Playstation Vita
Feb 15, 2012 at 8:20 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 22


New Head-Fier
Feb 15, 2012
I'm pretty excited for it next week... Can't deny that 5-inch OLED plus it's other specs that approach console-quality. Proprietary memory cards suck, and no internal memory is embarrassing(even the 3DS has 2GB onboard), but the new IPs seem promising. Of course it's failing in Japan, but hopefully a Monster Hunter will come out to patch up the lackluster sales.
Anyone who got the First Edition bundle know how the audio quality is? I doubt the audio would be better than a dedicated MP3 player like an iPod, but I hope it at least has a louder volume than the 3DS(it feels too quiet in a moving car...).
Feb 15, 2012 at 9:07 PM Post #2 of 22
Want a Vita, couldn't justify buying one. Play games pretty much only at home (including my portable consoles), and most of the launch stuff is sub-par to decent variations of popular PS3 titles. And I don't trust Sony, quite a few of their good PSP games ended getting ported to PS2. (I wouldn't be surprised if the same occurred with the Vita/PS3) The PSP browser remained a joke for its entire life, although the Vita does have the internals to produce one rivaling smartphones... yet Sony released a browser for it that can barely be considered competent. I'd love to use the Vita as a web-surfer/e-book reader. Will the software ever be upgraded to that point? I wouldn't hold my breath. Also, it's really big for a portable.
I'll probably get a Vita (and 3DS) down the line, when the improved second iteration appears (seriously Sony, no video out?) and the former is significantly less expensive.
Feb 16, 2012 at 12:42 AM Post #3 of 22
I just tried one out at a gamestop on my campus. I gotta say it's very nice, definitely better than what I expected. But there are some things that piss me off, and that is the requirement to install the cartridge games you buy onto a proprietary memory card. I at least would've preferred for sony to price their memory cards more realistically instead of milking consumers. The other thing I don't like is the UI, it just plain sucks. It's not elegant, and the UI control mechanics are strange because there are times when navigating with joysticks is more intuitive than having to tap the screen to move across the UI. 
Feb 16, 2012 at 5:32 AM Post #4 of 22
I would like one. I would like a lot of things. I think I would like a pair of custom molded in-ears first though. No, for sure I would like a pair of custom molds. I started wearing in-ears back in 2005 when I was in a band. Locally anyone putting on shows didn't really have a good monitor setup. I spent at that time a small fortune for me and got a wireless in-ear monitor system. I've always worn in-ears out and about ever since... right, PS Vita, sorry, it's late, I'm tired.
As far as cost, I wasn't and still am not surprised. Remember memory cards for the ps2? A fortune. The playstation when it came out? A fortune. The dreamcast memory carts? A fortune, though they did have that cool screen. Or at least where I lived they all cost arms and legs. Often the cost of a memory card was that of a game and sometimes was even more.  Given that back then when you bought that card you could store your whole library of saves on it and weren't really doing anything else with it.
It always happens when people make proprietary parts of any type. New memory for the PSP 4 GB is $20 still and a 16GB sandisk stick is 43.30 (gamestop and amazon respectively). PS Vita 4 GB is 24.99 and a 16GB is 59.99 (Both totals off of gamestop). So really in the long run you aren't paying that much more for lower amounts of memory, jump the amount up and you pay more. I know I'm comparing two different devices with one having a much larger necessity for memory, but for the point of cost, memory is memory no matter how you butter knife it. Sure it "should" be cheaper, but it's not going to start out cheaper. Generally companies start high and work prices down. I imagine seeing an "incentive" pricing point sometime during the summer or end of summer and then some discounts come the next holiday season. I could be wrong. I probably am. Always, always wrong.
An interface and preloaded apps are always hit and miss. I also know this isn't going to change the opinions of anyone, but when Sony starts to realize how to update and change things now that the product is on the market, I'm sure they will release the proper updates to make everyone's lives better; or not and we learn to live with it (given "we" want to buy it). I think from what I have read and saw, they really, really, really wanted to make a device for social gaming. So they had so much time spent on building it, and making it really cool and to work with the ps3, and to be able to touch and what not, and then at the end remembered, "Oh yeah, social. Didn't X company try that? Let's do that but change it, make it better." So they did. Now our PS Vita is a little preemie baby who's head is a bit too large for his/her body and can't quite function enough to make all new parents happy. So I mean time will tell. I don't think I've read any reviews that make the PS Vita out to be any worse than other consoles or handhelds that have come out before it. I don't think I've read anything that makes me thing "Wow wee" either.
I owned a DSi. I traded in for the limited edition legend of zelda 3ds. I'm happy. I don't really use the 3d. I use it a little bit.
The StreetPass thing is kind of neat I just wish more people lived around me (though I do enjoy my reclusive behaviors).
I like some mario.
I've been enjoying some SSFIV.
$0.02 ramblings at 3:30 MST.  I think I'll just wander off somewhere and read.
Feb 17, 2012 at 1:55 AM Post #5 of 22
There has been a lot of negative press about the Vita, but the one thing that still makes it appealing is that it is the first High Def. portable.
I want to get one eventually, but I am waiting for a game that I would want to play on it.
Yes, proprietary memory card sucks.
Yes, current OS sucks.
Yes, browser and texting on it sucks.
But, OLED High Def screen? I bet it looks better than anything else out there.
Feb 17, 2012 at 2:18 AM Post #6 of 22

There has been a lot of negative press about the Vita, but the one thing that still makes it appealing is that it is the first High Def. portable.
I want to get one eventually, but I am waiting for a game that I would want to play on it.
Yes, proprietary memory card sucks.
Yes, current OS sucks.
Yes, browser and texting on it sucks.
But, OLED High Def screen? I bet it looks better than anything else out there.

