Phonak Audeo vs Atrio M5 detail wise
Feb 20, 2009 at 3:39 AM Post #16 of 78

Originally Posted by oarnura /img/forum/go_quote.gif
He just said he spent all his money on the PFE. Please don't make him spend more.

He can starts saving from today. USD 10/month, and in one year he can afford Nuforce Icon Mobile. Or even better, 25 USD/month, next year can afford a better amp, such as iBasso D10 or better.

Don't rush, keep it slow and steady...
Feb 20, 2009 at 4:09 AM Post #17 of 78
After this fairly major breakthrough with getting used to the distortion etc from the bad fake EQ on the ipod, I can say that they now truly make me smile. I would now deeply regret sending these back now that I have found what I want. I am hoping to start out with a fiio E5 or something, then once my wallet has recovered I want to build a good cmoy. In time, in time :p
In the summer I will be getting a job, so you know what that means :p

On another note, I have noticed that my laptop can drive headphones fairly well, but unfortunately I am having sound issues with linux with the onboard sound card. My USB headset works fine, but everything else I get skipping - out of 3 seconds of audio I get about 1.5. Pulseaudio seems not to be the problem. I can't wait to fix this, because it has very good sound quality when it is working :p
Feb 20, 2009 at 4:21 AM Post #19 of 78
I think so. I knew that they were better than what I was hearing, since nobody has complained about the SQ. I can't wait to hear them with a good LOD and a good amp... ooh
Feb 20, 2009 at 4:31 AM Post #20 of 78

Originally Posted by ethan961 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think so. I knew that they were better than what I was hearing, since nobody has complained about the SQ. I can't wait to hear them with a good LOD and a good amp... ooh

You will not be disappointed i assure you, the pfe's perform even better when i am on my d2 amp compared to being just driven on my fuze hp out.
Feb 20, 2009 at 4:33 AM Post #21 of 78
The increase in SQ with iPod+amp is not only bass quantity but also quality. This is slight but worth the cost, and even my $130 T4 does the trick.

I agree that if you're used to a less accurate,exaggerated bass then the PFE can sound odd, lacking, etc. For me the PFE easily compares to my HD 650 for overall satisfaction at half the cost...this was a bit of a shock for me because I was an ety ER4 fan but I never used them much for listening at home. Now my HD 650 fights for head time with the PFE.
Feb 20, 2009 at 4:40 AM Post #22 of 78
I think it could partly be due to this being my first armature experience, with controlled and precise bass without that artificial mid-bass hump. It seems that I was not missing that mid-bass hump, but rather just the overall impact of the bass. I am so glad I waited instead of RMAing them yesterday.
Feb 20, 2009 at 4:41 AM Post #23 of 78

Originally Posted by ethan961 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
On another note, I have noticed that my laptop can drive headphones fairly well, but unfortunately I am having sound issues with linux with the onboard sound card. My USB headset works fine, but everything else I get skipping - out of 3 seconds of audio I get about 1.5. Pulseaudio seems not to be the problem. I can't wait to fix this, because it has very good sound quality when it is working :p

Sound Skips (ALSA) - Linux Forums

Or, use this VERY simple/basic ~/.asoundrc, in your home directory. If the file exists, rename it, and put the new configuration.


[left]pcm.!default { type hw card 0 nonblock 1 } ctl.!default { type hw card 0 }[/left]

But, the side effect with this simple configuration, alsa's dmix plugin will not take effect, and you cannot have multiple sound stream at a same. Example, listening your MP3s and playing youtube at the same time. I preffer not to use dmix because all the sound streams will be resampled to 48000 Hz, but you can change it to 44100 Hz in /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf. Please be careful and make backup first.

Thank you.
Feb 20, 2009 at 4:50 AM Post #24 of 78

Originally Posted by GreatDane /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Now my HD 650 fights for head time with the PFE.

How about, wear PFEs first, and put your HD650 on top of it
LOL ... Now you get PFE's AND HD650 at the SAME time.
Feb 20, 2009 at 4:57 AM Post #25 of 78
I am encoding and listening to Buddy Knox right now with the PFE's...

excellent daddy-o, excellent!
Feb 20, 2009 at 5:51 AM Post #26 of 78
so there are actual teams? when i was young, i tried out for teams and made them... and when i was in my early to mid twenties i played badminton or table tennis or rode bikes to be on a team and had to keep up the rigourums of team practice... for phonak: what do i have to do? what if i cannot do it? i want to join a team.
Feb 20, 2009 at 8:34 PM Post #27 of 78
I think just hooking them up to a Fiio 5 will give you a nice little bass boost. I have the atrio v2 and i actually enjoy them for really all kinds of music but they are a little dark, but they must be better than the v1s because i dont find that they are nearly as dark as v1s seem to be.

It all depends on what you like....i like feeling the bass, awesome for live recordings
Feb 20, 2009 at 11:57 PM Post #28 of 78
Something bad happened to my PFEs today. I was putting them in and I noticed a little piece of plastic was missing. It's nothing major, but it means that they will have to go back, whether it be for warenty or for good. I am thinking it is for good, since I don't really want to have another pair break on me. I haven't carried them around outside of the case when not in use, so they haven't been beat up. Maybe it is a sign from the spirits that I should get the atrios instead :p And yeah, i like to feel the bass too. I don't listen to a lot of stuff that needs the detail in the higher end, so i don't think I'll be affected too much by getting the atrios.
Feb 21, 2009 at 12:37 AM Post #30 of 78

Originally Posted by ethan961 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Something bad happened to my PFEs today. I was putting them in and I noticed a little piece of plastic was missing. It's nothing major, but it means that they will have to go back, whether it be for warenty or for good. I am thinking it is for good, since I don't really want to have another pair break on me. I haven't carried them around outside of the case when not in use, so they haven't been beat up. Maybe it is a sign from the spirits that I should get the atrios instead :p And yeah, i like to feel the bass too. I don't listen to a lot of stuff that needs the detail in the higher end, so i don't think I'll be affected too much by getting the atrios.

What part was it that broke?

If you are so set on the Atrio I would suggest you return the Phonak and just get it. It will always bother you that you are missing some bass and the Atrio would be better.

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