Question for female Head-fi members
Feb 1, 2007 at 6:48 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 31


Headphoneus Supremus
May 28, 2006
I’ve been curious for a while, but since being stuck at home for a few days now, I’m bored enough to ask. How did you get into head-fi, and do you have other female friends who share your interest? I ask because before I found head-fi, I already had a headphone amp, HD580s, SR-60s, and Ety ER4P. I didn’t know any women, or men for that matter, that had or cared for same. Finding like-minded and more knowledgeable people here has been wonderful, and I’ve met some great guys in person that I now consider friends. It doesn’t bother me that, other than supportive wives who understand and even like the whole thing, I still haven’t met any women who actively view this as a hobby, but, on the other hand, I don’t get it, don’t understand why not. My girlfriends do not share my interests, are amused at best, and think my money would be better spent on shoes/jewelry/clothes (their hobbies)…ah well.

And so I wonder. What’s your experience? Do you have one pair of headphones, or, like me, do you like messing around with all that's out there, listening to music and playing with what's possible? Do you like meeting up with other people to hear what they have, or are you content to stay at home, listening to your set-up? Etc. and anything else you may choose to add.

Oh, and for this thread, I’m not interested in guys posting about how their wives/girlfriends like or swipe their headphones (though I suppose I can’t stop you). I’m curious to hear from women head-fi members who view this as a hobby and who actively use this forum, even if just for looking around. Again…just curious. Thanks.
Feb 1, 2007 at 7:04 PM Post #2 of 31

Originally Posted by boomana /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh, and for this thread, I’m not interested in guys posting about how their wives/girlfriends like or swipe their headphones (though I suppose I can’t stop you). I’m curious to hear from women head-fi members who view this as a hobby and who actively use this forum, even if just for looking around. Again…just curious. Thanks.

You can't, but I can! So I hereby respectfully request that we gents grant Vicky her wish. For this thread only, let it be a "girls talk" kind of thing.

But at long last, we guys will have the benefit of being able to "hear" what you ladies have to say about us, so be careful not to start trashing us, or we'll start our own thread!
Feb 1, 2007 at 7:11 PM Post #3 of 31

Originally Posted by Wmcmanus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You can't, but I can! So I hereby respectfully request that we gents grant Vicky her wish. For this thread only, let it be a "girls talk" kind of thing.

But at long last, we guys will have the benefit of being able to "hear" what you ladies have to say about us, so be careful not to start trashing us, or we'll start our own thread!

Thanks, Wayne!!! I'm also not interested in trashing of any kind. I'm rather fond of men, and if not them, their toys
Feb 1, 2007 at 7:18 PM Post #4 of 31
I personally know and I am friend with 2 women on head-fi. One got into it because of me and the other one got into it because she wanted better then what she had and just kept going with it.

Both of them have 2 pair of headphones and both have an amp. One of them even DIYed her own amp with my guidance.

Feb 1, 2007 at 7:29 PM Post #5 of 31
Hi boomana, nice to see other females Headfiers.

Music has always been a part of my life and headphones provide me the many practical applications where speakers fall short.
Like many here, getting an iPod sent me on a wild goose chase searching for the "perfect headphone", after trying the offerings at the local stores I still felt that headphones HAD to sound better and that's how I found head-fi.

I also have a background in car audio. I know some people hold negative connotations for the thunderous sounds of big subs on wheels
but doing budget car stereos is how I developed a passion for sinergy. I don't visit car audio forums because it's a zoo, I rather visit head-fi where there's a higher amount of people who can spell.

My female friends and family have never appreciated my affinity for audio, whenever I showed them my latest purchase they ask if I saved the receipt to get my money back.
Or they act offended on my behalf if my husband gives me gear as a gift.

I'm not planning on attending meets to audition more gear because I'm afraid I'll hear really good sound and my stuff will sound like crap, lol. I rather live in blissful ignorance and make myself happy with my budget sounds (not so budget anymore)
My journey here is not done, I'm still considering buying a Heed and a Marantz CD player, and I always wanted a Xin amp.
By the time I actually buy those items, I'll want something else and the cycle never ends...
Feb 1, 2007 at 8:00 PM Post #6 of 31

Originally Posted by [AK]Zip /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I personally know and I am friend with 2 women on head-fi. One got into it because of me and the other one got into it because she wanted better then what she had and just kept going with it.

Both of them have 2 pair of headphones and both have an amp. One of them even DIYed her own amp with my guidance.