Its typical Sony, to release un-finished products.
And the screen is from Samsung, why didn't get just put super high res SAMOLED+ screen on it like the Galaxy Note?? Sony's PS division aren't competition to any Samsung products, unless Samsung wants to go in to games console business as well....(which i highly doubt)
and btw who makes the processor??
EDIT: just found out, its Samsung as well.
Feb 17, 2012 at 2:45 AM Post #7 of 22
For anyone that's interested, ifixit has posted a teardown of the Vita, and not only is it literally crammed with every bit of hardware imaginable, but sony designed it to be relatively easy to repair as well.
I have the 3g version on preorder and can't wait until I get it next week.  I have a few games already ready to go, just itching for the hardware.  The teardown is definitely reassuring, as the vita is clearly built to a higher standard than the previous PSP.
Feb 17, 2012 at 2:48 AM Post #8 of 22

Its typical Sony, to release un-finished products.
And the screen is from Samsung, why didn't get just put super high res SAMOLED+ screen on it like the Galaxy Note?? Sony's PS division aren't competition to any Samsung products, unless Samsung wants to go in to games console business as well....(which i highly doubt)
and btw who makes the processor??
EDIT: just found out, its Samsung as well.

Actually I believe the processor was developed by sony, the ram however is samsung.
from ifixit:
Sony CXD5315GG – Quad-core processor with two Samsung K4P2G324EC 256 MB Mobile DDR2-S4 SDRAM Memory die (512MB total memory)
also of interest:
Wolfson Micro WM1803E – Audio Codec
however, I can't seem to find any information about that particular chip, so I assume it is either new or was designed specifically for the vita.
Feb 17, 2012 at 3:37 AM Post #9 of 22

Actually I believe the processor was developed by sony, the ram however is samsung.
from ifixit:
Sony CXD5315GG – Quad-core processor with two Samsung K4P2G324EC 256 MB Mobile DDR2-S4 SDRAM Memory die (512MB total memory)
also of interest:
Wolfson Micro WM1803E – Audio Codec
however, I can't seem to find any information about that particular chip, so I assume it is either new or was designed specifically for the vita.

the cpu is designed by Sony and manufactured by Samsung.
Feb 23, 2012 at 2:08 PM Post #10 of 22
Just picked up a Vita today. As a core gamer I'm glad to see a console that's really "for the hardcore". No gimmicks (not many at least), just a classic gaming console. The Sony memory card prices are a total rip off, but otherwise the hardware is impressive. Build quality is nice, the screen destroys the 3DS the dual analog sticks show so much promise. Now the software will make or break this machine. The launch titles are more or less the usual stuff, in other words nothing to write home about. So far Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Rayman are probably the best representation of the hardware power, but I bet that in a year or so these launch titles will be looking so aged. Even the new Uncharted, it doesn't run in the screens native resolution and it shows, looks a bit blurry. That said, Stardust and Rayman look better on Vita than on PS3. In 6 months or so we'll see the first games that were developed entirely on the final dev kits. That should be interesting! In some ways the Vita is more advanced than the PS3: it can actually upsample signals for example. The PS3 has to use various tricks for that due to the ancient GPU.
The operating system is a bit like the Wii one. To be honest it's nothing special, and I wouldn't be suprised if Sony rewrote the entire OS during the Vita's lifespan. It's pretty messy and not exactly the most intuitive OS out there.
If Nintendo ever quits the hardware business, we are in for a treat. Just imagine what games Nintendo could make for this hardware...
Feb 23, 2012 at 4:49 PM Post #11 of 22
Not too concerned with the problems right now.  As far as I know the Vita has all the hardware it needs to be a great system, Sony just needs some time to port a couple of ps2 and maybe even ps3 games over and fix up the UI.  In time some third party solutions to the Vita memory sticks as well, it was pretty much the same with the memory stick duo's in the PSP's.
Definitely going to pick one up eventually, but not really in a particular hurry right now.  I had loads of fun with the original PSP even with all of its shortcomings.  
Feb 23, 2012 at 10:23 PM Post #14 of 22
My friend got his Vita that he pre-ordered. I played around on it for a few minutes. I was impressed by the quality of the screen, very good colours and contrast imo.I wasn't very impressed by the gameplay though. He had Asphalt in it. I found the controls weren't exactly the best for my liking and the game itself wasn't that interesting. I'd still rather play some pokemon on my gameboy colour :p
Feb 24, 2012 at 6:15 AM Post #15 of 22
Asphalt is a horrible game, cheap port off a generic smartphone (!) driving game. Try Rayman or Marvel vs Capcom 3. Those are the best technical showcases so far, even better than Uncharted if you ask me. As usual launch titles have a cheap feel to them most of the time. Actually the best stuff in PS Vita are the downloadable games, especially Escape Plan and Stardust. They both showcase the hardware very nicely.

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