Pictures of your Portable Rig
Jan 29, 2005 at 1:25 PM Post #1,321 of 1,385
here is my rig

Karma-> cmoy-> westone um2

Jan 29, 2005 at 4:39 PM Post #1,322 of 1,385

Originally Posted by milamber
here is my rig

Karma-> cmoy-> westone um2

Have you done any listening with the UM2's unamped? I'm getting a set to A/B with my E5's, and I'd like to hear some more impressions of the UM2's unamped. If I like them more, you guys will be seeing some E5C's for sale
Jan 29, 2005 at 5:51 PM Post #1,323 of 1,385
yeh i've done most of my listening as i only got my amp back yesterday. the amp improvement is minimal the high end is ever so much clearer. I can only really tell the difference late at night when i'm really concentrating on music. Any other time i couldn't tell the difference. But i have no first hand experience with the E5... i chose the the um2 because i read it had slightly better clarity. To be honest i still find the um2's to be slightly muddy but that is just with foamies i'm waiting on my tri flanges and hope it'll clear up a wee bit
Jan 30, 2005 at 4:21 AM Post #1,324 of 1,385
an updated setup. i'm still saving for the sr-71s and maybe the new 325i (they're too beautiful). and still looking to audition better setups here in montreal. come out, come out where ever you are...

imp 550 ----> radio shack interconnect ----> cmoy (built by profingersk8ter) ----> hd 600


edit: i've been having some problems with the amp lately. there is now only music from the left channel...if i pull the interconnect out a bit i can seperate that single channel into both earpieces but i lose all sense of stereo sound. can anyone help?
Jan 31, 2005 at 12:28 AM Post #1,329 of 1,385
they do look weird...i guess it's from the sun since i have a huge window in my room and i usually leave them on my bed or on the sofa, both near the window.

but they're still as comfortable as ever and ever since i got the HD 600, i've had the peace of mind that i'm getting relatively good sound and i now find myself immersed and thinking about the music, rather than the equipment...classical has never been a better source of refuge.
Jan 31, 2005 at 6:13 AM Post #1,330 of 1,385
funny how i ended up with basicly the same setup i started off with.


don't underestimate the px200. i upgraded the stock cables to canare and it sound very good. i shouldn't have sold off my right angle interconnects, these canare conenctors are huge.

to see pictures of the go-vibe go here. kuddos to norm's excellent workmanship on it.
(those pictures were taken for my sales ad, since i dont have any high quality headphones anymore, but then decided to keep it since its such fine quality. dont make fun of my al dimeola cd.)
Jan 31, 2005 at 5:37 PM Post #1,332 of 1,385
as soon as my amp arrives i'll post pics of my setup

4g ipod -> shellbrook maxi moy -> e3c or sr225
Jan 31, 2005 at 8:24 PM Post #1,333 of 1,385
if it didnt add ntoicable difference i wouldn't upgrade the cable. more like a big difference to my ears.

the amp doesnt do anything, it wouldeb useful if i had a high impedance cans, but in the pic its just to show off.
Feb 1, 2005 at 4:17 AM Post #1,334 of 1,385
revised poor man's rig... Sony D-ES51->Sennheiser EH2200


remembered my mom got the cd player to use with the tape deck on the RV and now we have a CD player so she didn't need it anymore... and i like it's sound a little better than my Panasonic SL-SX270... best of all my mom bought it for $10
Feb 1, 2005 at 5:34 AM Post #1,335 of 1,385

Originally Posted by milamber
here is my rig

Karma-> cmoy-> westone um2


THOSE ARE MY UM2s!!!!! U THIEF!!!!!! lol. : P

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