I would like to learn to build an amp. I figure the best way to learn about things is to do them...of course, this attitude has gotten me in trouble before...but, uh, anyway...the IT guy at work, who is into building robots, said he'd teach me to solder, but between his schedule and mine, we can never find time. One day...


Originally Posted by iGig /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi boomana, nice to see other females Headfiers.

Music has always been a part of my life and headphones provide me the many practical applications where speakers fall short.
Like many here, getting an iPod sent me on a wild goose chase searching for the "perfect headphone", after trying the offerings at the local stores I still felt that headphones HAD to sound better and that's how I found head-fi.

I also have a background in car audio. I know some people hold negative connotations for the thunderous sounds of big subs on wheels
but doing budget car stereos is how I developed a passion for sinergy. I don't visit car audio forums because it's a zoo, I rather visit head-fi where there's a higher amount of people who can spell.

My female friends and family have never appreciated my affinity for audio, whenever I showed them my latest purchase they ask if I saved the receipt to get my money back.
Or they act offended on my behalf if my husband gives me gear as a gift.

I'm not planning on attending meets to audition more gear because I'm afraid I'll hear really good sound and my stuff will sound like crap, lol. I rather live in blissful ignorance and make myself happy with my budget sounds (not so budget anymore)
My journey here is not done, I'm still considering buying a Heed and a Marantz CD player, and I always wanted a Xin amp.
By the time I actually buy those items, I'll want something else and the cycle never ends...

Hi, iGig. Nice to meet you too.

I was loosely into headphones back in the 80s/90s, and my K340s were one's I listened to back then (belonged to friends who since gave them to me), but when my boss gave me an ipod, that started me out too. I knew there had to be something better out there.

I rarely listen to music in my car, at least not good music. I tend to forget I'm driving. Not good.

You should get the Heed
I like mine. It's especially nice with the 650s.
Feb 1, 2007 at 11:52 PM Post #7 of 31
I found head-fi because I have ears?
Nah, seriously, like most here, I need music like I need food and water. It's always been huge part of my life. It just never occurred to me that there was better out there than the selection at Circuit City. When I first came to Finland to stay with my then-boyfriend, he had a pair of old skool dt990's and Sony d-11 pcdp (yeah, it drives them!). This was so far and away better than what I'd heard before from a set of cans, that I listened again and again to the cd's I brought with me. He explained that living in a flat and liking loud music just didn't mix (for people like him who are nice. Other jerk neighbors tend not to consider this), and he splurged on the headphones because he loved music. He just went into the store, listened to everything they had and bought the best-sounding. This made complete sense to me.

But fast fowarding into married life, I broke them while making a point, and then replaced them with HD500's, like rubbing salt in the wound.
So that started a quest on teh internets looking for the perfect cans. By this time, everything sounded "like headphones" to him, but for me it started a quest for myself, and I'm happy to say it's pretty well plateaued back with the dt990s (and Sensas).

Music is as important to one gender as to the other. I think if more women who truly loved music knew about this site, there would be more, and if certain turns of phrase or personal creeds didn't slip out from time to time, you'd see more feeling comfortable enough to come out of lurk mode.

So in short, what brings a woman here is no different than what brings anyone else here. It's all the same. Music isn't some gender-specific thing, like purse-hunting (although 'round here, with all that gear, you need a way to carry it, so I count not even that as gender-specific 'round these parts.).
Feb 2, 2007 at 1:12 AM Post #8 of 31
Hi, Plainsong.

I agree that music isn’t a gender-specific thing, which is precisely why I don’t get it: Why aren't more women interested in the hobby side of things, speakers as well as headphones? You mentioned that stray and perhaps unsavory comments on this website may have kept some women from joining in. You’ve been around a lot longer than I, but my experience has been the opposite, for other than witnessing occasional and easily dismissed juvenilia, I’ve felt completely welcomed in a respectful, non-sexist manner, that is rare, even in real life. And in real life, the men I have met through head-fi have been nothing but wonderful to me.

Do you have women friends that share your hobby? Do they like to listen to music in the same way that you do? Do you sit down together and listen to music, just listen? I’ve had a couple girlfriends like that, but that was long ago. Are they interested in finding out, like you, what headphones, or speakers and the like might make the experience even better? Do they want to know where you got your gear so they can go buy some of their own?
Feb 2, 2007 at 1:57 AM Post #9 of 31
I agree that the offensive stuff posted, when you do see it, is in the minority, I'd just never run across that kind of person even in real life, so it's surprising still when you do see it. With the exception of two people, I've never had a personal run-in.

