PS-1 vs. HP-1000
Sep 20, 2006 at 5:38 PM Post #61 of 75
“Conversely, if the PS-1 was an in-production pair of headphones directed at the pro audio industry, how much would they be currently going for (new and used)?”

While in production the PS-1’s were $1400 and sold used for $1000. If they were in unlimited supply I think they would sit in the $800-$1000 range used if they were readably available and sold for $1400 new.

Consider the RS-1. It used to sell used in the $425-$475 range and now it’s in the $500-$550 range used, so it’s gone up in price even though they are still in production. New ones can be had for $625 from an authorized distributor. So I think the PS-1 would be in the same realm if it was in production and available commercially- $1400 new MSRP, $1250 from an authorized dealer and about $1000 used.

Just my speculation on the headphone market- and remember this doesn’t reflect the real world just as seen through the eyes of Head-Fi.

If Head-Fi didn’t exist the entire equation would be different- look at some of the old For Sale Ads where people couldn’t give HP1000’s away.

Sep 20, 2006 at 5:54 PM Post #62 of 75

Originally Posted by braillediver
“Conversely, if the PS-1 was an in-production pair of headphones directed at the pro audio industry, how much would they be currently going for (new and used)?”

While in production the PS-1’s were $1400 and sold used for $1000. If they were in unlimited supply I think they would sit in the $800-$1000 range used if they were readably available and sold for $1400 new.

Consider the RS-1. It used to sell used in the $425-$475 range and now it’s in the $500-$550 range used, so it’s gone up in price even though they are still in production. New ones can be had for $625 from an authorized distributor. So I think the PS-1 would be in the same realm if it was in production and available commercially- $1400 new MSRP, $1250 from an authorized dealer and about $1000 used.

Just my speculation on the headphone market- and remember this doesn’t reflect the real world just as seen through the eyes of Head-Fi.

If Head-Fi didn’t exist the entire equation would be different- look at some of the old For Sale Ads where people couldn’t give HP1000’s away.


very true, and agreed. Well put too
Sep 20, 2006 at 6:32 PM Post #63 of 75
Agreed with Mitch X2 - this seems like the most logical answer to the thread question. Didn't a headfier get a PS-1 for $250 from ebay? That is one lucky mutha there.

Why can't I ever get a deal like that. I seem to get interested in things when they are in their prime cost wize.
Sep 20, 2006 at 6:41 PM Post #64 of 75

Originally Posted by robm321
Why can't I ever get a deal like that. I seem to get interested in things when they are in their prime cost wize.

yeah, me too..and like Nikong here swiped those nice HP's for like $175 or something like that shipped..

[size=xx-small]"Don't worry Lloyd, we'll our big break some day, just have to keep our eyes open.."[/size]
Sep 20, 2006 at 7:16 PM Post #65 of 75
Market speculation is fun, but I think those that think prices are inflated on head-fi one must realize head-fi IS THE MARKET! Most people DO NOT CARE about headphones AT ALL.

Are they big? Do they have MEGA BASS!!!!
Do they have a label reading Sony or Bose! Then they MUST be good, otherwise...the cans are the suck.

Should R10's, HE90's, Qualias, PS-1's, GS-1000's, K-1000's etc cost what they do? Certainly the HE90's...given the R&D and the fact that Sennheiser threw money into the project with little to no intent to continue in the electrostat market, needed to recover some costs. They certainly raised the price significantly enough to really get people salivating that they owned the "best headphone system" in the world.

What about Sony? Renowned for pricing something astronomically to induce feelings of exclusivitiy. The R10's though are built with some rare materials, but are they worth 4k MSRP? Qualias...same thing, 2.5?

Grados? 1k for GS-1000's? $1400 for PS-1's?

I think from the MSRP standpoint, folks have to realize this hobby is a subniche of an already pretty small niche market. Considering most people in the world don't know the difference between dynamics and electrostatic speakers, I doubt they would care much if they owned one or the other.

So, when we take a small enough company (and the smallest headphone company) and throw in their wares into the mix, we will undeniably have a very different pricing mechanism than for other phones in this market or a larger market.

