Question about amps for the Stax SR-009
Mar 17, 2012 at 5:25 PM Post #91 of 883
And you need about another 400 hrs of burn in for the teflon caps to reach close to their potential. to start sounding decent.
Mar 17, 2012 at 7:55 PM Post #92 of 883
The V-Caps are excellent but known for their notoriously long break in time.

At 400 hours they still have a long way to go but once settled in they will provide you with essentially a neutral transfer of the signal, they are not forgiving in the least.

So I would say if you are looking to improve in the areas of transparency and detail retrieval then go for it. At this level it is a fairly modest price to upgrade, relatively speaking, but I still would not expect a night and day difference per se.

However if you are looking for a capacitor that will have a euphonic effect on the sound the V-Caps definiitely do not fall into that category.

Mar 17, 2012 at 10:40 PM Post #93 of 883
Thanks for the input everyone.  I've been wondering about this for weeks.  I knew the teflon caps required some beak in time, but I didn't realize they would take up to 400 hours.  Ouch!  I guess some tube rolling might yield the sound signature that is best for my ears.  Supposedly the Shugang Treasure tubes and the Sophias that Woo offers for their tube upgrade are top notch.  I listened to the stock tubes and the sound is thin to my ears.  I'm sure there are other combinations of tubes that will yield great results.  I live in L.A. and I'd love to hear Justin's Blue Hawaii, the Kevin Gilmore amp, the Cavali, Ray Samuels' A-10 Thunderbolt, and the upcoming Eddie Current Electra.  Does anyone know of any meets in the L.A. area coming up?  Id appreciate a heads up.
Mar 17, 2012 at 10:47 PM Post #94 of 883

Does anyone know of any meets in the L.A. area coming up?  Id appreciate a heads up.

August.  It' in the appropriate thread.
Mar 17, 2012 at 11:42 PM Post #95 of 883
I drive the SR-009 with the SRM-727 since 8 weeks now and I am very happy. Sound isn't bright nor bass shy. With dynamic amps I experienced that an own psu for each channel and two transformers add a lot more space to the soundstage. I wonder if it is possible to have separate power supplies for the SRM-727. Any ideas how to modify? 

I did similar mods to my 727 via help of a veteran hifi modder. In the psu box I have there are 4 transformers
it does make a great difference till it sounds very v impressive

Apr 12, 2012 at 1:46 PM Post #96 of 883

I did similar mods to my 727 via help of a veteran hifi modder. In the psu box I have there are 4 transformers
it does make a great difference till it sounds very v impressive

Would you be able to share the contact info of the modder you used?  I would like to get my 727 power supply upgraded.
Apr 13, 2012 at 11:50 AM Post #97 of 883
Since my target amp for the SR-009 is a BHSE but the wait is looong, I am contemplating canceling my SRM 727 order and going WEE instead off my Resolution Audio C50 amplifier. Is the WEE a competent energizer regarding sound quality? Searching for WEE on these forums brings up some rather unrelated posts.
Apr 13, 2012 at 10:53 PM Post #99 of 883
I've liked the SR-009 from every amp I've tried with it.  I think it's Stax's best headphone.
I haven't liked any headphone from the A10.  I think it's Ray's worst amp.
I've never heard the combo though, so I'm not sure which will win out. :)  Maybe see if Ray can loan you an A10?
Apr 19, 2012 at 2:36 PM Post #101 of 883
I wrote this in the Cavelli Liquid Lightening thread and it probably doesn't belong there so I'm copying it here...
Hey everyone, well I'm happy to declare that the Stax 007t/2 amp is great on the 009s. It took some playing around with different power cords (which made a big difference to get solid transparent bass and sweet but not piercing highs--and finally settled on my Shunyata Anaconda Helix), but ALL IS WELL!
I heard the WES this weekend (albeit a totally different system) which did grab the 009s with great grip and produced a prodigious and awesome bass (almost a speaker like impression, like no other headphone experience), but I'm not sure if this is what I want (or what I'm used to) with headphones. And there was some glare in vocals there, so on the whole, I think I could become fatigued with with this sound. It's a matter of taste. But the WES produced, for the lack of a better term, a big concert hall feeling, like I was in another space, a big venue.
OTHO, with my trusty old Stax 007t amp, this is what I was used to with my 007 phones (bought in 1999, sold several years later due to comfort issues; no comfort problems at all with the 009s by the way).
As I said in the earlier post, it is intimate with detail that is delicate and beautiful and not bombastic. It's a smaller, up front sound, not cavernous or huge. I just was testing out my good old Time/Life
classic rock CDs, and damn, the Supremes and the Four Tops and the Kinks were right there, with vocal texture to die for, continuous and natural, and guitars and strings were full of un-amplified life.
Diana Ross's voice is sooo hard to get right (and recorded in 1965-70 of course), especially with headphones (and speakers), with some shriek-factor, and It's kind of a test for me of audio systems, and the 009s get it right without pain or over the top glare.
The 007t amp sounds, sort of, like there is no amp.
The sonics are similar to what I loved about the 007 phones, but with more grace and without the touch of grain the 007s had, without the basic flatness to the sound of the 007 phones, or maybe the total lack of depth with those phones that was the cost of intimacy. The 009s preserve the truth of tonality of the 007s (and add more of it), and also give a reasonable feeling of space and layering, like I can hear the vocals in front, and the drums behind and place the guitars or backing strings. Wonderful. Like I said, I did hear more staging and depth with the WES system, but it's not something I need, and, overall, I prefer the just plain-jane natural sound of the 007t amp, and it is a tonality I just don't question or an entire listening experience that leaves me feeling I am missing something or wanting something more.
The WES makes the 009s sound profound, and maybe brings more out of them than was meant to be, and perhaps that's where the critical mentions of brightness is coming from from. I was looking for a better 007 phone, and that's what I got. And I can't stop listening.
Apr 19, 2012 at 7:11 PM Post #102 of 883
I also like my 007tii amp very much.  I need to use a audio-gd phoenix as a pre-amp for it to sound right with my 007.  I am very glad to hear you get such good results with 009.  Does the 007t/009 perform at the same level as your dynamic rigs but offer a different flavor or at an inferior level?
Apr 19, 2012 at 10:00 PM Post #103 of 883
I also like my 007tii amp very much.  I need to use a audio-gd phoenix as a pre-amp for it to sound right with my 007.  I am very glad to hear you get such good results with 009.  Does the 007t/009 perform at the same level as your dynamic rigs but offer a different flavor or at an inferior level?

