Philips Fidelio L1 (upcoming headphone)
Dec 29, 2011 at 3:29 PM Post #91 of 246
these look pretty interesting. They list them on the Canadian Philips website but of course have no links where to buy them LOL. I will wait and see what happens to the price when they hit the street.
Hopefully they are put on sale by a company like Future Shop or on Amazon so they can be tried at a more affordable price.
I like the youtube video very slick. All marketing mind you, but very slick.
Jan 2, 2012 at 5:21 AM Post #92 of 246
Itching to hear what you think of these after break-in time has passed with these works of art.
All they needed was a monkey throwing a bone into the air in that video.

Jan 2, 2012 at 7:47 AM Post #93 of 246






Ok so now ive got about close to 100 hours on these babies. No major changes in sound except tightening of bass and smoothing of mids and highs. Soundstage opened up. Instrument separation and imaging improved. Talk about details, details, and details. In depth sound impressions to follow with comparison to sony z1000,ultrasone pro 2900,beyerdynamic dt1350 and audio technica es88. All i can say is these are easily my go to portable cans from now on 

Jan 2, 2012 at 7:56 AM Post #95 of 246

In depth sound impressions to follow with comparison to sony z1000... All i can say is these are easily my go to portable cans from now on 

Can we have just some very few more impressions? The sound seems to be warm with well extended bass. Is the bass full bodied or rather thin and precise? Do you think the sound is targeted at audiophiles or casual listeners? 'Cause that's what I expect when you say "go to cans" and that's also wat I'm searching at the moment and it seems the Z1000 is the best option at this point. I would highly appreciate if you could compare these two first.
Do you think small heads will have problems with the fit?
Jan 2, 2012 at 8:02 AM Post #96 of 246
I sure hope their parts department gets it's act together and stocks replacement pads with this one.
Looking forward to the comparisons. Thanks.
Jan 2, 2012 at 8:22 AM Post #97 of 246

Can we have just some very few more impressions? The sound seems to be warm with well extended bass. Is the bass full bodied or rather thin and precise? Do you think the sound is targeted at audiophiles or casual listeners? 'Cause that's what I expect when you say "go to cans" and that's also wat I'm searching at the moment and it seems the Z1000 is the best option at this point. I would highly appreciate if you could compare these two first.
Do you think small heads will have problems with the fit?

The L1's arent flat warm. More like detailed kind of warm. They share a similar sound sig like the z1000 with better bass extension and wider soundstage. The bass is full bodied without being bloated. I would have to say the sound is like a hybrid between audiophiles and casual listeners since it can thump with authority when paired with the right source without sacrificing the details. When i say go to cans it means it comprises the portability,comfort,sound, and easy to drive factor. I would most definitely prefer the L1's to the z1000 due to better bass definition and wider soundstage which doesnt make me miss the luscious mids of the sonys since these philips are almost on par in mid details. Treble is very detailed also without being sibilant. Like being very well extended without being scratchy. No problem if your head is gigantic or tiny since you have more than 20 small clicks to adjust!!! These philips are winners in my book!
Jan 2, 2012 at 8:54 AM Post #98 of 246
Well they sure look like winners! 
 haha. Probably lacking bass for my taste (well paired with digiZoid ZO portable amp probably not) but I just can't take my eyes of these, they look so attractive.
Jan 2, 2012 at 11:56 AM Post #100 of 246
The L1 is over-ears (circum aural) or on-ears (supra aural)? or a mix betwween both,lol.
Jan 2, 2012 at 12:15 PM Post #102 of 246
It's a over ear design.... I think the noise isolation is about par (or a little less) compare to D7000, which is not much anyway....but semi-open design does make the soundstage wider, which is a good thing for people who wants a bit of noise isolation and don't want the soundstage from a closed back can.
It is super comfortable compare to K702 and SRH940, just feels like nothing on my head. It gets a bit warm with prolong use....
Ipod can drive the thing with decent volume.
I think the lows is a bit too much for classical music and makes it's not suitable for reference use..... too much lows and mids, I hope it gets better when drive with HA-160 which i'll get back soon.
Sorry for my English, not my first language.
Jan 2, 2012 at 12:40 PM Post #104 of 246
Thx for responses, circum aural, good, i 'll buy it,lol.
Jan 2, 2012 at 2:31 PM Post #105 of 246
what is the isolation of these like?

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