Purdue Mini-Meet
Jan 20, 2004 at 10:10 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 31


Headphoneus Supremus
Nov 27, 2002
We have some tenative plans for a Purdue Mini-Meet in the relatively near future. Myself, toiemoi and OogeleyBoogeley are all at Purdue, and would love to have a get together to check out each other's gear.

I started this thread in case there are any others reading who are at or near Purdue campus in (West) Lafayette, Indiana. We've not yet picked a firm date, so if you wish to attend, your input still counts!

Hopefully we can pickup a few others in the area.

-dd3mon (Mike)
Jan 30, 2004 at 6:02 AM Post #2 of 31

I'm over here at Notre Dame and would love to come to your meet. I just assembled my first good rig and I'm dying to compare it with some others. A weekend would be best for me (I don't have a car and I don't think I can find a ride during the week). Let me know.

Jan 30, 2004 at 6:46 AM Post #3 of 31
I might just have to attend. I'm at U Illinois - Urbana Champaign, which is only about an hour and a half out.
Feb 2, 2004 at 7:23 PM Post #5 of 31
I'd be interested in a lafayette meet. I'm just down the road at Wabash College.
Feb 4, 2004 at 7:56 PM Post #6 of 31
OK... Let's get something going on here. Those willing to attend, state your preferences among:
- February 14th (decide if you'd rather keep your girlfriend or your cans)
- February 21st.
- February 28th.

Also, say what kind of equipment you would be willing to bring over. Personnally, I have:
- SACD player (Philips 763SA)
- Meta42
- Philips SB-HPC890

Finally, if from out of town (West Lafayette IN), state where you would drive from so you can car pool or give a ride to a fellow head-fier.

Feb 5, 2004 at 2:46 AM Post #7 of 31
Oh man!

I just saw this! I am busy the next 2 weekends, and I would be free Saturday the Feb 28th, or the 21st. I really hope that this works!

I can bring:
- Senn HD580's
- A relic of a Technics CD player
- A handful of tubes

Looking forward to this!

Feb 5, 2004 at 2:56 AM Post #8 of 31
Well another vote for the 21st then. I would prefer to do it before the 28th as the end of Feb. and the beginning of March is the start of midterms for me. I'll bring:

Sony SCD-555ES SACD player
Nordost Blue Heaven IC's
MG Head OTL Ver. 2 modded tube amp
Sennheiser HD650 w/ Cardas cable

I also have a MG Head OTL-H but seeing as strohmie and OogeleyBoogeley have one I don't think I need to bring the extra amp.

I'm coming in from UIUC same as strohmie, however I don't know if we should carpool, I plan on making a joint visit to some of my friends (if they'll have me
) on campus so it's up to him if he wants to be schlepped around. I have no idea where the place is so I'll have to have specific directions from the nearest highway, but I can find the highways though.
Feb 5, 2004 at 2:57 AM Post #9 of 31
Any of those weekends would work, though I might prefer the 21st or 28th just to make sure that my headphones get in from Japan.

- NEC CDR-602
- Carlo-modded Sugden Headmaster
- Elco DC-32 Digital interconnect
- Pure Silver Sound Quartet RCAs

Unfortunately I've sold my amp, so I either need to get one between now and then or just try out the ones that are there.

B2BW, I'll probably just take my own car. And I sold my MG Head, so you may as well bring yours along.

(edited to update my stuff)
Feb 5, 2004 at 4:09 AM Post #12 of 31
Valentine's day is not an option for me, by mandate of a higher power

The 21st or the 28th both look free however. If we make a solid date, I can look into obtaining a university room that would be suitable for the occasion. Also with all these others showing their faces, I could look into obtaining some other loaner gear from the extremely generous head-fi sponsors and others who post here.

Looking forward to it,

Feb 5, 2004 at 4:45 AM Post #14 of 31
Heh, it's as if there's some rule that all Head-Fiers within a 100 mile radius of Indianapolis must have an MG Head. ^_^

The W11s are terrible with the MG Head, supposedly. Maybe we can try to get a PPA or XP-7, at the very least.
Feb 6, 2004 at 6:57 AM Post #15 of 31
yo everybody.

here's the stuff I'm going to bring:

Perreaux SXH-1
Senn HD-600
Outlaw PCA Interconnects (two pair)

here's the stuff I can bring (if someone requests it):

Senn HD-280 pro
Headroom Airhead (old version)
Mid-fi Denon source

I can go on Feb 14, 15, and 29. I can go on the 22nd, but I'd have to be back in South Bend by 3:30 at the latest so I'd have to leave Purdue around 2:15. Sorry, but I have performances on the 21st and 28th so those are out for me. If anyone else from the Michiana region needs a ride I can give one other person a ride.

I hope these dates work otherwise I may have to host at meet here at Notre Dame later in the year!


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