PPA Power Supply
May 3, 2003 at 11:57 PM Post #61 of 127
Tomo: Have patience, man. The tests will get done. If you want them before the team is finished, make one yourself.


originally posted by Tomo

I will be waiting.

It is one of many things I keep in Tomo's X-Files, the unREsolved cases.

Leave it in Tomo's X-Files until the tests are done, don't continue argueing numbers, it doesn't get anywhere.


originally posted by Morsel
Maybe in a few weeks after Kurt and I have had a chance to do our tests. We will have plenty of data then.

May 4, 2003 at 1:26 AM Post #62 of 127

Values are extremely important, because they are truth. They are never subjective unlike we are.

I am commenting because you, teamers, are declaring to the world that it is a whole best thing (Not you PPL. Everyone else. Thank you PPL for trying.). According to what I have been doing, in order for you to do so, you need theory and data. Theory to answer the question why / how and data to support that. Otherwise, a theory has no ground.

So for me, you are stating something that you don't know whether if you can deliver and give physical reality. For those of you business inclined, it is like telling a venture capitalist to prove to himself that your business plan is good while you sit and clip your toe nails. I think it is unacceptable. You, teamers, stated that it is the best, you better back it up with full facts. Or are you afraid that values don't agree?

After all, however profitable or not profitable may be, you are "selling" the product and you are responsible for what the product delivers.

From my point of view, future looks bleak. Incohesive team and unsubstantiated theories. If I were a V.C., I probably won't fund you.


P.S. Unlike Quantum Chromodynamics, Grand Economic Model, or the mechanics of platetonics, for this, data collection is very doable.

P.S. # 2

Squalish -
I think I am being productive. I am talking PSU. I am looking up Data. And I am asking questions. As opposed, to "brah brah ... team ... brah brah!" I think I am far more productive. But point taken, I am gettin' real pissed with diversions. I should go dip in a warm bath. ... humm ... sound good to me!
May 4, 2003 at 2:24 AM Post #63 of 127
hey tomo,

the team don't have the responsibility to show us all the intermediate test data.
we only care the final design and its performance and it is free.
just like sometime you will use freeware even you cannot get the source code but you are still happy, right?
it is fine you can ask anything here, but no one own you nothing.

May 4, 2003 at 6:30 PM Post #64 of 127
Tomo: tell me what I want to know, now.
Morsel: give us a few weeks to do our tests.
Tomo: tell me what I want to know, now.
Morsel: give us a few weeks to do our tests.
Tomo: tell me what I want to know, now.
Morsel: give us a few weeks to do our tests.

Tomo, you have the impatience of a petulant child. You try to put your words into my mouth to misrepresent the facts, e.g. "You, teamers, stated that it is the best..." Unable to wait for our answer, you insult us. You pretend to want to talk about power supplies when your real intent is disruption.

If you think this kind of harrassment is going to get me to be more responsive to your demands, you are quite mistaken. We will do our research in our own time in our own way, and report what we wish when we are ready. I do not answer to you.

I will not engage in discussions or consider requests from you or anyone else who does not interact in a civil and courteous fashion. Take your attitude somewhere else.
May 4, 2003 at 8:06 PM Post #65 of 127

I did my own homework and collected some data on my own. I found it to be rather remarkable. You should have told me even Mr. Pass uses it in his amplifiers! You sir and madam are holding out on me.


Look at the circuit of the month section at the bottom of the page.


Welbornelabs has its own board for that.

And the TNT-Audio,


in his PHONO stage!

Gees, you should feel more confident. Man you gave me a real scare. There are "SOME!!!!" grounds to your reasoning. You should have put that in your posts!

We can ask them for some data, too. Time to hussle DIYaudio people for data. Mr. Pass makes periodical appearance there.

May 4, 2003 at 11:36 PM Post #66 of 127
Hi Tomo,
Glad you found some data to help you sleep better at night. I have used capacitance Multipliers for years and they have always sounded wonderful to me. This is why I feel so confident in the quality of this type of power supply. I am sorry that my poor communication skills did not allow you to understand what I was talking about. I read your links and found them to say pretty much what I talked about in my above post about the capacitor value and thus its impedance being improved by the Beta or as I stated above the Hfe of the transistor.

Since capacitance multipliers are used a lot by Audio designers and much info is available over at diyaudio.com on them and since you do frequent that site a lot I hoped you would have done your research prior to complaining about our circuit. I also suggest you build and try a suitable capacitance multiplier circuit for your pet Project, again I feel confident you will not be disappointed. and then you can move this out of your X Files

"You must come Full circle to Find the truth" The X Files
May 5, 2003 at 1:42 AM Post #67 of 127
c'mon guys , easy,easy.

don't make me come over there
May 5, 2003 at 2:30 AM Post #68 of 127
Hi Ricker, I am glad to hear from you. I think everyone's flame thrower's are running out of fuel, so Gess we will not get disiplined after all
May 5, 2003 at 2:49 AM Post #69 of 127
hehe , whats up ppl

just a mild nudge man , before it got personal and the oldtimers (tomo ,yourself,others) said things we would regret and have to resort to a group hug

been there and done that

May 5, 2003 at 5:27 AM Post #71 of 127
I understand the Present state of the Economy and the recent upsurge in hostilities around the world have made everyone on edge lately, However Hostilities are subsiding and the Econimy is showing signs of possible inprovement, So ok Group Hug. Ah!… isn't that Better
May 5, 2003 at 5:58 AM Post #73 of 127

I don't think I said anything I regret. I wanted data and I got just that. Thanks to myself and trusty GOOGLE engines.

You could have told me it is this common. It is not esoteric as you people made it out to be. You know?

One less case in Tomo's X-Files, the unREsolved cases. ...

It needs a sentense to go with the title.

"Mind is out there."

Hows that?

May 5, 2003 at 6:22 AM Post #74 of 127
I was surprised you regulars took Tomo's words as personal insults. If you've known his posts over the years here and on Headwize as I do, you'd know he tends to sound much more hostile than he intends to. I believe it's just the way he uses english language. I remember my very first post on Headwize some good 4 years back, he was all over my coments - I just started DIY after 10 years of pause - but over time I realized it is just how he sounds and started looking whether his arguments make sense rather than which relative of mine did he insult. I can relate because my mind often takes a different path, and I end up saying things that can get interpreted in more than one way - and people who don't know me well invariably take the meaning which paints me in a bad light (to put it mildly). And it can only get worse if your command of the language is less than perfect. I would ask that unless somebody is without a doubt attacking you, and attacking you personally instead of professionally, give them a benefit of the doubt. We are engineers or at least striving to be one, so let's use one of the major advantages of the profession - that our differences can be settled with facts (not the subjective ones of course). There's enough bad karma in the world, no need to add napalm to the flames - save it for Doom 3.
May 5, 2003 at 10:06 AM Post #75 of 127
I was not concerned about Tomo... but then again, I sometimes cross paths with him. Often, he is indeed hanging out with Scully. Explains a lot

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