When Vertigo-1 first introduced Headwize to the HP-1000's everyone was mystified. Could these old Grados be on par or better than the RS-1's? At that time they could be had for $100-300, sometimes NIB! When folks started comparing and feeling they could be as good, or were better as flavours entered the mix, people started to hunt them down. Vka began the market war by searching boatloads out and selling them here. Some really disliked the practice but let's be honest, a good number, if not the majority of HP-1000's available to members on this board or owned by them, passed through his hands. He hunted them down, he did the leg work and he made out handsomely.

This raised the price of the HP-1000's to between 450-600 for a time, settling in the 500 range for HP-1's and 450 for HP-2's (circa 2002). They stayed in this range when the likes of kelly, grinch and carlo were talking up the merits of the Melos paired with them and heralded it as a system that could compete with everything but the Big O, and even then, some prefered the HP-1000/Melos Maestrobated to this. Once again...prices started to climb and they kept climbing because of the mystery behind them. No one was certain the number, but 500-1000 kept circulating until folks started to declare that it was actually 500-1000 EACH model. This temporarily halted the market and HP-1000's would linger on the FS forums as the PS-1's were on the horizon and folks started to dump these HP-1000's to gather up the necessary cash for the new unit.

Then, at the first NY meet, hosted at Grado Labs, John revealed that in fact it was more like 1000 units total and that he had pretty well built them all so he would know. Well...wouldn't you know it..prices started to climb again until the rumors of the PS-1 turned into factual data and they were released. Now, people wanted these Germany-only headphones and Sugano-san a Parisian Head-fier finally got to either listen or buy them from Germany after reading a report in a German Hi-fi magazine. The hype machine had started and the market was crashing for the HP-1000's. Well...that is, until some folks chimed in that the PS-1's, though great, were still not in the uber awesomeness range as the Joe phones. People once again started buying the HP-1000's up. This accelerated when a fully restored HP-1 went for a then astonishing $1400. The HP-1000 market catapulted into the stratosphere as people declared them to be on par with the PS-1's which were selling for $1400 new. With the information that as long as the PS-1's were in demand, Grado would make them, folks didn't feel an urgency to run out and buy them. So instead, HP-1000's were eaten as soon as they hit the FS Forum. Ebay was smoking hot as was Audiogon. Yet this would not some news from Todd the Vinyl Junkie shocked Head-fi...the 2 PS-1's he received a month was coming to an end, not that the deal itself between he and the distributor had terminated but rather...PS-1's were going out of production. The last few units Todd had in stock sold very quickly and the last 4 or so he had coming to him were bought up before they arrived. Now the news that only 180 or so units of this Grado would ever be made started the market machine going mad and people started to listen with better gear at meets and comparing directly to the HP-1000's. Oh no! The PS-1's sounded better!!! to many people and these reports forced the PS-1's pricing to at least stay at the MSRP and also creep higher and higher.

Would ANY of this happen in a demographic that did not care about headphones? No of course not. But this is a demographic that cares and guess what? Most if not ALL of the rare headphones EXIST within the hands of these members or lurkers. That means any other demographic is meaningless to this discussion. Just because this gear is used does not mean it does not hold value. We have 20000+ members and a whole lot more lurkers. There are 180 PS-1's TOTAL worldwide and maybe 24 in the hands of Head-fiers, maybe 50. Economics works its magic and voila! the high prices! Now, add fuel to this raging fire and throw in the fact that,in the case of the HP-1000's, although 1000 overall were made, they were made 15 years ago, parts are scarce and Joe doesn't repair them really, nor does John. This means that they don't fall under warranty and when they are gone they are gone. Ouch! Thankfully they are built to withstand a direct hit from a nuke...but still!

If we consider RS-1 pricing...and how the used prices have been rising, it seems that likely...more folks from overseas are reading this board and are willing to pay higher used prices instead of the really high new prices in their own countries. Pretty easy explanation. If the new prices in the international regions fall, I would wager that the RS-1 used prices will fall back to the 400 range (the price I paid for mine in 2001). 5000 RS-1's are sold a year give or take. There is no shortage of these in the world. I doubt that they will ever reach astronomically high pricing unless they are first gens with the box.

