Poll: Sansa DAPs & Your DAP Ranking
Apr 15, 2011 at 4:21 PM Post #16 of 39

Seriously,  Sansa DAP is highly overated by some user in this forum. 

YOU seem to be the only 1 who says that, as there's a following all over the net for them, and NOT just on HEAD-FI!!! Everyone can't be wrong, now can they?
Apr 15, 2011 at 4:27 PM Post #17 of 39

I don't know where you get your "everyone" from.  In your mind?  I voted on this and there's already 7 people not prefer Sansa DAP.  
YOU seem to be the only 1 who says that, as there's a following all over the net for them, and NOT just on HEAD-FI!!! Everyone can't be wrong, now can they?

Apr 15, 2011 at 4:58 PM Post #19 of 39

Well.  You go make one without flawed and see if I am the only one.
Like I said prior to this - the voting is flawed, simple as that.

Apr 16, 2011 at 3:16 AM Post #20 of 39

Looks like the intention of this thread is just to bash the Sansa players, which is a little childish (if not trollish). 
Sure there are much better players out there, but keep in mind the price too. There is not much that can compete with a Fuze, for the same price. Even less when you move into Clip territory. Sure, a Hifiman or imod will sound better, but for the same amount of money, you can buy 5-10 Sansa DAPs, Hell, even a Cowon will cost you more than 2 Fuzes. Sansa makes good DAPs, they are by no means the end all answer to all our portable audio needs, but when you look at the value for money factor they are pretty hard to beat.
Apr 16, 2011 at 5:06 AM Post #21 of 39

Looks like the intention of this thread is just to bash the Sansa players, which is a little childish (if not trollish). 
Sure there are much better players out there, but keep in mind the price too. There is not much that can compete with a Fuze, for the same price. Even less when you move into Clip territory. Sure, a Hifiman or imod will sound better, but for the same amount of money, you can buy 5-10 Sansa DAPs, Hell, even a Cowon will cost you more than 2 Fuzes. Sansa makes good DAPs, they are by no means the end all answer to all our portable audio needs, but when you look at the value for money factor they are pretty hard to beat.

Very well said!
Apr 16, 2011 at 8:29 AM Post #22 of 39
i definitely agree Sansa DAP has a good value for its sound.  i just don't like people keep hyping.  Sansa player is not perfect. To me, It has poor output power on PO and mediocre on details.
i also agree that for the same amount of money, you can buy 5-10 sansa but what's the point..........you not going to carry 10 sansa on your way home.  you only need one DAP at a time.   But yes, I do see overpricing on certain DAP with great SQ.
Looks like the intention of this thread is just to bash the Sansa players, which is a little childish (if not trollish). 
Sure there are much better players out there, but keep in mind the price too. There is not much that can compete with a Fuze, for the same price. Even less when you move into Clip territory. Sure, a Hifiman or imod will sound better, but for the same amount of money, you can buy 5-10 Sansa DAPs, Hell, even a Cowon will cost you more than 2 Fuzes. Sansa makes good DAPs, they are by no means the end all answer to all our portable audio needs, but when you look at the value for money factor they are pretty hard to beat.

Apr 16, 2011 at 10:37 AM Post #23 of 39
Talk about points... And missing them...

The point is not being able to buy multiple DAPs, but the fact that not everyone has 100s of $$ to spend on a DAP. For those people the Sansa line-up is great. Affordable and decent SQ at a pricepoint just a little over the low-budget stuff.

They are not overhyped, they are appreciated by (many) people who like above average SQ , but don't want (or can) to spend a lot.
Apr 16, 2011 at 11:19 AM Post #24 of 39

Talk about points... And missing them...

The point is not being able to buy multiple DAPs, but the fact that not everyone has 100s of $$ to spend on a DAP. For those people the Sansa line-up is great. Affordable and decent SQ at a pricepoint just a little over the low-budget stuff.

They are not overhyped, they are appreciated by (many) people who like above average SQ , but don't want (or can) to spend a lot.

Thank you, as all that member does is bash the Sansa's and not have valid point. 
 If you don't like it leave it alone. THAT is TROLLING IMO.
As for the Sansa lineup, they may not be perfect, but for the price they come quite close to a DAP worth hundreds of $$$ more in the SQ dept. 
Apr 16, 2011 at 11:47 AM Post #25 of 39
That is why I really like the clip+ and why I may get one again but not sure yet. They are inexpensive, good SQ, and they can also be rockboxed. I don't consider them the best but not the worst either. At $40 or so for the clip+ what can you lose really
Apr 16, 2011 at 11:51 AM Post #26 of 39
I don't consider them the best either, and I have my clip+'s RB'd. For the price they're hard to beat tho,...
Apr 16, 2011 at 4:34 PM Post #27 of 39
Yes, people are hyping Sansa DAP.  Especially the one who keep throwing the RMAA graph.   Saying that flat graph has the best sound quality.  
IMO, that graph just cannot cover over all sound quality of a player.  There's lot of things that frequency graph missed out.  For example, output power, details, and soundstage.........

Talk about points... And missing them...

The point is not being able to buy multiple DAPs, but the fact that not everyone has 100s of $$ to spend on a DAP. For those people the Sansa line-up is great. Affordable and decent SQ at a pricepoint just a little over the low-budget stuff.

They are not overhyped, they are appreciated by (many) people who like above average SQ , but don't want (or can) to spend a lot.

Apr 16, 2011 at 5:05 PM Post #28 of 39

IMO, that graph just cannot cover over all sound quality of a player.  There's lot of things that frequency graph missed out.  For example, output power, details, and soundstage.........

Duh... it's a frequency graph... It's not supposed to show output power, details or soundstage...
But can you really expect a tiny portable player to drive any possible set of cans out there? That's rather naïve (or wishful thinking if you will). If it doesn't have enough power to your taste, use an amp or buy a different DAP, don't keep on whining about how much you disagree with other peoples opinions...
Details, sure it's not the most detailed sound out there... But does it really sound that dreadful? Judging by the number of people 'hyping' these products in head-fi circles (which are usually folks who are a bit more nitpicky about this sort of thing than Joe Average), the amount of detail of these players is of quite an acceptable level...
Soundstage is a completely subjective matter, people have different tastes and like different things...
It appears to me that what you want from a DAP is something that is not to be found in the Sansa line-up. Too bad, but do you really have to keep going on and on about how these products are being (over)hyped? Sound quality is very much subjective to taste, therefore people can only express what they like or not. Not even all the graphs in the world can change that. Your opinion is quite clear, but please let others have their opinion too. Many people like Sansa DAPs, you don't. Great, now can we please get on with our lives?
Apr 25, 2011 at 11:46 PM Post #29 of 39
^Try a Sony, Samsung, or Cowon, and get back to me.  Oh, and ipod too.

Apr 26, 2011 at 2:10 AM Post #30 of 39

I don't consider them the best either, and I have my clip+'s RB'd. For the price they're hard to beat tho,...

I really enjoy the SQ of my RB'd Clip+. To my ears it sounds bloody good considering the low price. My Cowon J3 arrives later this week - i'm very interested to hear how that compares (better I hope, or it'll be up for sale!)

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