Philips Fidelio X2?!
Dec 31, 2015 at 1:14 PM Post #8,686 of 15,270
  I have two pairs 

Idk why but i think my headphone-taste get affected by yours 
Dec 31, 2015 at 1:34 PM Post #8,687 of 15,270
  I think I don't like the muffled / thick mid-bass and bass rumble bulk sound signature. It's just too much. I want more treble. To my ears, it sounds like a lot of are missing in the top mids. If I had an EQ, I would boost the top midrange. Hope the bass will calm down with further burning in. I can't really enjoy them as they sound right now. There's so much going on towards the sides, like a floating sea with sounds, instead of focused in the center as I would like it. It sounds more "messy" in comparison to my M50's and I have a harder time focusing on the details and fully enjoy them. I want a colder, cleaner, more centered sound. Maybe my brain needs to get used to this very different sound signature. Great for movies though and vocals and pianos sounds very realistic.
Yes, that's a good description of how I feel too. It doesn't sound so "open" to me (and I'm coming from a closed phone and these are my first open headphones), it sounds muffled and bass-heavy. I am highly regarding Tyle at InnerFidelity and he didn't think the bass was overpowering, and it has got great reviews all around where most people doesn't seem to think they are muffled, so I don't get it. Maybe it will get better after more breaking in.

My first pair during the Amazon sale had the sound you're describing.  My replacement pair sounded markedly different.  There's a theory out there that there are X2s out there with different sound signatures. My sample size is only two, but both sounded VERY different, especially the bass.  I'm VERY happy with my current pair, even though the pads are glued.  Listening to them is a joy.  
Dec 31, 2015 at 1:41 PM Post #8,688 of 15,270
  My first pair during the Amazon sale had the sound you're describing.  My replacement pair sounded markedly different.  There's a theory out there that there are X2s out there with different sound signatures. My sample size is only two, but both sounded VERY different, especially the bass.  I'm VERY happy with my current pair, even though the pads are glued.  Listening to them is a joy.  

^--- This.
Having swapped pads around on several pairs, I'm willing to give Philips the benefit of the doubt and I'll believe they haven't changed the driver but rather the quality/matching of the supplied pads has decreased.
I'm currently scoping out the possibility of some HM5 velours as I suspect/hope they'll be of a more balanced quality.
Dec 31, 2015 at 1:53 PM Post #8,689 of 15,270
I just got my Amazon warehouse very good condition X2. On the box, it says 2014 Woox. So I'm guessing this is an old stock. Took off the pads, no glue. The round plates are perfectly placed. No sound imbalance. Sounds awesome. Very different than my modded HE400 but I like the sound. It doesn't separate well like the HE400 but it sounds really lush if you're in the mood for that type of sound now and then. I think I got a great deal at $150.
Dec 31, 2015 at 3:10 PM Post #8,690 of 15,270
"The bass is just so unnatural and liberally applied in a hamfisted manner"

Amazing, I bought the X2s due to the just-right bass emphasis, smooth mid, and detailed highs. There's another thread of posts that details try X2 vs the 400i.

Goes to show you: to each his own view. I guess it's what fuels this forum.
Dec 31, 2015 at 3:32 PM Post #8,691 of 15,270
"The bass is just so unnatural and liberally applied in a hamfisted manner"

Amazing, I bought the X2s due to the just-right bass emphasis, smooth mid, and detailed highs. There's another thread of posts that details try X2 vs the 400i.

Goes to show you: to each his own view. I guess it's what fuels this forum.

The FR graph shows it only 4-5db above the 1khz reference point.  This is highly inline with Harmon's findings regarding low end gain that is typical when speakers that measure flat are put into a real listening environment.  I don't find the bass hamfisted at all, well they get a little unruly with a high impedance source but that is just a poor job of gear matching, not the HP's fault.
Dec 31, 2015 at 3:38 PM Post #8,692 of 15,270
  My first pair during the Amazon sale had the sound you're describing.  My replacement pair sounded markedly different.  There's a theory out there that there are X2s out there with different sound signatures. My sample size is only two, but both sounded VERY different, especially the bass.  I'm VERY happy with my current pair, even though the pads are glued.  Listening to them is a joy.  

Did both of the boxes say the same thing (Gibson or Woox)?
Dec 31, 2015 at 11:50 PM Post #8,696 of 15,270
Like I put on the other thread, I bought soem X2's from Amazon Warehouse. The connector was faulty, but they sounded epic.
I RMA'd these and got money back - and bought a pair of X2's new from Amazon. I have let these run in over 100+ hours now and they sound...flat.
Full of detail etc but really lacking the bass that the other X2's had.
The other X2's the pads would come off, these ones are glued on :/
Jan 1, 2016 at 1:21 AM Post #8,697 of 15,270
I currently got a pair of HD558 (removed the foam) and using Xonar DX, Realtek sounds crap, ALC892.
I just ordered the Fidelio X2s (Sweden) and wondering... is it worth it? Some say the new glued units have worse sound quality, paint flaking, ink coming off, lose rings(?).
The modelnumber listed on the store i bought em from list em as: X2/00 but I'll prob recieve X2/27.

I want a pair of Open back headphones with decent bass, the HD558 are fine but I want more real oompf, its nonexistent in gaming. So, the Fidelios worth it? I got plenty time to cancel them as its red day today and weekend coming up tomorrow so aint nothing being shipped. Also bought em online cus they're like ~600 kr (70 usd) off their normal price (1790 kr from 2290 kr or ~270 usd)
Jan 1, 2016 at 1:26 AM Post #8,698 of 15,270
I'd give them a try first and return later if possible. It's not that bad, really. They sound so good that I'm ready to forgive minor QC issues.
Jan 1, 2016 at 3:41 AM Post #8,700 of 15,270
I am interested in buying a Woo Audio WA5 or a Decware amp to use with my X2s before I move to some other HPs. I would also like to use the amplifier for high efficiency desk top speakers like those from Omega. Does anyone have any thoughts on the amps or possibly the speakers?

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