Phonak Audeo vs Atrio M5 detail wise
Feb 21, 2009 at 1:22 AM Post #31 of 78
X2.Doesn't sound like the PFEs are his cup of tea. I wouldn't mind hearing the Atrio v2 myself, cause I wonder how much they differ from the Turbines. I had v1 and found them very nice, but in the end, I missed the sparkle, and I could not EQ it out of them.
Feb 21, 2009 at 1:27 AM Post #32 of 78
You know that plastic thing that sticks out that the nozzle is on, well, just above the nozzle on the part that goes straight up, right underneath the top of that flap thing, a piece of plastic came off, about 3mm tall and 5mm wide.

I think I will just get the atrio, cause yeah, this will always bug me.

I'll try and take some pics later and put them up, because i think i'm the first person to have a part of the case actually break. I don't understand why, because I babied these things more than I have babied anything else before.

It's really a shame that these didn't work out for me, because they are so excellent at what they do do, if that makes sense.
Feb 21, 2009 at 9:47 AM Post #33 of 78
Or, any chance to consider Monster Turbines ?
Feb 21, 2009 at 5:52 PM Post #35 of 78
I would go for the turbines if they had a better cable, almost hands down. however, the atrio v2 is supposed to be clearer in the mids and highs than the v1.
How bad is the cable on the turbines exactly?
Feb 21, 2009 at 6:07 PM Post #36 of 78
Well, I haven't had any reason to believe they are bad. I know Shigzeo says they are, but I find them pretty much fine, as does Dobber65. Not sure what others believe who have them for the test period (that's how most head-fi'ers got them, free from Monster to test and review). My views reflect how I actually feel about them, not the fact they were given to me for review. I plan on sending a review to Monster (their requirement for getting them), and be as honest as I can. But I have to say, so far they are a very good product. Just yesterday, I said I would not pay $150 for them, but after four hours of listening last night and today (my first extended session with them), I have to amend that statement. Again, I prefer them over the original Atrios, but can't compare them to the M5 v2. They are much sturdier in terms of the actual driver housing, however, as the Atrios are all plastic, and could be cracked if accidentally stepped on, for example. Not the Turbines. They are pure metal. I like that about them too.
Feb 21, 2009 at 6:23 PM Post #37 of 78
Pure metal, ooh. That sounds good, since I really don't want another plastic IEM to crack/chip on me. Apparently the plastic housing on the atrios affects the sound negatively since it is dynamic.
I would like a hard case though, for storing them in so nothing can happen to them.
How long have you burned yours in for?

(yayz for 100th post)
Feb 21, 2009 at 8:23 PM Post #39 of 78
Hi guys, i am interested in buying PFE. I heard that this IEM is not bass heavy (CX300, EP630, etc) type of IEM. I was wondering if it is similar to KSC75 sound. I am not looking for the exact same sound signature, but at least it has bass like the KSC75. For me, KSC75 has a very nice sounding bass (except for Hip-hop, but i don't listen to that genre a lot), tight and not overpowering bass. So, if PFE is sounding kind of like that, i will most likely like it.
Feb 21, 2009 at 8:29 PM Post #40 of 78
The PFE bass is accurate, refined, no mid-bass thump, and actually superior to that of the Ksc75s, which I own too. To me, I use a FiiO E5 with bass boost on and the gray filters, or I use the black filters for a little bass push. But Phonak also offers a 14-day MBG, so what's to lose?
Feb 21, 2009 at 9:38 PM Post #41 of 78
tstarn06: Thanks for the reply. Actually i asked this in another thread discussing the Monster Turbine V PFE, so from those two, which sound very similar to KSC75 in your opinion.
Feb 21, 2009 at 10:13 PM Post #42 of 78

Originally Posted by ethan961 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hello everybody,
I have recieved my Phonak Audeos and am very impressed with everything except the bass, which is a bit thin for my taste.
I have considered returning these for the Atrio M5, which in the end would save me money. However, exactly how much detail will I lose by 'downgrading' to the Atrios? Also, will an amp with a bass boost improve the PFEs enough to make me reconsider? I really love them, and I have to decide what to do fairly quickly.
Thanks in advance,

As it was mentionned in another thread, using the Atrios M5/8 is not a downgrade! They both have their specific handling of the sound. Atrios are on par with these, only different,

Do not forget these can become FOTM in a short while...

Feb 21, 2009 at 10:23 PM Post #43 of 78
Honestly i thoroughly enjoy the atrio v2s out of my ipod, and yea they may be a bit dark i wouldn't say that they are overly so. I was just listening to a live track by Dave Matthews and you get a nice kinda "alive" feeling to the music, the same with pop or anything electronic, i love these earphones.

If ever then you find yourself wanting a bit more brightness in the sound (which was the case for me after about 6-7months of usage) i got myself a mini3 and the soundstage, seperation and over brightness of the higher sound spectrum is just perfect and the bass is crazy defined! Unamped they are great and not THAT dark, but once you hook them up to an amp they really brighten up and shine without loosing their signature
Feb 21, 2009 at 10:43 PM Post #44 of 78

Originally Posted by Caribou679 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As it was mentionned in another thread, using the Atrios M5/8 is not a downgrade! They both have their specific handling of the sound. Atrios are on par with these, only different,

Do not forget these can become FOTM in a short while...


Think the Phonaks already passed the FOTM test, if that's what you are referring to. If anything the Atrios, and I used to own them, have sort of faded from the discussion. Not saying they are not very good IEMs, but even with the v2 release (and all the new colors), they don't generate the same buzz they used to generate. It's going to happen. Not sure why you think the Phonaks are in that category. They are certainly not in the Vibe category, as several pretty knowledgeable Head-Fi'ers (not including myself, but others) are pretty impressed with their SQ, etc.

Also, no one said the Atrios are a step down. And they are different. But in terms of a dynamic phone, the Monster Turbines, at least to me, deliver Atrio-like bass (and maybe even better) but you don't need to buy a $150 amp or mess with the EQ to coax any sparkle from the mids/highs.

Just saying. I know you are an Atrio fan, and I understand. But saying someone should stay away from Phonaks because they may shortly become FOTM phones makes little sense to me. They sound fantastic. Have you tried them? As for the Turbines, I doubt they will become flavor of the month because I don't know if they will get all that much play on Head-Fi. Monster gave them away to generate buzz, so we'll see where it goes. Going only from memory, I prefer the Turbines over the v1 Atrios. That's all I can say.

I will give you the Phonaks and Atrios are different, but saying they are on par depends on what you think par should be. If deep (and pleasurable) bass while sacrificing sparkle is par, no you won't get that from the PFEs. If clean, articulate realistic bass is par, with amazing detail and clarity, then you will get it from the PFEs.
Feb 22, 2009 at 12:08 AM Post #45 of 78
By 'downgrading' I meant giving up some of the clarity of the phonaks, not overall sound as I am aware that they are like apples and oranges. If I do get the atrios I will be getting an amp, as I would save money by getting them instead.

I also highly disagree with these being FOTM phones. They really are that good, and anything I've said here so far has simply been nitpicking. I think the mental burn-in is taking effect too, and I am getting used to how they sound with certain songs.
I think the main issue with getting the Turbines is the fact that both A, nobody has any to sell used, and B. they are a bit out of my price range at the moment. My wallet is still recovering from the phonaks and the $50 shipping/customs duties that I will not get back.
But yeah, these are definately not just FOTM phones like the vibes.

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