Phillips 963sa Headphone Setup
Mar 28, 2003 at 7:57 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7


100+ Head-Fier
Nov 20, 2002
What is the ideal set up of the 963 as a source for headphone/ headphone amp listening. Does this unit have a headphone output jack with volume control or must you use tape out? How is the quality of the headphone source. Is a dedicated amp required to adequatly drive Sennheiser HD600's

What are the qualities of this player that sets it apart from other players in the same price range?

I am new to SACD listening, please explain the advantages?
Mar 29, 2003 at 2:19 AM Post #2 of 7
The 963 will require amplification for any type of listening, be it headphone or speaker. There is no h.p. jack on the unit. It is set appart from other sources at it's price points for being an excellent all around player. It offers great redbook, and brings upsampling technology to an affordable price point, it is also an excellent SACD player, not to mention a terrific DVD player as well, and features the raved about Faroudia video processer.

I actually have not had the opportunity to listen to this source with headphones, as I am still waiting on my amplifier to be built, but I can tell you there is no single "Ideal setup" There are an almost infinate number of ways to go about setting up a great sounding system featuring this source. I for example will be using HD600s w/ Cardas and a Gilmore V2 connected by outlaw/dh-labs bl1 interconnects (whichever I like better in setup). But there are hundreds of choices of amps interconnects, and even aftermarket power cables/ power conditioners...

Sorry I can't give a single answer to that question, but do a little digging on this board and I'm sure you'll read about some hardware matching your tastes.

Oh, and yes-- the HD600s require proper amplification to be properly driven. This is not to say the jack on some speaker recievers/amplifiers are not up for the task, but a Discman for example will not cut it.
Mar 29, 2003 at 3:11 AM Post #3 of 7
I am using my 963SA with Fisher 400 receiver and AKG K1000.
You will need an amp to drive most of the headphones.
Depends how much you wanna spend, Meta42, Gilmore amp...etc are all great choices.
Enjoy your 963
Mar 29, 2003 at 7:23 AM Post #4 of 7
What output source on the 963 would be used to connect a dedicated headphone amp?

Is there any audio amplification of any kind within the player to drive headphones as there is with some other players, like my older Denon DCM-320?
Mar 29, 2003 at 11:07 AM Post #5 of 7
The front-channel RCA jacks among the multichannel audio out jacks are said to sound better than the separate audio jacks (didn't test those). The line out amp has enough power to drive a high-senitivity high-impedance headphone like the HD 600 to decent and up to high levels – though you better switch a 500 ohm potentiometer in between to be able to regulate the volume! It's not an ideal match, though, because of the Philips' 200 ohm output impedance which takes some power away (particularly with low-impedance headphones) and can affect the bass response of some headphones. Nevertheless, with suitable headphones it will provide a more accurate sound than with any amp, in a puristic sense. Just try it! All you need is some soldering skill, the potentiometer and suitable cables and plugs.

Apr 5, 2003 at 5:04 PM Post #6 of 7

Originally posted by JaZZ
The front-channel RCA jacks among the multichannel audio out jacks are said to sound better than the separate audio jacks (didn't test those).

I agree that the front channel outputs sound better than the downmixed ones. One comment when listening to SACD. After some of my inept stumbling around and using the player in the dark where I finally noticed the tiny blue arrow the sound is dramatically improved for headphones. When you depress the sound mode button select stereo for headphone listening. Now the sound is output through the 2 front jacks. I swear the blue indicator is the smallest I have ever seen on any piece of equipment.
May 27, 2003 at 2:14 AM Post #7 of 7
I know this thread is a bit old, but if you are still looking for a good headphone amp to match up with the 963, I can recommend Musical Fidelity's XCans. I noticed you have Senn HD600s, I know that the XCans works great with those also (I have the 590s). I have read poor remarks about the second set of RCA outs on the 963, to be honest, I don't doubt that those comments are accurate, but I have my XCans hooked up to that secondary set of RCAs and it still sounds fantastic to me. I have the Main Front R & L going to my HTR receiver. I'll have to A/B the two again and report back.


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