasma ecc.ecc...), but real sound we can have in our houses...
Mar 22, 2020 at 12:27 PM Post #2,005 of 7,931
Simply impossible... no one speakers have his own sound, 50% of the sound depend by the room ... not the same for headphones. I'm not speaking of hifi technology (ribbon, plasma ecc.ecc...), but real sound we can have in our houses...
If you want to get the best sound out of 2 channel system, you have to invest heavily on room acoustic treatment and ideal size room.

Thus it is easier to get nice sound out of headphone rather than from mediocre 2 channel system.
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Mar 22, 2020 at 12:33 PM Post #2,006 of 7,931
A couple of quick observations on Stax versus SR1A.

I have a 200 watt (into 8 ohm) solid state amp which I find quite decent, and to my ears it and the interface sound very close to the Jot R without the interface. Instrument timbres, sound stage, frequency balance--all pretty much the same. The sound is excellent either way.

I have the SR009 (as opposed to SR009S) and a BHSE. On the whole I find the SR1A somewhat more resolving and its bass more pronounced, but I have to listen closely to hear the differences, and I think that the overall sound is much more alike than it is different. Again, the sound is excellent either way.
Mar 22, 2020 at 12:34 PM Post #2,007 of 7,931
I have a very good treated room for a fantastic result or incredible result for my two channel system, this is not my problem... But headphones on the ears are more detailed than any speakers... Even mastering or recording studios (with perfect treated room) need headphones for their works...
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Mar 22, 2020 at 8:03 PM Post #2,008 of 7,931
Hi @Nik,
Not to compare Voxativ with Børresen (even if in my usage the Hagen are a good choice) but speakers with headphones.
The latter for sure bring with actual totl devices more details and intimacy. Like said high quality speaker drivers have a richer sound.
Mar 23, 2020 at 2:35 PM Post #2,009 of 7,931
Your Boreresen speaker is not the last word in detail among 2 channels speakers.

I have a very good treated room for a fantastic result or incredible result for my two channel system, this is not my problem... But headphones on the ears are more detailed than any speakers... Even mastering or recording studios (with perfect treated room) need headphones for their works...
It seems to be waste of my time to give comment on your post.

Your Borresen speaker is about the same level as Sennheiser HD 800s which is pretty good but not at the same level as Sr1a, 009s or 1266 TC.

You had better leave comment on two channel system after experiencing top level speakers.

I recommend you to attend 2021 Munich audio show to have your ears open.
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Mar 24, 2020 at 5:41 AM Post #2,010 of 7,931
Naaa... I don't waste my time with you, sorry... :beerchug:

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