But I lurked for a year before I worked up the nerve to post here, and if there's a girly-girl of the OMG! PONIES! variety, she may have a tough go of it here. And she'd have an even tougher go of it elsewhere.

In Finland, I've met one girl in passing that may have taken a shine to better music through headphones, but she moved before I had the chance to put a set of cans on her ears. Now back home, most of my peer group were all musicians, so heck yeah they'd care about music. I'm sure there would be debates about the cost of gear versus the knowledge the original mix was f'd up to begin with, or the knowledge that the acoustics in a live performance are horrible, and yet audohiles shell out the thousands to listen to that. Why? So I don't know if I could have gotten everyone on my side, but they'd at least have understood.


Originally Posted by boomana /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi, Plainsong.

I agree that music isn’t a gender-specific thing, which is precisely why I don’t get it: Why aren't more women interested in the hobby side of things, speakers as well as headphones? You mentioned that stray and perhaps unsavory comments on this website may have kept some women from joining in. You’ve been around a lot longer than I, but my experience has been the opposite, for other than witnessing occasional and easily dismissed juvenilia, I’ve felt completely welcomed in a respectful, non-sexist manner, that is rare, even in real life. And in real life, the men I have met through head-fi have been nothing but wonderful to me.

Do you have women friends that share your hobby? Do they like to listen to music in the same way that you do? Do you sit down together and listen to music, just listen? I’ve had a couple girlfriends like that, but that was long ago. Are they interested in finding out, like you, what headphones, or speakers and the like might make the experience even better? Do they want to know where you got your gear so they can go buy some of their own?

Feb 2, 2007 at 3:48 AM Post #10 of 31
Great thread!! Like everyone else, music has always been a really important part of my life. I was a music teacher - high school band & then middle school choir -- for 12 years. Then I became a school counselor & needed to get my music fix!! I had bought an IRiver & needed headphones & went searching -- thats what led my to the insanity that is head-fi!! I was a lost cause pretty quickly but I remember thinking to myself that I would never get one of those headphone amps -- who in their right mind would go that far???? Now about seven or so amps later -- I've found one that I really like!!! And I've even taken a stab at building a c-moy. I had to learn to solder first though too. My husband is pretty good with electrical circuits so he helped me quite a bit. It still isn't working right - but I haven't given up!!

My friends all know about my "strange" interest & they think I'm certifiably sick!! But they do humor me & pretend to be interested when I tell them about something new I've gotten or when I bring something to work with me for them to sample! They do like what they hear -- or else they are just being kind & ooh & aaah for my sake! But none of them are particularly interested themselves. I haven't met any other women in person who share my passion for audio. And like you, I'm not sure why. I"m also pretty much a gadget geek too - so head-fi really fills both needs with one hobby.

I"ve been through quite a bit of equipment in the past two years & don't really intend to slow down any time soon! (don't tell my husband that!) I just enjoy trying new things & satisfying my auditory curiosity. I've listened to so much new music since joining head-fi - I can't begin to describe how wonderful that has been. My husband doesn't really share my tastes in music or my need to listen so much. So most evenings we sit in our living room with our laptops going & me listening & him watching tv! It works pretty well.

As for how I got started - my Dad has a great record collection. He also has a collection of various players from the early cylinder players to a juke box in his living room. Thats probly where my interest in music reproduction comes from. I remember sitting in front of a little stereo system as a young girl just fascinated by turing the dial to different radio stations! Everyone in my family are musicians, so yeah, music has always been a very central part of my life.

I too, have found head-fi to be a pretty welcoming place. I can't say that I've ever felt anything but acceptance being female in a mostly male dominated forum. In fact I think most of the time noone pays much attention as to whether I"m male or female -- at least thats been the case with everyone I've communicated with in the for sale forums. And I just chuckle over the threads that are a little more "entertaining" than audio gear!
Feb 2, 2007 at 6:33 AM Post #11 of 31

Music has been a huge part of my life since I was a very young girl. I remember receiving my first turntable when I was about 7 years old.

My first headphones were a Koss, they're pretty trashed now over the years. I met a really great guy that's a member on here and he bought me the Sennheiser HD 555, which are GREAT!!! I also recently purchased an awesome amp from another member on here. Everyone that I've spoken with on here has been very nice and helpful. I'm planning to set up my turntable, very, very soon.