Well, I feel that the Stax system is roughly at the same level of satisfaction as the dynamic rig, but yes with a different flavor, and a matter of mood at this point. The Stax system is pretty new to me, and I need to get used to it, but it sure does sound right.
I'm just happy that the Stax and the 007t/ii seem to mate well together. No, the Stax at this point is not inferior. I'm using the same upstream components for both systems.
Apr 20, 2012 at 10:35 AM Post #104 of 883
I do also enjoy the 007tii with the 009, but doing a lot of A/B comparisons with my WES, I end up using the WES mostly. It's true it needs an hour to warm up... 
But I guess it's a matter of taste.
I also like my 007tii amp very much.  I need to use a audio-gd phoenix as a pre-amp for it to sound right with my 007.  I am very glad to hear you get such good results with 009.  Does the 007t/009 perform at the same level as your dynamic rigs but offer a different flavor or at an inferior level?

Apr 20, 2012 at 10:42 AM Post #105 of 883
OK, after listening to the Stax system last night (John Lennon, Lennon Legend CD), The 009/007t combo takes the lead, and just plain awesome in just about every way. 
The bass is not as profound and does not have as much slam and impact as the dynamic system (or as I heard with the WES amp on the 009s), but it is transparent nonetheless,
more like a top-class monitor speaker as opposed to a big full-range speaker like a Wilson Maxx, say. But aside from that, I wouldn't change a thing.
There is no annoying brightness, and in fact, the highs are something I crave. When there is a something in the music like a cymbal or triangle or bell, it's like a drug, just so nice to hear and plain wonderful.
And those highs have the tube-signature that I love, extended an pristine and liquid, just gorgeous and lush, and not pinpoint and hard that I hear with solid state highs.
And the mids/highs and vocals and all instruments, especially strings, have Quad-like delicacy and purity. In fact, everything is so pure, there is not a false note anywhere, and critical listening stops for me and I just absorb the music as a whole.
So yes, the 007t is definitely a tube amp, with a touch of tube rush that is also something I crave.
And actually, as far as the bass goes, I have a Stealth Dream power cord that I have tried in many situations but I don't use now because it's a little pushy in the upper mids and high-pitched vocals,
but it is a champion of solid bass, and if I use that on the 007t, the bass tightens up completely and then the last piece of the puzzle is complete. But it does push those upper mids on lesser CDs,
so I still use my Shunyata Anaconda Helix cord as the best overall cord. But my point is that if I could find a cord with the Stealth's bass but the Shunyata's sweetness, I could have awesome bass too.
But as of now, the 009/007t system is totally addictive and as nice as even a megabuck speaker-based system to me, and I differ with those who have said you need a $5K amp for these.
In fact, I would easily be fooled into thinking the 007t amp is triple the price for the quality I hear, and I wouldn't be surprised if the 009 was voiced with it, as there is great synergy, and
I wonder what would be lost with another amp. Again, there is no fatigue, no brightness, and extreme insight and sweetness and musical intimacy and tonality to die for with this combo, and sheer beauty.

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