Portable Amp Interconnects
Feb 2, 2008 at 8:44 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


New Head-Fier
Dec 7, 2006
I just bought a Total Airhead for use with my portable MP3 player, and I had a couple of questions about the interconnect cable.

The cable it comes with is pretty shabby, but I have a 1ft Audio Quest Mini-3 cable that I'm using. The problem is, it's way too long. I was looking having the nice folks Moon Audio cut the cable in half and make two 3" mini-to-mini cables for me. I'd sell the other one to a friend of mine, who's just getting into all of this stuff. My question was: Is this my best option?

Cardas makes a 3" mini cable that will cost half of what the retermination would cost; will there be a noticable difference with my budget portable amp? Also, are the iPod dock cables worth the extra cash?

My equipment: Beyer DT-880/2005, Headroom Total Airhead, Samsung YP-U2J (Parts for CF-Mod iPod Mini are in the mail)
Friend's: Using a Sansa and my old Grado SR-125's for now, I am trying to talk him into getting a pair of AKG K701's and a Corda Headsix/2Move with the $500 he's set aside for audiophile stuff. He nearly "pooped" a brick when he first put on the Grados, after listening to music through his Sandisk earbuds.
Feb 3, 2008 at 10:25 PM Post #2 of 3
It's better to just buy a new cable. I doubt Audioquest is using exotic materials or construction for their budget offerings, so any decent cable should be at least as good.
Feb 8, 2008 at 5:48 AM Post #3 of 3
Contact BlueJeans Cables, or Signal Cable, or make your own from Starquad cable from Mogami or Canare and get some good connectors.
Really,they dont make alot of difference when theyre only 3-6" long on a portable setup.
I hear alot more change on my speaker system with 3 foot cables using more power than on my portable setup.
Radioshack makes a grey 12" flexible cable for under $5 that sounds close enough to any of my exotic cables to make me wonder why i paid $30 for any of them. Just get a nicely made quality cable and dont go crazy over it for the portable.

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