As for the GS-1000's, these are production phones, have been out less than a year and are only now gaining momentum worldwide through the dealer network. If these phones were cut off under 1000 units sold, I bet that they too would climb very very high as they offer up a very distinct Grado sound that although not for everyone, is enjoyed by a good margin of folks who may have overlooked Grado in the past.

The L3000's, rarer than the R10's, may in fact surpass them in the long-term based just on the number of units available worldwide. However, it doesn't seem that these phones are as highly regarded as the R10's nor the HP-1's or PS-1's. By that I mean, those that own them are not as vocal about owning them. This may change as the units change hands if ever, but the hype machine helps keep prices high.

I don't like paying really high prices for things, and I really REALLY want a pair of HP-1000's again at some point, but I won't pay more than 600 for a pair. In time they will reach that price again and I'll be okay paying the cash. Yet, if I were a person that felt they were THE phone for me..and I had the cash, why would I not pay 1500? I mean...think of it like this...a well looked after headphone could last 50 years, is 50 years of listening to the sound one loves worth the price of entry? I would think so. If one listens even just 1 hour a day...each day...that equates to over 18000 hours of joy at about $.08/hr. Pretty sweet
Sep 20, 2006 at 7:43 PM Post #66 of 75
Thanks for the history Zanth!! Great stuff.

The only question is why and when will the HP-2's reach $600. I mean audiofiler has been trying to find a pair for 2 years now. There have been wanted adds on audiogon and headfi with no answer. The last guy that put an IC for a pair of HP-1000's could barely answer all the PM's and after some very high $$ offers (confidential but more than iamdone, and another add on audiogon at the same time sold the PS-1 for ~ 3 months ago), he decided to keep them because he realized the value.

I feel both of these phones are on the same level and it just depends on whether you prefer accuracy or goodies added to your music. I'd love to own both, but work for a living and am just looking for the clearest window into my music, nothing more or less. They seem to have the same availability (which is none right now) and carry approx. the same price tag even considering there are much more HP-1/2's around.

So... $600 ???
Sep 20, 2006 at 7:53 PM Post #67 of 75

We should probably make you the official historian of Head-Fi


$600? That's funny
You should just save up and get a better amp for your K1000s. And while you are at it, pick up a Melos SHA-1 to match your HP2s, and you'll probably have everything covered.
Sep 20, 2006 at 7:55 PM Post #68 of 75
$600 is the price I am willing to pay. I won't pay more than they were new because I don't like the sound as much as other Grados. So, for me, I would be 1) hording 2) using them when I want insane snap, power, attack. Since I prefer RS1, PS1 and GS1000 to the HP-1000's more often than not, I know that to pay more just to have them sit there amongst my Grados would be frivilous for me. I don't expect to be a millionaire, and perhaps if I were I would just offer a really high amount and buy them, but since I figure I'll be making an average wage most of my life, I'll pay an average price. Not the AVERAGE price, as in the going rate, but a reasonable price in my mind for my wants.

As for why they would ever go down? Folks may get tired with the parts sourcing. In ten years, if they can't be fixed up, who will pay 1500 for them then? Some won't perhaps many. Or, Grado Labs might come out with a remake or a better phone that is equally snappy and linear. Even if these things were to come to pass, I would still buy the older version just because, you know..I'm a Grado fanboy
Sep 20, 2006 at 8:58 PM Post #69 of 75

Originally Posted by Zanth
$600 is the price I am willing to pay. I won't pay more than they were new because I don't like the sound as much as other Grados. So, for me, I would be 1) hording 2) using them when I want insane snap, power, attack. Since I prefer RS1, PS1 and GS1000 to the HP-1000's more often than not, I know that to pay more just to have them sit there amongst my Grados would be frivilous for me. I don't expect to be a millionaire, and perhaps if I were I would just offer a really high amount and buy them, but since I figure I'll be making an average wage most of my life, I'll pay an average price. Not the AVERAGE price, as in the going rate, but a reasonable price in my mind for my wants.