I have a couple friends that enjoy coming over and listening to my music and like to see any new "equipment" or cd's that I recently purchased. I love seeing what everyone else has and I also enjoy reading all the threads, I'm learning something new everyday on here
Feb 2, 2007 at 8:42 AM Post #12 of 31
Hi all!

I found out about head-fi through joneeboi (he reminded us all of how uncool cutoff jeans are). I've always loved music to death and was interested in headphones but didn't really go anywhere with it. I was having lunch with joneeboi and a bunch of other friends when he let me try his SR60s. I fell in love and he introduced me to head-fi. He also introduced me to the gramophone (sweet high-end audio place in Edmonton) and we demo'd some cans. When he organized the Edmonton meet, I came bearing iBuds. At the meet I met pne and he GAVE ME KSC75s! ...out of pity i think.

I don't own any sweet cans but the KSC75s though soon I will be the proud owner of either the SR60s or SR80s. I don't have an amp yet though i'm going to build a cmoy in the near future (with the help of pne =P). I do, however, have a nice LOD from ALO. I'm a poor student so it'll be a while before I get a rig of head-fi proportions. As discouraging as the price tags are, I don't see myself giving up lurking head-fi or stop loving headphones anytime soon.

As for female friends that love headphones.....none i can think of. When I first joined head-fi and started using the jargon and talking about audio equipment non-stop, none of my friends (barring the head-fiers), regardless of gender, understood the addiction. Most, out of their love for music, will go out and buy a pair of Bose triports or quiet comforts, thinking they've improved the quality of the music because they've spent so much.

I'm sorry this post has been somewhat dull...I've bored myself...I must get back to lurking. rock on!
Feb 2, 2007 at 10:44 AM Post #13 of 31
It's nice to hear from a couple members I've never seen before. It sounds like our experience has been somewhat similar regarding friends, etc.

Micaela, I, too, work in a school. I keep a portable set up there to keep me sane and tune everything out (after classes) so I can get work done. I also like to share it with my students as a reward, but again, the boys are real interested, and the girls ask for stickers or candy.
Feb 2, 2007 at 4:16 PM Post #14 of 31

Originally Posted by plainsong
But fast fowarding into married life, I broke them while making a point, and then replaced them with HD500's, like rubbing salt in the wound.

ha! what did you do, throw them at his head?
Feb 2, 2007 at 7:12 PM Post #15 of 31

Great thread!

I have always loved music. My dad was an "opera nut" so there was music in the home as far back as I can remember (thought not always of a style to my liking).

I remember getting a pink & black self-contained record-player with matching box that held 45's for my birthday. Later this was replaced with one of those "new-fangled" portable transistor radios, and later a cassette recorder. (I am afraid I am showing my age, but) irregardless, I always had music.

Although nobody else in my family played an instrument I took several in school over the years, some with more sucess than others. Greatly influenced by the folk and folk-rock of the late 60's and early 70's I eventually took up guitar in college, so yes a love of music runs fairly deep.

Many years later, divorced and living in an apartment, I turned to headphones. I could have my music without disturbing the neighbors and for much less than the cost of a system for speakers. I dug my 30 year old K240 out of storage but soon decided they were due to be replaced . . . . that was the start of the trouble

Upon doing some internet searching for my new phones I stumbled across HeadWize and later Head-Fi and discovered that there was much more to this than I had imagined. I began reading and became obsessed with finding "the right headphone" and never left. You all know that story!

Having grown up with brothers, a brother-in-law who was an electronic tech, and a father who was technical as well, I have never been frightened off by gadgets or technology. I often resorted to tinkering in an attempt to fix things, so had learned some basic tool use and even soldering.
(I even taught an early childhood program called "T4C" or "Technology For Children" for a while, where I think I learned more than the kids did.)

Not only do my girlfriends not get into my interests in headphones and audio, most of the guys I know are less than impressed as well, yet most do like music.
My son, being a musician (guitarist) is a die-hard music lover and can appreciate the sound quality of better equipment so I have started him on the SR60 gateway drug.

My daughter is just starting to learn to play guitar, but is still content with her iBuds

Out of all the forums I have visited or joined throughout the years, Head-Fi has been one of the nicest and most civil. It has helped me improve not only my system and it's sound but also my listening skills and my musical diversity. And since I am always listening to music, I can usually find something here of interest, especially in the Music forum

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