Quitting smoking anyone want to join me?
Jul 5, 2006 at 3:02 AM Post #16 of 34
Good luck to you. My dad smoked since he was 8 (Philippines, too easy) and now he's 59. He quit 10 years ago. Now he has to live with bad asthma and takes steroid pills to keep active.

One day he just decided to quit. Didn't go on the patch or anything. One thing he did do, was carry around his cigarettes with him. Just smelled them every now and then.
Jul 5, 2006 at 3:48 AM Post #17 of 34
Good decision, I have to experience a family member slowly fade away due to a smoking related disease not too long ago and it was very saddening.
Jul 5, 2006 at 5:17 AM Post #20 of 34
to me its not that hard to quit, just because i dont have a car so basically I am unable to easily get smokes. so imo if u can try to avoid situations where the cigarettes are right infront of ur eyes to purcahse..for example at the gas station..use ur credit card at the pump instead of going in to pay and see what the cigarette specials are..i hope that helps?
Jul 5, 2006 at 6:05 AM Post #22 of 34
It's been so long since I last smoked. I can't even say the exact amount of time it's been, but it's been quite a few years, probably almost a decade.

I'm there with you, Mike. Only way that would work is to start slowly. Smoke one less cigarette a day until you are down to one. Then smoke one per day for a week. At this point you many need patches, gum, etc. if you really get the shakes and stuff.

But otherwise you get to the point where you don't smoke at all.

If you've been smoking for a long time, cold turkey is really tough, and most prone to relapses.

But like drinking, count the number of days you've been without, and if you relapse once, don't just give up, celebrate your new record for how long you went without smoking. Then try for another record, and another, and another, until you can keep your longest record ever.

Jul 5, 2006 at 6:14 AM Post #23 of 34
Ed wood's approach sounds sane. It's been almost 4 years for me. I was on xanax for two years to stay calm. I'm still not as relaxed as I was with cigs. It's rough. That wellbutin suggestion might not be a bad one from my persective.
Jul 5, 2006 at 6:50 AM Post #25 of 34
Think about how much easier it will be to resell your stuff here and on the net in general
Jul 5, 2006 at 8:48 PM Post #26 of 34

Originally Posted by JaGWiRE
Think about how much easier it will be to resell your stuff here and on the net in general

That's the "least" of my worries I'm more concerned about keeping my legs.
Jul 5, 2006 at 9:14 PM Post #27 of 34
Stop smoking completely.

You have to beat the physical addiction first, which will take about three weeks.
Remove all cigarettes, ashtrays, lighters, etc. from your home and car.
Clean out all butts from your car.

During this time:
Don’t go near any bars and quit drinking.
Avoid anyone who smokes.
Go to the gym. Start doing some Cardio exercise.

You will start noticing:
Your food tastes different.
Your clothes smell nasty from cigarette smoke. Dry clean them.
Your car’s interior smells nasty. Get it detailed.
Kissing is better. Keep doing it!
Jul 6, 2006 at 1:08 AM Post #28 of 34
Get addicted to something less deadly. No joking, my pops started eating cough drops then mints in order to fight the urge. Lesser of evils.
Jul 6, 2006 at 9:29 AM Post #29 of 34

Originally Posted by MarconiSalad
Stop smoking completely.

You have to beat the physical addiction first, which will take about three weeks.
Remove all cigarettes, ashtrays, lighters, etc. from your home and car.
Clean out all butts from your car.

During this time:
Don’t go near any bars and quit drinking.
Avoid anyone who smokes.
Go to the gym. Start doing some Cardio exercise.

You will start noticing:
Your food tastes different.
Your clothes smell nasty from cigarette smoke. Dry clean them.
Your car’s interior smells nasty. Get it detailed.
Kissing is better. Keep doing it!


Mike, try this little "exercise/experiment".

Take a long deep breath, right now.
Do you cough a bit, or feel a wheezing/spasm in your lungs/chest?

Keep repeating this deep inhaling thing and over time you will actually notice a difference. It's actually scary.

Jul 6, 2006 at 9:30 AM Post #30 of 34

Originally Posted by Kirosia
Get addicted to something less deadly. No joking, my pops started eating cough drops then mints in order to fight the urge. Lesser of evils.

I chewed gum like a fiend after quitting. Pretty much gave myself TMJ. Ouchie.


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