As for why they would ever go down? Folks may get tired with the parts sourcing. In ten years, if they can't be fixed up, who will pay 1500 for them then? Some won't perhaps many. Or, Grado Labs might come out with a remake or a better phone that is equally snappy and linear. Even if these things were to come to pass, I would still buy the older version just because, you know..I'm a Grado fanboy

yeah I have been looking to replace my lost combo, (an HP-2/Melos SHA1) for years now with no luck. Got close several times, even recently but no "Dacs"!
Z, you have so much knowledge on the HP history and that is totally cool, kudos for sharing and taking the time to write out/up. And anyway wanted to take the time to say thanks man!
Sep 20, 2006 at 9:28 PM Post #70 of 75

Oh, I see, I thought you meant you were expecting the price to go down to $600. You definately have enough Grados to keep your ears occupied. Now you just need to recable the GS-1000's and give them a review


Yeah, my priorities are recabling my K-1000, actually the PPX sounds good with my HP-2, so I just need to get more powerful tubes, and SLAM to make that work.

I may bring my Antique Sound Lab AQ1001DT to the meet to compare to your amp for the K-1000s. I assume I will be getting the same amp you have after reading all the reviews.
Sep 22, 2006 at 3:53 PM Post #71 of 75
I don't disagree with the rareness of the PS-1 and its limited production, they are awesome phones that should command a higher return steadily in the future..

That MidRange is butter smooth and as lush as they come almost
Sep 22, 2006 at 4:08 PM Post #72 of 75
Man, when Nikongod found that HP2 on ebay for $150 last month we were all like CURSE YOUUUUU!!!!! But you know what? To a non-Head-fier, that's probably a reasonable estimate. You have to know your market, and that seller obviously didn't. Heck, look what's going on with the Lambda Pros going for over $500, and that's not even with an energizer. What gives? Even as late as last year you could score a nice one for far cheaper, and it's not as if the Lambda design hasn't been carried over in later generations in one way or another.

But here's the magic combo - Out of Production + Rock-Solid Reputation + Limited Numbers + Head-Fi Hype, and the can actually meeting the hype + Relatively expensive can to begin with at its time (It didn't start life out as a KSC-35 for instance) = It's gonna go through the roof. Oh, and don't forget "Nothing currently available in its niche" as well.

In fact, as more and more cans eventually get used and fall apart, it only makes the New In Box or New Old Stock or Kept Under the Bed ones even more valuable. It's a seller's market for these cans, and I don't see it going down anytime soon.
Sep 22, 2006 at 6:14 PM Post #74 of 75
“but think it is somewhat odd that in the last 8 mos I have come across 7 pairs of PS-1's (3 NIB), and not one pair of HP-2/1's???”

I can try: The PS-1’s are new and as such new people acquired them with out real knowledge or experience as to what they would sound like. After using them for a bit they’ve decided to let them go.

The PS-1’s have been out less than or about 3 years- the first year they were virtually unavailable. 3 years ago today we were still debating what SaganoSan was smoking for thinking there’s a new Grado out there.

About 7-8 months later Todd was able to import 2 pair a month for about 16 months.

For the first few years the PS-1’s will circulate amongst people who are experimenting with the sound \ trying them out. As people narrow down their selections and decide whether to keep or sell fewer will change hands.

Figure 30% - 50% of the buyers will keep the headphones and the rest will re-circulate them so each year the available stock will decline by 30% - 50% (the numbers are just for a point of reference).

Where as the HP1000 series has been talked about and hyped for over 4 years here with several huge up swings in demand so they are a couple of years ahead of the PS-1’s in customer satisfaction which has led to a drastic decline in availability.

I would surmise that in a year or 2 the PS-1’s will settle out and be as scarce as the HP1000 series headphones-, which is virtually unattainable today.

I love these philosophical discussions of headphones as a commodity and not their intrinsic audio qualities.

Sep 24, 2006 at 11:16 PM Post #75 of 75
I think the HP has some of the better design aspects in terms of build quality and fit for my head at least and VS the PS

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